The War Rages

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Chapter 1
​Many months have passed since Allen was sucked into the vision and cut off his father's hand. Allen, Cresca and a group of 60 or so werewolves had been sent far to the East to where Grawliss had been sighted. They stumble upon a camp where they see a mixture of vampires and gargoyles.
"Look at them, all huddled together hoping to win the war through a treaty. It wouldn't surprise me if my father had a plan to betray them already made for if they do win the war." Allen Said
"They won't win this war Allen, they don't have you!" Cresca snapped.
"What is so special about me?"
"Because you are one of a kind, and you're royalty which means instead of being a soldier in a small team like you are now you could be leading entire armies into battle."
Allen didn't respond, he grabbed his spell book and recited a spell from the top of his lungs, "SONNE LICHT!" and suddenly the dark night became a bright day!
The vampires burned to ash and the gargoyles turned into stone. For a few moments the only sounds were screaming, stone creaking and the pulsing noise created by Allen's spell. The group of soldiers then walked around the enemy camp disposing of the gargoyles that have been turned to stone.
"You have to teach me that spell after the war."
"You cannot learn this spell."
"Why not? Why can't I learn that spell?"
"You cannot learn this spell because it is a mixture of fire and holy magic. And yes vampires cannot use holy magic, but remember I am not a full vampire I am half human. Which means I can tap into the power of holy magic, but I cannot use it to its full power.
Meanwhile in the Black Forest a life or death battle is taking place. Grawliss invaded Lord Eclipse's castle and had found the werewolf in his throne room.
"Well Eclipse are you going to fight like the dog you are or are you going to cower and simply let me put you down?" Grawliss said.
"You will regret challenging me to a duel demon!"
He began to transform into a werewolf. When the transformation was complete there was no longer any man in the room. There were only monsters in the room, a large black werewolf and an enormous stone skinned demon. The battle between demon and beast had begun! The first one to strike was Eclipse who clawed at Grawliss' chest and left four deep gashes across the demon. But Grawliss was a seasoned warrior and he quickly retaliated, clawing at Eclipse's back revealing most of his ribs. Both of the beasts were in the heat of battle, exchanging blows with one another, red and blue blood being sprayed everywhere. Deep into the excitement of battle Eclipse leapt for Grawliss' throat, but this was a mistake and Eclipse realized this all too late. Grawliss had ripped out the Lord's throat.
As he hang there dying Lord Eclipse uttered his last words, "Beware Grawliss, Allen will not rest until you are dead..."
The werewolf was dead.
"If only you knew that The Crimson Demon was on her way to deal with that half breed. Oh I can't imagine the look of the face you would have if you heard that you worthless mongrel."

Chapter 2
​Allen, Cresca and the small group of werewolves returned to their encampment, only to find it in ruins. Cresca began to panic and began checking all of the bodies for any sign of life.
"How many people did this? And why are their only the bodies of our soldiers?"
"This was an attack held out by one person."
"There is no way anyone could have single handedly killed over 40 werewolves!"
"I know it was done by one person because werewolves do not wear boots and there is only one set of footprints wearing boots. And it is completely possible for someone to kill this many werewolves, however two very important conditions must be met before one can pull off such a feat. The person who did this had to have been very skilled in magic, and they had to be highly trained to do something like this. Isn't that right Amya?"
Suddenly a red streak shot out of the forest and landed some distance in front of Allen. She looked at Allen with a burning passion.
"How did you know it was me?" She asked.
"No one else in the vampires entire army, besides Edwin is talented enough to kill this many werewolves alone. Cresca I want you to stay out of this, I have to fight Amya alone."
"I wonder Allen is your blood red like the humans and these dogs, or is it black like mine and your father's?"
At that moment Allen created several bolts of fire and shot them all at Amya at once. Amya skillfully dodged the bolts and created a blade of fire, dashing towards Allen attempting to stab him in the chest. Allen conjured up his own blade, a blade of shadows and deflected the fire blade with ease. Amya was worried that Cresca would jump into the battle if Allen suffered, so she wanted to end his pain quickly and run. Allen stopped.
"Tell me Amya have you ever seen a dragon?"
Cresca and Amya simultaneously got a very worrying look on their faces but before Amya could react Allen had already cast the spell, "CREATE EL DRACHEN!!!" Suddenly an enormous dragon erupted from the shadows and began to breathe black flames where Amya was standing. But this was Allen's first time conjuring the dragon and it was far slower than he had hoped, which allowed Amya to escape into the woods far away from him. Cresca noticed a slight cut on Allen's face.
"What do you know, your blood isn't black after all! It's red!" She joked.
"We must hurry and find a new campsite before tomorrow night."

Chapter 3
"We need a specialized group!" a werewolf had shouted.
Another shouted, "We need the strongest, the fastest, the one with the best sense of smell, and the most bloodthirsty. Then we will have a great hunting party."
Cresca perked up when she heard this and she quickly silenced the remaining group of 23 werewolves.
"I have made up my mind! We will have a group structured to hunt and kill multiple camps in one night, and these are the werewolves I have chosen! Amar, you have the best tracking skills out of all the werewolves gathered here. Lycophyn, you are the strongest of us all. Fuchs you are the most bloodthirsty werewolf I have ever met. And I am without a doubt the fastest werewolf in the black forest. We have the base of a hunting party, but now I must ask a very important question. Do we put Allen on the team in case we encounter a powerful vampire, or do we leave him to protect the camp?"
The werewolves discussed it for quite some time. They didn't really want to send him out into the field of battle and risk losing him, but they didn't want him in the camp often in case he turned on them. The group made their decision. He may join the group.
​The hunting party gathered their weapons and gathered in a large tent to discuss their path to search for enemy camps. Amar had brought his bow and a considerable amount of arrows. Lycophyn brought his iron great sword. Fuchs brought three of her golden daggers as well as her silver short sword. Allen brought his silver weapons and the spell book containing only shadow and holy magic. The only weapons Cresca brought were two iron daggers because she preferred to battle in her beast form. Amar and Lycophyn were discussing battle strategies, ignoring Allen's suggestions. Cresca and Fuchs sat silently watching the men make their plans. Fuchs never spoke not because she chose not to, but because she couldn't talk she hasn't been able to talk at all her entire life. This actually helped her in most cases because it made her the perfect ambush predator. Amar had had enough with Allen trying to create a battle strategy and swung at him. Allen saw this and conjured the shadow sealing spell and pinned Amar to the ground. After seeing the terror in his eyes Allen finally released him and claimed leadership over the group, no one argued.
​Allen explained that he had received information on the locations of several enemy camps that were very close.
"How is it that you came across this information?" Amar asked.
"That is none of your concern."
They packed their weapons and a small amount of rations before setting out for the enemy camps. They left at noon which meant they would have to hurry if they wanted to make it to the camp by night fall. The werewolves of the group transformed into their beast form and ran through the woods while Allen rode a shadow wolf along with them. They made it to the enemy camp just before dusk, but they were in for a surprise. The camp was three times the size that they had thought it was! There were far too many vampires and gargoyles for the werewolves to battle on their own, so they turned to Allen. He was gone! Suddenly as the sun set the hunting party was surrounded by hundreds of vampires and gargoyles. Only two words were spoken, "SONNE LICHT!" These were the last words the vampires and gargoyles heard before they began to scream. When the light faded the werewolves began to dispose of the Gargoyles, but still Allen was nowhere to be found.
"Were you followed?" Amya asked.
"What are we going to do now?"
"We are going to seek the Spirit of Kindness."
"Why would we do that?!"
Allen put his hand over her mouth.
"We are going to find her so she can grant a wish."
"What wish?"
"I am going to wish for you to become a half vampire. That way you can be freed from my father's control and become an ally to the werewolves."
Amya stared as he walked back to the hunting party.

Chapter 4
Upon returning to the camp the hunting party was greeted by a crowd of forlorn werewolves.
"What is wrong my brothers and sisters?" Cresca asked.
Thirious handed Cresca a small piece of parchment which she immediately read. Suddenly she burst into tears screaming
Allen grabbed the parchment and read it as well. For the first time in many years Allen himself began to cry.
"Grawliss will pay for this with his life."
When everyone in the camp was asleep Allen packed his belongings and a large amount of rations before departing. He met Amya in the forest. ​
"Were you followed?" She asked as soon as she saw him.
Allen laughed, "Of course not."
He conjured up two large shadow wolves and they began their journey south for the Spirit of Kindness.
"How long do you think this journey will take?" Amya asked.
Allen thought for a while before answering.
"Maybe a seven days at least ten at most since we can only travel by night. We better find a cave, it will be dawn soon."
"I see a cave Allen!"
They were in such a hurry to find a cave that neither of them noticed a sign that clearly said "Beware Strange Creature".
"This cave looks as if someone or something was living-"
Allen heard a growl coming from the back of the cave, and it was clear Amya heard it as well because she was standing close to Allen. The creature crawled out of the shadows and it was a grotesque sight. The creature had black goat legs, a tail with a serpent's head at the end, red leathery wings, it had long pale arms with long clawed hands, it had a wolf's head concealing its true face but both Allen and Amya could see the creature's glowing azure eyes.
"What is it Allen?" Amya asked clearly petrified.
Allen created a blade of fire and charged at the creature with startling speed. The serpent head struck at Allen, but he reacted swifter than the beast and sliced off the creature's tail. The creature screamed a most unholy scream and lashed out at Amya! The beast tumbled over her and fell into the now appearing sunlight and burned to nothing but ashes.
"What the hell was that?!" Amya screamed.
Allen searched her for wounds.
"That Amya, is what happens when a vampire experiments with too much magic and alchemy. Whether that thing was a test subject or the alchemist himself, we will never know. All that matters right now is that the creature is dead and neither of us are injured. Allen got up and walked toward the back of the cave.
"Allen it clawed your back!"
But before she could react Allen was unconscious on the ground.
Hours later Allen awoke with a weird slimy substance on his back. Amya noticed him waking up.
"You've been out for hours the sun set a few minutes ago. If you're wondering about the-."
"I know, vampire saliva has healing abilities. Let's go, and don't even try arguing with me we need to get to the Spirit of Kindness as fast as we can."
And with that Allen gathered his belongings and conjured the shadow wolves. Amya looked on questionably.
"Why three wolves?"
"In case we get ambushed."
They each climbed onto a wolf and rode off into the night, unaware they were being followed.
Amya could hear something following them and told Allen.
"Alright you go on ahead I'll stall for time stop as soon as you reach a stream."
The wolf Allen was riding and the extra one disappeared and Allen pretended to stumble into the ground while Amya rode on. To Allen's surprise he recognized what was following them. It was Cresca! Allen jumped up infuriated that she didn't show herself sooner.
"What do you think you are doing?"
"I should be asking you the same question Allen, traveling with that wretch when her people are the ones we are at war with!" She retaliated.
"Amya and I are going to see the Spirit of Kindness to wish for Amya to be a half vampire. That way she can leave my father's control and join our army."
"Fine, you may continue your quest, but only if I accompany you."
Allen smiled and began to walk toward Amya.
"Well are you coming or not Princess?"

Chapter 5
​Edwin could not understand what was happening. He should be able to speak with Amya but she was somehow blocking him out. Edwin suspected treachery so he sent for two of the best vampire soldiers he had.
"Well where are they?" he asked.
"They are right here my liege." Vlad replied kneeling on the ground.
Edwin looked pleased, "Well out with it, introduce yourselves!"
The first vampire stepped forward and said, "My name is Lyra, and I specialize in creating shadow worms that devour my enemies. But in battle I am known as the Worm Queen."
Then the second vampire swaggered forward and spoke with an imperious tone, "My name is Evander and I specialize in using sharp metal claws fitted to my hands to rip my enemies' limb from limb. In battle I am known as the Beast."
Edwin nodded his approval and said, "Very well both of you will make excellent generals. Now Lyra you go and command the armies in the North. Evander go and seek out Amya and find out what exactly what she is doing."
The new generals nodded and left the room.
When the new generals left the room they instantly began arguing.
"How come you are ordered to command armies and I am stuck with searching for some lost wench?" Evander yelled.
"Be careful who you call a wench you pitiful excuse for a warrior! The Crimson Demon is my closest friend and I suppose she is caught up in hiding and doesn't want to risk getting caught while in a conversation with the king. I do not believe she is dead, but I believe her love of Allen has slightly distracted her from her mission to kill him for Lord Grawliss."
"Finally! Silence I thought you would never stop talking! Now I have a wench to hunt so I will be on my way cretin."
"Where is the Spirit of Kindness exactly?" Cresca asked Allen.
"She is a league or so south which would take us at least two more nights to get there. Unless we travel by dragon, which would allow us to get there by dawn tomorrow. But for now we are sequestered to this cave."
Cresca noticed how much Amya stared at Allen when he spoke and it irked her. Amya saw this and began to stare at Allen even more purposely angering Cresca. When Allen was asleep Cresca and Amya began arguing.
"How come you stare at him like that?"
"Because I have feelings for him, why do you care? You know he doesn't care about you the way you care about him."
That last sentence hit Cresca's heart with the force of a rampaging werewolf.
"He can't fully care about you until you are at the very least half human. What does that show you vermin?"
Cresca questioned Amya trying to pry at her emotions as Amya had pried at hers.
"It shows he cares about what I am, and that he doesn't want me being like his father or that creature in the cave."
Suddenly Cresca was pulled into a vision where Amya showed her exactly what the creature looked like and what it had done to Allen's back.
"It doesn't matter which one of you I care about. All that matters right now is that the sun has completely set and we are wasting precious moon light." Allen suddenly spoke.
Both of the women jumped at the sound of his voice. He continued walking outside and ignoring the argument they had.
"I will conjure a shadow dragon and we will fly to the Spirit of Kindness. Create el Drachen!"
One by one they climbed on the dragon and began to fly south finally coming close to their destination.

Chapter 6
Allen, Amya and Cresca arrived at the shrine for the Spirit of Kindness.
"Where is she?" asked Cresca.
Suddenly a white mist began flowing out of a statue. The spirit was beautiful. She glowed a cooled blue with white flowing hair and stunning amber eyes.
"I am the Spirit of Kindness, but during my life I was known and preferred to be called Serenity." She said.
"Serenity I have come to ask you to grant my wish."
She glanced at the creature in front of her and spoke to him telepathically
Tell me what you are and I will grant you two wishes!
"I am a h-h-half v-v-v-vampire, my f-f-father is known as E-Edwin and my mother was known as Madeline."
Very well you answered truthfully. Now what is your first wish?
"Please Serenity, please make Amya a half vampire to free her from my father's control."
Point out this Amya.
Allen pointed to her, and in a flash of light Amya......... looked exactly the same. Allen pulled out a silver knife and surprisingly it did not disorient Amya but what he did next shocked everyone except Serene. He grabbed her arm and cut it, the blood came out red not black.
"You're cured."
Now Allen what else is it you want?
Allen new what he wanted he wanted to be like Cresca and transform into a magnificent beast but he didn't want to be limited to one creature.
"Serenity please give me the ability to turn into animals if possible?"
The only creatures you will not be able to transform into anything that will change the type of blood you have. Do you mind these conditions?
Then all I have to do is activate your spiritual ability.
In another flash of light Allen had changed but not physically. The magical aura surrounding him had nearly doubled in strength. Sometime after the flash Allen stood and spoke one last word to Serenity.
"What did you mean activate my spiritual ability?"
The spirit flowed back into the statue.
​Evander burst into the shrine and went straight for Amya! With stunning and animal-like speed and strength, Allen grabbed Evander and through him out of the shrine.
"No talking we are going to duel to the death." Allen shouted.
Evander nodded.
The Beast grabbed his fitted metal claws and attached them to his hands while Allen unsheathed his silver blade. The duel had begun! Sparks flew as claw and sword connected and Allen had already sustained multiple wounds to his arms, but nothing serious. The same could not be said for the Beast, who had been slashed across the chest and bleeding profusely. Suddenly Allen sheathed his sword and began to transform as Amya and Cresca exited the shrine. He transformed into a werewolf whose fur was as black as night and eyes as red as blood. He charged at the shocked vampire and clawed open his abdomen. Before the vampire realized what the monster had done Allen reverted back to human form and stabbed the Beat in the chest with a silver dagger. A pile of ash was all that remained of the new general.
Amya and Cresca screamed in unison, "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!?!?!"
"Serenity offered me a second wish if I told her what I was. So I told her I was a half-vampire, and since I told the truth she allowed me a second wish. The first wish was obviously to change Amya into a half-vampire like me, but the second wish was for me to be able to shapeshift into anything that doesn't change the type of blood I have. Now let us venture back to the camp."

Chapter 7
​Allen, Amya and Cresca returned to the camp everything was destroyed. There were bodies of werewolves, vampires, and gargoyles alike. Allen and Cresca could smell a scent that was new to Cresca but all too familiar to Allen.
"Edwin." Was the only word he uttered Amya grew worried that Edwin had grown aware of her treachery.
"He must have been looking for us Allen." Amya said.
"I'll kill that worthless vermin if it's the last thing I do!"
"You'll never reach him half breed." Grawliss said as he landed on the ground.
Cresca began to transform but Allen sealed her to the ground and demanded that she stayed out of this.
"But he killed my brother!"
"Oh you're Eclipse's pup sister? Well too bad for you, he told me to worry about the half breed." Grawliss said with a crooked smile.
Cresca began to cry, but before Grawliss could laugh Allen was already completely transformed and on top of the great gargoyle. He slashed at Grawliss' chest and Grawliss finally knocked the beast off of him, but not for long. Allen was on his back as soon as he stood up. Allen ripped off one of Grawliss' wings and conjured a fire ball. He cauterized the wound on Grawliss' back and leapt off the mighty demon.
"ARRRRGH! You worthless mongrel how dare you cripple me?" Grawliss screamed.
​Allen could use magic while in his beast form which was completely unheard of. As Grawliss reached for a claymore on the ground, Allen conjured shadow claws similar to Evander's metal claws. This would end in one final clash. The two monsters ran at each other roaring at the top of their lungs. A flash of light erupted when they collided. And when it faded Grawliss was the only one standing. Allen's lifeless body laid there in the ground until suddenly it turned into a black mist. Allen dropped onto Grawliss' shoulders and stabbed him in the heart with a silver dagger spraying blue blood onto the ground.
"HOW?!" were the last words Grawliss managed to say.
"It is called a mimic. It is where a spell caster takes a material related to the type of magic they use and create a cloned copy of whoever they want."
"So that's what you did." Amya said as Allen released the seal on Cresca.
"We need to find Edwin before this war gets any worse."
"Agreed." Cresca and Amya said in unison.

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