Part 3

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Just remember that when nobody was there for you, i was.
And when nobody else gave a damn,
I did.

I woke up earlier than i thought, even before my alarm rang, i already awake.

Im getting ready for my first registration day at my new college, well im just gonna sign a few papers and someone will tour me around.


I knock on the big door, it has PRINCIPAL written on it.

The door swing open revealing a very big room, and an old man was sitting infront of the huge table. I bow at maybe his secretary? I don't know i just did and went straight to the principal desk with some of documents in my hand.

He seems like he isn't from korea, i'll just speak english then.

"Hello sir, nice to meet you. Im Hana Lee, the new student." I said and bow. He eyed from top to bottom and motion me to sit at the chair across him. "You're lee jongguk's daughter right?" He ask, well my dad said that the college principal is his friend. but i dont want just because he's my dad's friend, he can give me whatever i want, and treat me differently than the others, i just want to live as a normal student.

I nodded in return and he give me a warm smile "welcome to Yonsei University Campus" he greet me.

Skip those signing paper things

"Ms. Kim, can you call our top student to show her around?" Top student? He must be the one who score in every subject and good at everything, like namjoon. Well namjoon, he just good at subjects but not at sports.

The secretary nod and called someone. After awhile waiting, a knock was heard. The secretary open the door, and there, a guy, a tall guy, handsome guy, perfect guy that i can even call him 'A man from Heaven'

"Hi new student!" He said, a sexy deep voice, he really got an angelic voice, i wonder how good he is in bed..

Snap it out hana, nonsense.

"Umm... hi?" I replied awkwardly, awww im starting to have a crushhhhhhhh~~ he's really good looking, perfect!

We both bow to the principal and the secretary, and walk away.

Soo now we were walking side to side and i can't stop myself from stealing a glance at him, he's so cute!

kyaaaaaaaa im gonna melt soon! "Um by the way im chanyeol, park chanyeol." He offered his hand to shake with him which i gladly happily joyfully accept it. "Im hana, lee hana" he gave me his sweeeetest smile and giggle, chanyeol you really melts me~~

He show me all around the campus and the last part left, cafeteria.

We walked past a few blocks and here we are, infront of a glass door, there's soo many student inside studying, some were chatting and there's group of girl taking picture. Very crowded place tch.

Chanyeol lead the way as i follow him behind. "So here we are, the last section of our campus tour, cafeteria. So hana, if you need a help from me, just give me a- ahh forgot, give me your number" he pass me his phone while scratching his back, god don't do this to me i might dieeeeee! For the fuck sake, he really ask for my phone number oh my god! My heart goes up and down as i press the digit on his phone.

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