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1/2 updates for today since this is super short. 


7. Ryan

"She survived." Norman and Herman said, the twins of the group. They were all brawn no brains.

"Damn it." I said taking a sip of my beer. Her survival meant nothing really, just that they weren't as upset as I wanted them to be. I wanted them to feel loss – I wanted to take something close to the heart of their club – the baby of the family.

Clay had taken something away from me, my baby brother. He tried to become a part of their club a few years ago but before he could patch in he was shot and killed in a neighboring town. It was all clays fault, Clay set up the meeting – he knew the mayans would kill whoever he sent – so he sent the disposable person to drop off the shipment – that was my brother.

Since then I have formed my own MC but we've come back to get the revenge I desperately needed.. I needed to hurt Clay like he hurt me and my family.

"They will retaliate." Herman warned.

"I know, and we'll be waiting. Won't we?" I said downing my beer. "It's an ambush you idiot, we know they're coming." There was about 12 of us, we weren't big but we had a lot of training – most of us Ex Military. I had an ex-sniper on the roof, I was serious. I built this MC off of my hate for Clay.

"they took the girl out of town, two of their riders with her." Norman said.

"I'm not too worried about that right now. Let them retaliate, then I'll see if I want to play with her again." 

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