I Kissed My Brother(ch.2)

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You could say that

I was pissed

Perhaps more than pissed

I was


Our family was big enogh


here she was making additions

that were

highly unnessary

After I put Timmy

to sleep

I found Mom finally without the new kid

seated on the couch

drinking tea


reading a book by Steven King

Mom hardly ever has

time to relax

and when she does

She's very vocal about her "me time"


I said

Taking a seat beisde her

Quickly closing her book

She sighed,

already annoyed.

Well its her own damn

fault if she feels that way

You can expect to add

someone to the family


discussing it


the family

(and yes, I was the family)

and sit down for a cup of tea


that is not how it works

at least not with me

Yes, Rose

She said,

Who is he?

Whats the problem

She asked.

She's completly oblivious to everything!


besides the fact that you didnt tell me about this

Let alone discuss it with me

Or ask a hypothetical question, oh

I don't know, three months ago

Or at least keep me posted!

My words quickly rolled off my tounge

like they didn't belong there

They wanted to escape


I wasn't gonna stop 'em.

Another sigh,

Rose, I didn't even know

about this til this afternoon

It was a one shot deal

I could have left him there

with those disgusting people

To become nothing but an addict

To not be able to experience

life for what it is


but I chose to take him

To bring him home

she said

with my family, Rose

I expect you to show kindness

like how you show your friends

like how you show Timmy

Adam is no different

Like hell he is!

I shouted,

jumping to my feet

How could you

bring something like that

into this house

near Timmy!

I cried

What was she thinking?!

What was she doing!?

Our home





is now a foster care for deliquient

and crack babies

I bet thats what he is

not my precious Timmy

But this new boy

Stop it Rose

Stop it right now

young lady

She stood to her feet

towering over me by

a good four inches

Do not question

my judgement

Do not go against my will

for it is in the favor of the Lord

Without another word

she left

me dazzed and broken

in the living room

I had no strength

No power to move myself

To my room

To climb those stairs and

Sink into a comfortable bed

I laid

on the couch

exhausted and beaten

Confused and shaken

Blackness swormed

drowned me

in a sea

of sweet dreams

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