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I am sitting with lee and elle's dad, brad and my parent's, we are almost done with the game the girls are just a few point's away from winning the game. They get back into position and you can hear the coach from the other team yelling whatever it take's win at any cost, I notice that one girl is looking right at elle she is one of the best player's on the team, she goes for the ball and she is doing great until when she get's close enough to make a goal a girl come's at her from the side and pushes her to the ground the girl get's a yellow card but even after a few second's elle still hasn't gotten up and itsn't really moving, that's when I jump down from the bleacher's and run toward's her. I get to her with everyone not far behind me I pick her up and lay her in my lap, "Mom call an ambulance now her knee look's really bad and she might have a concusion and a couple of brusied rib's to and her nose has started to bleed and it has gotten n my hand " I said. I look around and see everyone is holding their breath all the while I can hear the siren's and see the light's as they pull up. They come running across the field and check her vital's and say what I said, and they get they gernie and I lay her on it and tell mr evans I can go with her and he can ride with lee, but I practially am begging him to let me do this and he agree's. I hop in the back and they put on oxygen mask on elle and stick her with an iv and I can hear the driver telling the er people over the radio that we are five minutes away and to be ready. I attempt to go in with elle to the emergency room but I was asked to give them some space so I went to the waiting room and waited for everyone to get here, I look down t my hand's and see that I have still have blood on them. As I am looking at my hand's and feel a pair of arm's snake around me I look up and see my mom and everyone looking at me "How is she do we know anything yet" Lee asked? "No we don't not yet they sent me out here so I can be out of the way because she looked really bad" I replied getting up and walking away pissed off. I go into the bathroom and wash the blood off my hand's and walk out and that's when I break down in tear's. I slide down the wall and a few miunte's later I feel my mom's arm's wrap around me as I just sat there and cried.

During and after the kissing booth Where stories live. Discover now