It's Not Too Late

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{A/N: I love y'all so much! I never thought anyone would end up loving this book like some of y'all are saying. I can't thank y'all enough my loves❤️😘 I have so many ideas in my head I feel like Crunk off the croods! Except my ideas are good! Well enjoy!😊}


Demi's POV

I woke up to warm sunlight shining in my eyes and warming my face. I rolled over to the adorable sight of Paige sleeping soundly and Brice laying awake in the playpen reaching for his toes. I stifled a laugh and kissed Paige's forehead gently before crawling out of bed and walking to the window. I looked outside then gently pulled the curtains closed so the sunlight didn't wake Paige before I tip-toed over to Brice.

I scooped him up and laid him on my shoulder as I snuck downstairs. Mom and dad were sitting at the dining room table talking, both of their heads immediately turned towards me as I walked in.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Mom joked, oops I forgot to brush my hair before I came down. I just shrugged and walked over towards them.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Lemme hold him!" She replied. I let out a laugh and readjusted him so I could hand him to her safely. I smiled as she kissed his cheeks and talked to him.

Paige started screaming then Maddie yelled for me. "Demi!!! Hurry! Paige won't wake up!" Fear coursed through me as I sprinted back upstairs to the room, to find Paige writhing on the bed screaming and sobbing. I ran to the bed and climbed on next to her, pulling her on to my lap as I did so. Her clothes were drenched in sweat and her face was scrunched up in terror.

"Paige baby it's mommy. Wake up sweetheart." She continued screaming, and started kicking out and swinging her arms. I wrapped her arms to her chest and pulled her close to me. "Come on baby girl, wake up please."

"G-get away from me!" She shrieked, I knew she didn't mean me, but I was getting desperate.

"I'm sorry baby." I apologized, kissing her head before turning to Maddie. "Get a cup of water please and hurry." I said, she nodded and ran downstairs.

Paige's POV

"G-get away from me!" I screamed, Trent's daddy grinning evilly at me.

"You really think Demi can protect you?" He sneered, stepping to the side to reveal Demi tied to the bed with a bandana tied around her mouth. Tears were running down her face as my old daddy started hurting her like him and Trent's daddy did to me.

Trent's daddy started laughing evilly again then threw something at me. I felt it hit me, but didn't hurt. I swung my fist out and made contact with someone's face, but the screech didn't sound like a man's.

"Wahh! Mommy!" I cried out, flailing and reaching for her.

"Shhhh baby girl I'm here. It's alright."

"M-mommy I so sowwy I hit you! I-I...T-Twent daddy...a-an..." I sobbed, frantically trying to apologize.

"Sweetheart it's okay mommy's here. I know it was a nightmare it's alright." I heard her say as she turned towards the door then immediately back to me, kissing my head repeatedly.

She picked me up and carried me to the door then shut it before carrying me back to the bed and laying down, me hugged close while I laid on top of her.

"Baby what happened in your nightmare?"

"O-old daddy tied y-you to bed and put a rag in yours mouth s-so you couldn't s-scweam. H-he stawted huwting you w-wike he did m-me. A-an Twent's daddy sayed you can no protect me." I sobbed.

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