Love & Hate Pt. 2: Suki Kirai (1)

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A/N: ITS ABOUT TO GET CHEESY!! All abroad, Dorl shippers!!! 💙❤️

Third person's POV:
It has been a year ever since Denis and Alex's breakup. Denis has finally moved on and somehow... developed a crush.

Denis's POV:
I'm not a crybaby anymore! Happy? Sure, I have moved on, but the usuals were still there, aka, the fan girls.
I was the school's "prince", according to the boys in my school. Lots of girls have been flirting with me ever since I transferred. I, to be honest, actually find it annoying.
Ever since then, after me and Alex broke up, I then developed a crush on my boy classmate. Yes, I am gay, again. But this time, it's better.
That boy's name was Braden Welsh, but he preferred being called Corl for some reason. He had ocean blue eyes that I could stare into, like, forever! He usually wore glasses which made him EVEN KAWAII-ER!! Not a word but I DONT CARE!
That's it! You know what, I decided to confess to him. I hope he accepts it!

After school, I approached to Corl's seat.
"Hey Corky Boii!" Yes, I gave him that nickname.
"I-oh! H-hey Denis!" Corl replied looking red. I could tell he had a crush on me too.
"I have something to tell you!" I confidently said. Like I said, I'm no longer a crybaby.
"Ok... w-what is it?" Corl asked shuttering.
"I like you! More than a classmate!" I spilled it all out. I was not afraid to be rejected cuz I am NOT giving up!!

Corl's POV (yay new peep now!! )
W-W-WHAT?????? Is this...true!?!?!??!? I mean, I know I have a crush on him too, but...N-NO! I HATE HIM!! He's probably just playing!
"E-EHHH!!?? B-but don't you like those girls that keep chasing you??" Darn it... I failed on keeping a straight face!! >/////<
I heard Denis reply "nope! I am certain of it! I like-wait no... I LOVE YOU!! <3"
"I-I li- what- no!! I- I hate you!" Shoot! I nearly told the truth!!!!

Denis's POV:
Awee~! Lil' Corky Boii's being a Tsundere!! How cute~! I decided to fight back.
"Come on! I know you like me too~! You're just being a Tsundere!"
I saw Corl's face going all red. "N-no way!! >//////< !" He said, trying to fight back.
"If that's the case, I'll prove to you that I'm in love with you! And you only have one choice: Love or Hate!" Ok what I said sounded like a deal TBH :/
And before I left the classroom, I have him a teddy bear hug and kissed him on the cheek. Because he was really short (shorter than Alex) I had to bend down. I regret being a tree...(A/N: get it because he's really tall? XDD)
I then ran out of the class and hid under the window. I looked up and saw Corl frozen in place with red on his face (A/N: that rhymes again XDDDD)

Corl's POV:
D-d-did he jus- KISS ME ON THE CHEEK!??? I mean, I like him and all, but at the same time, I H8 HIM SO MUCH!!! Ughhh my mind is messing me up right now!! And I have to choose 1 OPTION ONLY!?? Isn't there an option called "Neither"????
Oh darn, I was the only one in the classroom. Probably because I got lost in what just happened between me and him... UGH why am I thinking about him?? I HATE HIM!!
I-ok fine I actually kinda liked him...B-but NOT THAT MUCH!!! >///////<
I exited the classroom, not forgetting to close the door and made my way outside.
While I was walking back home, I stopped and saw a beautiful rainbow quartz on a window display! Man, it's really expensive. I wish I had enough money to afford it. Oh well, maybe I could ask my parents to lend me some.
Continued to walk but I stopped again. I kinda sensed that someone is watching me. I looked back and one. Probably just my imagination. I continued walking until I reach my house.

Denis's POV(you'll see why)
Rainbow quartz, eh? -adds to the list-
I should have enough money for this! And yes I'm stalking him. I already have stuff planned to get my future lover's eyes only on me!
Ok that may sound Yandere but hey, you should blame Nataline, aka the author of this book, for making me say that (A/N: oh god I made Denis self-aware!! Can I fix it plz?? Denis: No. A/N: ok fine...welp that means...YOU'RE NOW A PART OF THE SELF-AWARE SQUAD!!! Yoy.)
I continued following Corl until he made it to his house. I hope Nataline doesn't make him self aware either! (A/N: HEY!! 😤   )
I was now under the window of Corl's bedroom. OUTSIDE OK?? Don't u dare- Anyways, Corl came into his room and changed his uniform. OMG...him shirtless is so...Smexii (A/N: because Len is a pervert in the song, i decide to make Denis be like that too XDDD)
Buuut that only lasted for 5 seconds cuz he put one of his shirt, which looked like it's a blue T-shirt with, what, a penguin on his shirt? (A/N: get the detail? XDD)

To be continued... because AuthorLine has other work to do...

Oh and btw "smexii" is another way of saying sexy.

Next chapter preview:
It's the next day of school, Denis would start his plan on getting Corl. Will Corl be able to accept his feelings for Denis? Find out in the next part of Suki Kirai of this Love & Hate Series!!

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