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I was finally holding him.
The adrenaline from the fear was going out and I was noticing how skinny he was. But carrying his stirred him a bit, which rushed his heartbeat, and he started coughing.

"Can't, breathe"

This sent me into the biggest panic I've ever been in. I immediately took the warm spell off, noticing on how he was choking on the magic, and he started to breathe slowly but surely.

"... Thank... You..." He coddled up against me, I was probably really warm. I almost blamed myself for doing something stupid, but then I looked at him and all the dopamine from the rush of fear I just had finally kicked in and I felt out of this world.

He was light enough to carry on my chest, his arms trying to reach around my neck and his legs trying to latch on to my back, most of it being a waste. I carried him from where I came, and I somehow came across a street vender that stopped me.

"Is that Cyrori!!!" The bread vender gasped.

"I MUST take a picture!!!"
He brought out a camera that looked to be improved from our technology, and flashed a few pictures. But when he looked at them, he seemed dissapointed.

I asked him for the picture and he handed me the camera. All the picks were blurry, with fog in the background, just like the rumors said.

"Can I keep the camera?"

"Sure" said the man, coming back from behind his stand.

"And here's some food for the little one when he finally gets hungry. I don't know if he'll eat whatever you'll be eating, but this should be a good go-to."

The well made cloth bag had bread rolls, butter, fruits, meats and cheeses in it.

We talked about nothing for a bit before thanking each other and I walked away, the man closing up for the night before the temperature drops.

When I got home everyone was doing the exact same thing they were doing when I left. Only Merth looked to have wet his sleeves drooling, Owen looked to be succeeding in his game of cook-while-not-burning-anything, and Baren looked to have moved his music to something he's swinging his head to.

So I took to the bathroom with everyone's clothes, the ones we used today to keep warm, and started the laundry via magic laundry machine while preparing for operation, change Cy's clothes. His jacket and latest outer pair of pants seemed both in better conditions and the biggest of all the clothes he was wearing. I prepared a like warm bath while carefully cutting off the restraining clothes, and while bathing him I used a good chunk of my magic, both of the day and what I've been saving for emergencies, to summon new clothes from whatever I've stolen from dungeon and evil hording dragon dens, as well as making them with my magic.

When I was done I had found two pairs of very warm pajamas that were hiding in my riches, and some warm cloth that was the same material as this towns, and I identified the animal's wool and used the cloth to make new clothes. But I also had to create some undergarments for the young boy, as well as a towel, and I couldn't help but make those myself out of my own magic.

By the time we were out of the bathroom, we had the group's clothes washed, we both had taken a bath/shower, and I had drained most of my energy making him new clothes and summoning ointment for his skin that was raw from the tight clothes.

We had layed down on the couch watching cartoons, Cy warming up from the room and from my natural body heat, and me watching cartoons with Glee because of the slowly fading dopamine, making my head just the tiniest bit light-headed.
Then they started appearing.

"Sorax, foods ready, come and get-holy spadoodles he did the thing."

Then Baren came in.
"What thing.
Oh, that thing. With the rumors of a child going around I thought that that thing would happen."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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