Chapter 1

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How is it when your scared your heart pounds against your skin, so fast and hard that it causes you pain. Why is it when were alone we are on alert and we scream at the tiniest movement. Why is it that our minds hallucinate and make our greatest fears come alive.

But what if it wasn't a hallucination this time, what if it was all real? If you happen to run into a killer and your his next victim what do you do? Your trapped, your alone and no one can hear your cries for help. One thing I said to myself before I came face to face with my nightmare was, Run Girl, Run.

The date was August the second of two thousand and twelve, it was summer and I was getting ready to go out and party. 

It was my friends Anna's Birthday and it was the talk of every girl or boy our age. She was turning 18, me I was still only 17. It was going to be amazing, I thought as I stood in the mirror with my red hair brushed out, black dress on, no make up on and of course my black low top converse and black socks on. I looked at myself and took in every detail, my blue , sometimes silver, eyes, red hair, curvy figure and long legs. I used to be ashamed of showing my legs because of my birthmark. It is a mole on my leg a big light brown one, honestly I hated it when I was younger as I got taunted and teased. Sometimes I wore plasters over it to hide it but not now, now I was confident of who I am and that's how I like it.

I was waiting for my friend to pick me up ,Clara. That's when I heard the door ring and before I left my room I took it in one last time the scene of my room. The bunk bed, with a double at the bottom, single at top, covered in red and black silk covers, the walls painted and signed by me and my friends from our younger teenage years, the desk I did my work on, the wooden floor I walk on, the wooden chest I keep my clothes in and the big mirror slide robe for my clothes. Back then I didn't know I would not see my room again as I walked out my bedroom door.

I walked across the grey carpet covering the floor, of the landing, of the top of the stairs. Walking down the stairs on more of the grey carpet, I finally land on the tiled, marble, floor. Just to look up at my friend standing there smiling from ear to ear.

She squealed and hugged me, basically because she never EVER saw me wear a dress before."That dress hugs your hour glass figure perfectly, Emily." O yeah the name is Emily, and as you guess I have a hour glass figure. I looked down at the black and slimming dress and smiled. I looked up to meet my friends amber eyes and long blond hair. Her face had light traces of foundation and her eyes had gold eye shadow on them with a tiny black flick and her lips were full and pink. As I looked down her dress also hugged her very slim hour glass figure. It was tight around her chest area then flowed out down to half way at the thigh, unlike mine which went to just above the knee. It was gold and white showing off her angel like personality. Her legs were smooth ,and the same colour as her face a pale milky look, going down to her gold heels.

She was wearing a pearly white smile and her amber eyes were shining brightly and beautifully. Showing her happiness inside. I probably was showing off my happiness too with my smile and the way my eyes twinkled towards her. She grabbed my arm and her heel clicked against the marble as we walked to her car. It was a sweet ride baby, a white Lamborghini, did I forget to mention Clara was rich, like really rich. Her parents owned companies all over America. I loved her car and she always laughed at my reaction towards it, no matter how many times I see it, I still drool at its hotness.

We got inside its leather seat and drove out of my street of detached red and orange brick houses and white stone house. The I took in the greatly tarmacked black road and the cleanness of the street, too bad I'd never ever see it again. We drove for a few miles to get to the country mansion my friend owned. Her parents owned this mansion but were out on business trips so they let her throw the party while they were gone. We drove up the long, perfectly tarmacked drive way. It was bordered by palm tree and leads up to the fountain in front of the house you drive around. Yeah most of my friends were really rich. We turned to the left to park the car behind the car were we saw loads and loads of cars parked. I looked at Clara and raised my eyebrows smirking and she burst out laughing as we got out. We walked up to the house were the music was pumping out and teenagers were already drunk out of their minds in the back garden jumping into the pool.

I was so happy because tonight I was going to have fun and no one could stop me or that's what I thought. We looked around at the girls and guys grinding against each other and others taking back shot and shots of alcohol. I walked in ready to take shots, get drunk and party down. We walked in towards my friend, if your wondering where our gifts are, we already gave them to her. She had long brunette hair and was wearing a hot pink and black dress which was like Clara's, it hugged her figure in an amazing way. Her eyes were a beautiful grass green and her skin was an olive colour. She was wearing pink eyes shadow with a black flick Her legs were showing from her mid thigh. They were long skinny olive toned legs. It went down to her black heels which were clicking away as she danced with some boy I didn't know.

She saw us and screamed and ran over to us stumbling on her way, I'm guessing she was kind of drunk. Me and Clara chorused , "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNA." She was jumping up and down squealing before she let us go. "So go enjoy the party girls and I'll catch up with you later, I'm just having myself a little Birthday treat." She said in an enthusiastic tone as she eyes over to the strange boy. Me and Clara gave her a knowing smile before she turned and walked back over to the guy to start grinding with him. We laughed at Anna and her ways, she was funny in many ways. We both looked at each other before Clara spoke in a really over enthusiastic tone. "GO SOCIALIZE EMILY, WE'LL TALK LATER." With that she walked off into the crowd of people, her heels clicking away.

I felt paralyzed as people in circled around me dancing, laughing and chatting. I was beginning to feel dizzy, weak and light headed. That was before a hand grabbed me and next thing I knew I was face to face with a god an absolute god. He was smirking at me, o god I'm drooling over him, gross. Why do I have butterflies right now, why me?  Wait who pulled me here? "Emily this is Steve, Steve this is Emily, now go chat and get to know each other". Shit, I was zoning out again. Wait that was Anna's voice, damn girl must of pulled me out of almost fainting.

I looked over the boy. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a blue shirt, and boy even I could see the lines of a six back and a v. He was wearing blue high- top converse to match his shirt. Then his face, it was to die for with its paleness and perfect shape, with them pink full lips and gorgeous blue eyes. It led up to his silky black hair which I could run my hands through all day, I wonder what his lips would be like on mine. Wait whoa sister you don't know the guy, stop this craziness now and get to know him. "Hey Emily, whats up, want to get some shots and dance?" Was that his voice, are you sure it wasn't an angel. He was making me have feeling I never felt before and woke me up inside. He was like no other and I knew he had to be mine. I smiled at him and nodded my head, not trusting my voice.

He took my hand and butterflies exploded inside causing my body want him to my very core. We walked on a head and dragged me behind him. I was in a daze of him and didn't notice when he took me outside, I didn't even notice people giving me looks of envy. All I noticed was him, but I should have noticed when he led me into the dark forest behind my friends mansion. That's when I snapped out of it.

I looked about and looked at him stopping my feet from walking anymore. He turned around and smiled evilly at me. "Whats the matter, scared?" His voice was hard and evil and it cracked me inside. I turned to go back inside and run and cry, but before I could he grabbed my wrist and yanked me back into my chest. He kissed my neck and it made my body shiver in delight, also in fear. Then his cruel hard voice spoke the next words. "You are going to be my first victim, Emily, and after tonight I will slowly drive you mad and make you beg me to kill you. Now I'm giving you a chance to run, but if you run back to that party you will watch your friends die slowly. Understand me?"

At this moment my heart cracked and tears flew out my eyes, stinging my face and burning me inside. My core told me to listen to him and run, never to come back. Or he will find me.It killed me inside and the fear paralyzed me but something make me nod my head and he let go. The next thing I told myself was Run Girl, Run. As I sprinted off into the night with pure fear in my core. Everything around me seemed to blue as a dark nightmare and my hallucinations were taking over as monsters danced inside the trees of the forest and the shadows seemed to come alive, attacking me inside. I had to keep running even thought blackness was taking over and soon I would fall.

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