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Liked by @haileestandfield, @samsmithworld, and 19

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Liked by @haileestandfield, @samsmithworld, and 19.8M more.

@harrystyles: i have no words to describe the things that have happened ever since i announced my break towards music and touring. i am sorry, if i let any of you, my fans, down. i deeply apologize if my decision hurt you or affected you. however, i want to be as clear as possible to the person who threw this brick at our home. i want them to think and remember, that one window down, there were two babies, sleeping peacefully, on a place they call, "home." not only did you frighten my children, but someone could of been hurt. i don't want to blame anyone, or make anyone feel like they have something to do with this, when they don't, but please if you are going to be mad at someone, let it be me. leave my family and children alone, i can take it. and please remember, treat people with kindness. we have been nothing but open towards our fans, and we want to continue as long as things like this don't happen again. i am not leaving music forever, i will be back, i just need time to spend with my love ones. we are human after all, don't forget that. x



i just want to remind you that is a book, and i know fans are not like this okay? so please don't get butthurt. i know we know nothing but love! it's just a story! x

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