The Final Battle

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Chapter 1
​After a few weeks of trekking through the woods Allen, Amya and Cresca discovered that not everyone in the camp had been killed. Amar, Fuchs and Krilo had escaped the attack. Allen explained what the three of them had been doing.
"You are part werewolf?!" Amar shouted.
"Amazing!" Krilo said exhilarated by the story.
Fuchs nodded her approval and looked at Amya with a questioning look. Allen noticed this and explain her situation.
"Remember the information I would receive? Amya was the one giving me the information. We went to the Spirit of Kindness to wish for her to become a half vampire like me."
Again Fuchs nodded her approval, but looked at Cresca with a worrying look.
Cresca walked up to Fuchs and whispered, "I don't like that cretin, I think she'll be nothing but trouble."
Fuchs didn't nod this time, she just walked away shaking her head in disappointment.
"We need to find Edwin. He is the strongest enemy we have left to deal with."
"He is not the only strong enemy we have to deal with. There is a vampire known as the Worm Queen because she conjures giant shadow worms to devour her enemies."
The werewolves looked puzzled as to why Amya did not relay this information sooner.
"It is all right one vampire will not make a difference." Allen spoke sternly defending his friend.
"Oh I'm afraid I will make a difference, half breed!" The Worm Queen yelled.
Everyone turned the direction the voice came from.
"Lyra! What are you doing here?" Amya yelled.
The Worm Queen looked at Amya with a sour look.
"I should be asking you that question Crimson Demon, or should I call you Amya? It doesn't matter I shall not be allies with a traitor. So tell me where is Evander?"
"I killed him!"
The Worm Queen yelled as she conjured three giant shadow worms, "You have slain your last vampire vermin! Create el Wurm!" Allen, Amya and Cresca each said in unison, "Create el Wolf!" each summoning over 30 wolves each, resulting in an army of over 100 shadow wolves. The Worm Queen didn't move and neither did the others, all that moved were the shadow beasts. The worms slammed into the wolves trying to get to their opposing casters, but the wolves were relentless clawing and biting at the worms. Slowly eating away the concentration the Worm Queen needed to keep her beloved worms conjured. Suddenly a flash of light, and Allen appeared behind the Worm Queen! He seized one of his silver daggers and plunged it into the vampire's back turning her into nothing but a pile of ashes.
"Shadow transportation." Allen said.
"What is that?" Cresca asked.
Before Allen could speak Amya answered her, "Shadow transportation is where you switch places with a shadow creature you created. It is a highly advanced spell that can only be conjured mentally."
"We need to begin the hunt for Edwin. Now before anyone else dies. But I have a feeling something far worse is coming."
Amya looked questioningly, "What do you mean something worse? Worse than the war happening right now?"
"Yes. If I am correct something much worse than this war is coming. And we need to be prepared."
Hours later Amya and Allen are sitting in a tent talking about what was to come. "What could possibly be worse than this war?" She asked.
"Before she died the Worm Queen showed me something."
"What was it?"
"She showed me a vision of her and my father, finding the nest of a dragon."
"A drag-!" Amya began to shout but Allen clapped his hand over her mouth.
"You must not let anyone know, do you understand Cresca?"
Amya pulled away his hand and looked at the opening in the tent angrily as Cresca walked in.
"I understand Allen." She whispered.
Allen looked at his two closest friends.
"Then it is settled we leave at dawn, travel to Queen Luna's fortress and request her best trackers to help us find the dragon's nest before Edwin can awaken it."
Amya and Cresca both answered him in an anxious tone, "Yes sir."

Chapter 2
​The new hunting party finally arrived at Queen Luna's castle only to find vampires attacking. Allen quickly retrieved his spell book and recited the sunlight spell, "Sonne Licht!" a flash of light, screams and then darkness again. Smoldering piles of ashes were everywhere.
"No gargoyles, where could they be?" Amya asked.
Allen wandered into the castle examining the werewolves that survived the attack.
"The vampires must have gotten word about Allen killing Grawliss." Cresca finally answered Amya.
Queen Luna finally exits the castle into the courtyard where everyone was gathered.
"My people! Who can explain the flash of light?" she yelled.
"I can." Allen replied stepping forward.
Queen Luna was shocked to see him alive.
"Oh Allen I thought you were killed I received word Eclipse was dead."
"Sorry to disappoint you Queen Luna but no one is going to kill me."
Queen Luna notices Amya.
"I know Cresca, Fuchs, Amar, and Krilo but, who is this?"
"This my queen, is Amya. Do not worry she is not a vampire... anymore. She is a half-vampire like me."
Luna looked from Allen to Amya and back to Allen.
"Anymore?" she asked.
"Yes my queen. I used to be known as the Crimson Demon, but we used the Spirit of Kindness to turn me into a half-vampire." Amya spoke slowly so Luna could absorb all of the information.
"Very well then, any friend of Allen's is a soldier of mine. Allen, Amya and Cresca come with me. The rest of you guard the castle." Luna yelled.
Once in the throne room Queen Luna began to question their reasoning for suddenly arriving at her castle.
"What news do you bring me Allen?"
"Well my queen we have some very good news and some very bad news." "Continue." She said.
"First the good news. Grawliss, the Beast, and the Worm Queen are dead. And Grawliss' death would explain why no gargoyles were at your castle tonight. And now for the bad news. Edwin is planning to win the war by awakening a dragon." "What? A dragon! IMPOSSIBLE!!"
"Yes my queen. A dragon. He has already found the nest, but we were wondering if we could use some of your best trackers to find the nest before my father can awaken the dragon."
The queen got a dejected look and spoke slowly to Allen, "I am sorry Allen but, I cannot spare any of my soldiers. I need all of my soldiers on the battle field if we have any chance of winning this war."
Allen nodded before leaving the room.
"Thank you for your time milady." Amya said before following after Allen.
"Thank you for your time Luna."
"You are all very welcome. I am sorry I could not do more."
Luna said but when she looked up the room was already empty.
"I hope they survive."
Were the last words she uttered before heading to her bedroom for a much needed rest.

Chapter 3
​Allen, Amya, Cresca and Fuchs were the only soldiers brave enough to search for the dragon's nest.
"All I know is the nest is in the west. But if we want to reach the nest quickly before my father arouses its slumber. Which means we will have to fly to get there fast enough."
"Well then conjure up the dragon!" Amya shouted bursting with excitement.
"Create el Drachen!"
Within moments the largest dragon Allen had ever conjured was standing in front of them. One by one they climbed onto the beast, before setting off on their journey Queen Luna arrived to speak to them, "Good fortune my friends."
"Good fortune to you as well milady." Allen responded while ordering the dragon take flight.
​Hours went by and no sign of a nest that could hold a dragon. Everyone was slowly losing hope. A spear flew through the clouds and stuck the dragon in its abdomen. The beast screamed with pain. A flurry of knives began to fly towards the group. Allen maneuvered the dragon to try to dodge the knives, but the dragon was too large and Fuchs was hit by several knives and fell off the dragon. Without thinking Allen leapt off of his dragon after Fuchs. He used his shapeshifting ability to sprout wings from his back, but when he caught Fuchs it was too late for her. The knives were silver and all embedded in Fuchs' lifeless body.
"NO!" Allen screamed.
The dragon disappeared. Amya and Cresca began to fall, but Amya was a quick thinker. She conjured two large bats that caught them. Allen dropped Fuchs' body, consumed by rage he transformed into a werewolf. Keeping his wings while taking the appearance of a beast he flew up into the clouds roaring like a rabid animal. When he broke through the clouds he was surprised to see several gargoyles flying away. They were scared of him and they should be, Allen looked like a werewolf with dragon wings. He began to cast his fire bolt spell when suddenly he got an idea. He may not be able to transform into a complete dragon, but that did not mean he couldn't change his body to be able to breathe fire. Allen could fly much faster than the gargoyles, eventually he was circling them. Then he began to breathe fire and burn the vermin. But this wasn't enough to kill them. Allen decided he would conjure the fire bolts needed to destroy the gargoyles. Once all of them had been pierced with a bolt Allen flew to the ground to find Amya and Cresca mourning the loss of Fuchs.
"She was a great hunter." Cresca said crying.
"She was a good warrior." Allen said trying to hold back the tears.
Allen and Cresca began to dig the hole where Fuchs will be buried while Amya used fire magic to burn Fuchs' name into a rock to serve as her headstone. Allen began his speech.
"We are here to mourn the loss of our dear friend Fuchs. She was a magnificent hunter and tracker, easily one of the most loyal and trustworthy werewolves I knew. Fuchs we wish you safe passage into the afterlife and that you do not stay on this earth and suffer any longer. Goodbye my friend." Allen then unsheathed his sword and stabbed the ground behind the headstone. "I swear to you Fuchs we will win this war and we will never forget the contributions you made to this effort."
Allen walked away solemnly, leaving Amya to try and comfort Cresca.

Chapter 4
​"We need to move now. There is no more time to mourn her death, get ready to leave. This time I'll create a much smaller dragon."
Allen shouted trying to get the other's attention.
"I'm going to miss her." Cresca said before walking away from the grave.
Allen conjured the dragon and each of them climbed aboard the small yet mighty beast. They began to talk about what they would do when they found the dragon's nest.
"What do you think it will look like?" Cresca asked.
"I think it will look like the one we are flying on now. But instead of being black it might be a vibrant red color, or maybe dark green." Amya responded.
"Well we are about to find out what it looks like!" Allen shouted.
They turned their attention to where Allen was pointing, it was a large opening in the side of a mountain and you could see vampires hiding in the shadows.
"I cannot use the sunlight spell without a chance of waking the dragon."
Amya shouted, her enthusiasm reborn, "Then let's kill them the bloody way! We don't need your spell all the time Allen!"
He ordered the dragon to fly toward the cave, and when it got close enough they leapt off of the beast and into the shadows. The vampires were immediately notified of their enemies' presence and were ordered to attack Cresca and Amya. Allen went towards the back of the cave. The tunnel of the cave opened into a large cavern, and in the middle an enormous silver dragon slept.
"Well it is nice to see you again son." A voice said, coming from behind Allen.
Edwin stepped from the shadows, a large black claw where his left hand had once been.
"How is that hand of yours father?"
"It would be better if you hadn't cut it off. How is Amya doing and what have you done to her?"
"She is doing better now that she isn't a vermin like you! She is a half-vampire now!"
At that moment Allen conjured a blade of fire in his left hand and a shadow blade in his right hand, charging at his father. Edwin created a shadow blade in his right hand as well and began to parry all of Allen's attacks.
"You'll die for what you did to my mother!"
"She wasn't human you insolent brat! She was a spirit!" Edwin shouted back at his son.
"No! She was human! I know she was!" Allen began to falter.
"No half-vampire, even with the help of the Spirit of Kindness could have a magical aura as strong as yours. You can use holy magic because your mother was the Spirit of Peace!" Edwin yelled.
At once Allen stopped.
Edwin continued, "She was the Spirit of Peace. I hid the fact I was a vampire as she had hidden the fact she was a spirit. We found out each other's secrets and she was infuriated at me for hiding the fact I was a creature of the night. I didn't want everyone in the village to learn of this so I killed her."
Edwin saw the despair on Allen's face and took advantage of the moment and stabbed his son in the chest as Amya and Cresca ran into the chamber.
"NO!" Amya yelled.
Cresca stood stunned.
Edwin began to walk towards the women.
"Now which one of you will I kill first?" he taunted them.
Then a flurry of fiery knives came from every direction piercing Edwin's body multiple times.
"Goodbye father. Say hello to mother for me." Allen said in a grim tone.
The dragon awoke and began to speak, "My name is Dradru. Why have you awakened me?"
"We are sorry to wake you Dradru. My father was going to awaken you to win a war he had started."
"Ah I see, he wanted to use my power to destroy his enemies. It did not matter what he would have offered me, I would not destroy any of the inhabitants of this earth. I sense a spirit's magical aura around you boy. Which spirit are you?"
"I am not a spirit. My mother was apparently the Spirit of Peace."
"So you are Allen? Yes your mother was the Spirit of Peace? That would explain why she had not visited me in some time."
"My mother visited you?"
Dradru stared at the boy.
"Yes she was a very close friend of mine. I can sense her aura around you, protecting you. Now if you do not mind I would like to resume my slumber. Please boy, if it isn't too much to ask of you can you visit me once a year? If you are able, if you are not I understand."
"Yes Dradru, I will visit you every summer and tell you what is happening."
Allen said before leaving the room with Cresca and Amya. As they left Dradru shook the walls of the cavern as he shouted, "Thank you boy. I hope you live a long and full life."

​Many years have passed since the war ended. The werewolves have returned to hiding in the shadows and leaving the human population alone. Allen married Amya and they have two children, a son named Aster and a daughter named Frieden. Cresca became an instructor and began teaching other werewolves various types of magic. Queen Luna is now the ruler of the entire werewolf race and has 6 children named Eclipse, Fuchs, Ameer, Nightshade, Angst, and Lyconia. They are all stressful little hellions.
"Hello Allen, how is your family?" Dradru asked.
Allen smiled glad to see his friend again.
"Amya is doing great, and she refuses not to practice her magic. Aster is growing more adventurous by the day, I'm worried he's going to end up killing himself. And Frieden, oh my dear Frieden she is only interested in practicing her spiritual powers and holy magic."
"It sounds as if everyone is doing fantastic Allen. I am sorry to say I must ask you to leave. I am molting into a new set of scales and I can get very obnoxious during this process and I do not wish to offend you."
Allen understood and respectfully wished his friend good health and left.
​Allen had to hurry home in order to see Cresca before she ventured back into the black forest. Allen heard a voice.
"You thought you could get rid of me. Sorry son, but I will not be defeated so easily." the voice said.
Allen turned, it was the spirit of Edwin!
"Now I will end your life!" Edwin yelled.
He flew swiftly towards Allen!
A flash of light.
The spirit of Edwin had been pierced through the chest by a spiritual blade.
And Allen recognized the spirit holding the sword.
"Mother?" he said.
"Madeline?" Edwin spoke filled with fear.
Madeline looked at her son and smiled, but when she looked at Edwin she grew furious.
"You shall not harm our son. I banish you too the nether realm Edwin, I hope you suffer for all eternity!"
And Edwin's spirit burst into flames and disappeared.
"Hello Allen, it is nice to see you." Madeline said to her son.
"Mother it is great to see you again."
"And it is nice to see you as well. But I am afraid I cannot stay in this realm for long. I am glad I was able to see what a fine man you turned out to be."
She faded away into the sky waving goodbye to her son. Allen waved back at his mother knowing he would probably never see her again. He smiled before conjuring a dragon and flying home. The war was finally over, or was it?


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