Chapter 9

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1 year later......
Kaylani POV
Kayden got bigger he is one now. His nickname is Draco. Me and trell are still together but I'm pregnant again. And I don't think that it's trells baby either. To be honest it might be babyjoe. Months ago one day I broke down cry to him about trell because me and trell got into an argument and we had sex and the only person who knows is kd. And kd told me that if he ever sees me talking to babyjoe alone again he is gonna tell trell.

I have my own apartment because I needed some where to go when me and trell argue so that where I'm at right now. But we still together.
"Mommy me hungry" Draco said. "Arl hold on I'm bout to make you some cereal" I told him. I made him some cereal and told him to go to the table. Then I heard banging on the door. "Who the hell is banging on ma door mother fucking door like that" I said irritated. I opened the door and it was trell. "Why the he-" he cut me off. "So you fucking babyjoe" Trell yelled at me. "Dada" Draco said. He went and gave him a kiss and Kayden kept eating. "So you cheating on me" Trell yelled at me. "No" I said with watery eyes. "Lani stop fucking lying kd told me" he yelled. "I'm sorry Trell it was a long time ago when we was arguing" I cried. "I don't give a fuck that don't mean go fuck my friend you nasty hoe" Trell yelled. "Trell stop yelling at me I'm sorry it wasn't planned he came on to me" I said. "So you pregnant for this nigga" Trell said.

"No I'm pregnant for you" I said and cried. "You better hope that baby for me" Trell said then he knocked my tv down and stomped on it. Then he started knock stuff down everywhere.

"Stop Trell stop" I cried. "You know what fuck You" Trell yelled then he snatched the best friend puzzle necklace I gave him when we were seven off and three it at me. Then pushed me against the wall. "I'm not ya best friend ya nigga nun of dat at all you hear me lani im done" Trell said to me holding my face.

"And gimme that promise ring I gave you too" Trell said. "No Trell" I yelled crying in his face. "Nothing promised no more so you don't need it at all" then he tried to snatch it off my finger.

"No Trell you not getting it back" I said then he snatched it off and put it in his pocket. Then he went upstairs and came back down with all of Draco clothes and bag full of his shoes. "Come on Draco we leaving" Trell said.

"No Trell you not taking me baby" I cried. "Mommy" Draco cried. "Draco we going to ma house ok" Trell told him walking away. "Ok dada" Draco said. "Trell stop hurting me stop" I said pulling Draco away from him. "Lani im done fuck you Draco will be back when I feel like he need to go home" he said. "And all the rest of ya shit in ma house will be here tomorrow" he said before slamming the door.

I slid down on the wall and started crying. Then I went upstairs and got a razor out the cabinet and sat in the tub and filled it up with water and started spitting my rist and crying and everything went black.

Ben 10 POV
"Damn that's fucked up I can't believe her and joe gon do that" I said as yb was telling me errthang. "When you taking her stuff over there" I said. "Shit I can do it today then we can go to the trap" Trell said. "Bet" I said. "Ben you and three go drop her stuff off Draco you wanna go over mommom house" I told them. "Yesh dada" Draco said. "Bet hummer her bags" I said.

Trell handed me her stuff and me and three got in the car. When we pulled up we got out and knocked on the door. Nobody answered and it was unlocked so we walked in. "Lani we here wit yo stuff" I yelled. "Lani" three yelled.

"She probably in her room imma go in there" three said. "Arl slat imma go upstairs to look matey she sleep" I told three. I looked and Draco room and I'm the bathroom and I didn't see her. So I went into the bathroom in the guest room and I seen a pool of blood and her hand hanging out the tub. "Yo three call 911 now lani den slit her rist" I yelled to three. "Nigga you playing, oh shit" three said walking in the room seeing her. He called 911 and then the ambulance came and I told them she was my sister so they let me it the truck.

Three drove there. When we got there they stitched her up and then put her in a room me and three in the waiting room. "Kaylani Johnston" the doctor said.

Me and three stood up. "She is ok but she lost a lot of blood so she will have to stay in the hospital and her baby is ok too and she hasn't waken up yet either but you can go in the room" the doctor said. "Ok doc" I said. Then me and three walked to her room.

"Should we call yb" I said to three. "I don't kno he mad at her right so ion kno" three said. "Imma call him" I said.

Calling yb......
Ben: yo yb Wya
Trell: I'm at ma mama house Wya
Ben: come to the hospital
Trell: why what happened
Ben: we dropped lani clothes off and went upstairs and she don cut her wrist trying to kill herself
Trell: dats joe bitch not mines so oh well
Ben: yb just come here this baby might be yours and you acting like dat
Trell: I'll be dere when I get dere
Ben: Arl yb
Phone convo over......
30 minutes later

Kentrell POV

"Ok mama I'm bout to go" I told my mom. "I just got done cooking damn.. where you going" she spat. "To the hospital lani tried to commit suicide and ben and three found her in a tub when the dropped her clothes off" I told her. "Really what happened why you not wit her" she said. "We not together anymore she cheating on me with joe and the baby might be his so I broke up wit her and took Draco" I spat.

"Why you keep hurting that girl it's ya fault she did it" she yelled at me. "Anit nothing ma fault" I said grabbing ma keys. "Yes it is and take Draco to see his mom" She told me. "Ok Draco come on" I said.

Then we walked out the door and went to the hospital. "Kaylani Johnston" I told the front desk lady. "Ok she is on the 4th floor in room 338" she said then gave us a visitors badge. We got i the elevator and then went to her hallway. We kept walking until we got to her room.

"Mommy" Draco yelled and started running to her. "Stop Draco she sleeping" I told him. "So what the doctor say about the baby" I asked them as I was giving them a handshake. "They said the baby ok but she had to stay for about 5 more days because she lost a lot of blood"ben said.

"She anit wake up yet the doctor says should any minute" three said. I sat down in a chair next to the bed and set Draco on my lap. "Why mommy go night night here dada" draco said. "Draco mommy got hurt so she hear for a while" I don't told him. "Ok dada" he said.
10 minutes later.....

We all was just talking then I looked at lani and here eyes were opening. "Go get the doctor three" ben said. Then the doctor came and said ok and checked her monitor then left out again. I didn't wanna say nothin to her yet because it was kinda ma fault.

"Mommy" Draco said getting out ma lap and climbing on to her bed. "Hey baby" she said kissing him. Then I seen tears falling down her face. "We gon give y'all a minute yb" ben said. "Come one draco" three said. They draco ran to him and they went to the waiting room.

There was a silence for a minute. "Lani im sorry" I said looking her In her eyes. Tears start running down her face. "Trell I'm sorry too" she said. "Lani" I said. "Huh" she said. "Why was you trying to kill ya self" I said and I tried to keep my tears in because I anit no soft nigga but one fell down.

"Because I...I just felt like life was over when you took my baby and left me" she said crying and sniffling. "I didn't mean to hurt you me and joe don't mean anything we not ever gonna be nothing at all Trell that happened a long time ago" she cried. I leaned over to her and kissed her and she kissed me back.

"When I said you the one I want in my life I meant it lani" I said sliding the promise ring back on her finger. "Trell I love you so much" she said then kissed me.

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