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Louis is leaning against the bar, his elbow resting on the marble counter top, his chin in his hand as his eyes sweep the crowded club. His hip is cocked out and his eyelashes dust his cheekbones as he let's out a bored sigh.

"Louis dear, you're gorgeous, but I don't pay you to stand around and look pretty, we've got guests in the lounge." The voice of Louis' boss Todd rings out and Louis turns his head slightly, lips pulling into a small smile as he straightens up.

"Of course, boss, I'm on it." Louis shoots his tall, olive skinned boss a wink and he adjusts the small apron around his waist and he grabs his small tray.

Louis worked in a nice club that was frequented by high profile people, there was the downstairs area where there were booths, tables, a dance floor, bar, dim lighting and loud music.

There was an upstairs too, the lounge, where anyone who had money or was trying to keep away any unwanted attention would go. This is where Louis serves, he's polite and has charm, the same charm that got him maybe the best job in the club and he needed the money, he was trying to put himself through college.

The people who rented put the lounge were good tippers and they ranged from kind to downright rude and sometimes they just become loud, obnoxious drunks. Louis didn't understand the whole lounge thing, why go out if you're just gonna sit in a room and drink.

Louis climbs the stairs, hoping that these guests will be considerate and won't leave the room a mess. He puts on his best smile and then opens the door, walking in confidently.

Louis is greeted by a large group of men and women, they're all lounging on the scattered couches and in the middle of the group is someone Louis actually recognizes.

Harry... something, his name slipped Louis' mind, but he knew he was a musician. Louis goes to him first, assuming he's the one who brought this large group of people.

He's dressed in an all black suit, his hair short, but curling at the ends and he looks up at Louis with dark green eyes and now Louis is giving him a different kind of smile, a flirty coy one because Mr. Harry whatever, is really hot.

"Hi, I'm Louis, I'll be your server tonight, what kind of drinks can I start you out with?" Louis asks and Harry raises his eyebrows a slight smile on his lips.

"Got yourself a nice accent there. Uhh-" Harry looks around at his large group of people and then he looks back at Louis, let's his eyes run over his body and then he smiles saying, "Start us off with your most expensive alcohol."

"Of course." Louis smiles and he turns and heads out of the lounge, making sure to sway his hips because he can practically feel Harry's eyes on him.

Louis makes sure that he's the best server he's ever been and he also makes sure that he's being polite, flirty to Harry, showing off his curves any chance he can because Harry's got a lingering gaze and Louis hasn't gotten laid in awhile.

As the night is coming to a close, Louis is downstairs chatting with the bartender, Zayn, when he hears footsteps coming down the stairs. He looks over his shoulder and he sees the people of Harry's party, coming down, some drunker than others.

"Have fun cleaning up, babes." Zayn says, nodding with his chin toward the lounge as he wipes down the counter.

"I'll have a blast." Louis mumbles, turning and heading back towards the lounge. He's upstairs and he opens the door to find Harry by himself, sipping his drink, leant back against the couch with his legs crossed.

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