Chapter 2- I have to spend the night.....with Anko...YES!T_T change of plans

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"Sitll curious uchiha?"

"Hn." He ended up following us to Ichiraku's ramen bar.

"I'll take whatever has been the most popular today ok!" I said smiling.

"Sure thing chidori, what about you two?" He said motioning to  naruto and sasuke. I was in the middle because I was afraid they would kill eachother.

" I'LL TAKE MY USUAL PLEASE!! BELIEVE IT!" The man looked towards sasuke.


Once we got our food and...water. We ate and...drank? I dont know. All I know is I convinced the guy to put it in a bowl! Haha!

When we finished me and Naruto tied with 17 bowls of ramen, sasuke just finished his bowl of water.

"Alright! Well i better go before your new sensei sends gai out for me! Bye Hokage! By dog boy!" Naruto grinned at being called Hokage and sasuke glared at me for being dog boy. What? He was drinking water out of  a bowl. Hehe.

I walked across the village to get home and by then it was already dark. When i reached the door and tried to open it, it was locked. A kunai and a message was stuck on the door. It read

' Dear Chidori,

           So your staying at Anko's right? Hope you dont mind that I lock up early.

                                 Love, Kakashi.'

I kicked the door and turned around when a shock of pain went through my foot. I hopped on one foot screaming ow over and over. I took the kunai and carved something into the door so that anyone passing by across the street could see it. It covered the whole door!

I admired my handiwork

'Kakashi likes pink ponies and is in love with gai! <3'

Im so grounded......Oh well! Anko'll back me up!

As i walked across the village AGAIN to get to anko I found a pink ponie toy on the ground. I grinned and took out a pen from my backpack (which I still had on from school today) (yes i go to regular school) and wrote on it speaking the words as I wrote.

" If found, please return smileyface love Kakashi! Haha! I hope someone finds it like the Hokage! Ahaha!" I dropped it back on the ground and kept walking. When I reached anko's door and knocked loudly. A kunai was thrown right by my face when I opened.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!?" I screamed jumping in the air. HOLY CRAP WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!!?!?!?!

"Oh! Heh, chidori whatsup? What're you doing here?!" She asked grinning and eat as usual.

"CHIDORI'S AT THE DOOR!?!? MY NIECE!!!"  no no no no no!!! Gai came out and hugged me bringing me inside. I quickly got out of his grasp and sat next to Asuma.

" Why are you here Chidori?" Kurenai asked me.

"Oh, kakashi locked me out and I came here because I need a place to stay...." Gai had tears streaming from his eyes.

"Kakashi is such a bad guardian. YOU CAN STAY WITH ME YOUNG CHIDORI!!!" My eyes widened and I shook my head no.

"NO! I mean uh- No i just couldnt!" I looked towards ank for help and she smirked shrugging her shoulders.

"THEN ITS SETTLED YOU ME AND LEE SHALL HAVE A SLUMBER PARTY!" He grabbed me and ran out of the door. By grabbed I mean he was carrying me like I was a surfboard!

When we got to his house he ran in and his team was there. Dont they have better things to do at 8:00 at night!

"WE'RE HAVING A SLUMBER PARTYYY!!!" Is this considered kidnapping?

" Chidori! My sworn enemy! We shall fight!" I sweatdropped.

"I uh , im not really in the mood to fight...." 

"Nonsense! You must always be ready to fight your enemy! We are tied and I must get ahead!" I zoned out and stopped listening. All I heard was 'wa wa wa wa' like the teachers in charlie brown.

" So thats why Chidori! We must fight!" I looked at him from my surfboard position.

"Im sorry what did you say?" He gasped with lightning going around him.

"Touche! You win this round Chidori!" Gai got tears ONCE AGAIN!

" Your such a good sport Lee!"

"I learned from the best Gai-Sensei!"




"Sensei!" I was dropped in all the chaos while they were running to hug eachother in a sunset....but its already dark. How do they do this!? Neji and Ten Ten walked up to me.

"You can stay with me if you want Chidori." Ten Ten offered. The two guys looked from their sunsets with glares.

"You will never take chidori from us." They hissed.

"Run, Neji Ten Ten RUN NOW WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!" I shouted pushing them out they soon ran when I was being pulled back by my legs and clawing the floor.

"RUN YOU TWO RUN FOR YOUR LIVVVVVEEESSSS!" I shouted. The door slammed and they held up three flannel silky pajamas. One was pink with clouds and bunnies, the other two was green with giant turtles with giant red lips on the turtles.

"The pink one is for youuuuuuu."


I ran out of the door and down the streets in my bunny pajamas.

" SOMEBODY HELP ME THEIR CRAZYYY!!!" I soon lost them but I kept running until I got to the Team 7 training ground where I found team 7 and my dad.

"DAD! HELP ME!!" He looked at me with worry and panic, while the other three stared with a deadpan at my pajamas.


"I dont think I should help you."

"B-but why- Ohhhh heheh, you saw my little message didnt you?" He nodded angrily. Thats when Naruto thought it was a good time to intervene.

"Oh YA! KAKASHI SENSEI! I found this when I was walking here, it said to return to you so I did! I didnt know you like ponies!" He gave him the pink pony i wrote on last night.

"Thats what cha get for locking me out of the house....." I said smiling.

"Guess what? Your grounded." Aww man! "AND I DONT LOVE GAI!" heh heh. It was so worth it....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2012 ⏰

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