Guilt: Chapter One

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It was a hot, humid, day in the foothills of Appalachia as Brandy picked up a rock and skipped it across Pinebranch Lake, "One, two..." she counted. Her brown eyes squinted against the midday sun as she picked up another and began again, "One, two, three..."

Jak chuckled in amusement, "Better." She stood to her feet and dusted off the back of her pants, "The trick is to use stones that are flat." She surveyed the ground around them, "Like this one." Brandy watched in amusement as Jak flicked her wrist and the rock effortlessly skipped across the surface of the water.

"Show off," Brandy teased.

Jak smiled, "Hardly... if I really wanted to impress you, I wouldn't be skipping rocks, I'd be diving off one." She nodded her head to the rockcliff that overhang the lake, high above their heads.

Brandy's tone noticeably hardened, "Don't you dare. How would I ever explain something like that to your grandma if you got hurt, or worse?" She walked over closer to Jak and playfully rustled the top of her hair. "Besides, you don't have to try to impress me; I'm already in awe," she whispered in a gentle, soothing, voice. "Come on, we should get going, I have to babysit my nephews tonight."

Jak grabbed her backpack and water bottle, and followed happily after the brunette. "I've been thinking," Jak spoke, as they trekked through the woods, "Why don't you come with me to Kenova City?"

Brandy laughed as she turned her head towards Jak, "Come with you to college? As what? Your overly emotional supportive friend?"

"As my roommate."

"Jak, we've been through this, I'm not cut out for college."

Jak laced her fingers within Brandy's as they continued to walk, "I'm not saying sign up for classes, I'm just saying come to Kenova City with me. We can get a cheap apartment, snag a couple of entry level jobs, and spend our free time going to movies, festivals, concerts, restaurants..."

Brandy momentarily smiled at the daydream of trading her parents dirt road and double-wide trailer for an apartment in the city and the tantalizing freedom it would bring, "Those are nice thoughts, Jak, but I can't just leave my family behind and with no explanation. Besides, you'll make new friends at college who you can do all those things with."

"I don't want to do any of those things with anyone but you," Jak replied.

Brandy squeezed her hand gently, "You're such a sweetheart."

Jak's hazel green eyes softened as she bit her bottom lip, "Okay, I was going to save this for Christmas, but fuck it, I'm willing to throw in a puppy, right now."

Brandy laughed loudly, "Jak... Oh, my God, stop."

"I'm serious! I'm talking an adorable Dalmatian puppy complete with a firetruck dog house. I've seen them on Pinterest, it's totally a thing."

"You really have thought a lot about this, huh?" Brandy noted, as they cleared the woods and began walking the smooth dirt road that led directly to Brandy's back yard.

"Does it really sound so crazy?" Jak asked sincerely.

"No," Brandy replied, "It sounds absolutely wonderful." She sighed heavily, "Let's just give this idea some time, okay? For now, we're both here in Coal Grove, and we have the entire summer ahead of us. Let's make the most of it." Brandy glanced ahead and saw her parents double wide come into view, she leaned in quickly and gave Jak a kiss, "I'll see you tomorrow for Arlena's graduation party."

"Yeah," Jak confirmed with a half smile. "I'll pick you up at five."

Brandy leaned in and kissed Jak once again; this time, more passionately. Her lips lingered on Jak's for several moments before she pulled away, "I'll be counting the minutes."

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