Chapter 2

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Lily pov

I was passing by a store when the tv went to breaking news. It showed Jay house on fire and two tiger alitames dragging jay out of the house just as it collapse. I gasps as tears collected in the corner of my eyes, I turned away from the tv and took off to the park were we meet up at. Once I got there I ran to the area were he would help me read at but he wasn't there. "N-n-no this c-cant be t-true." I turned at ran down the street to were Jay house was only to see the charred wood of jay home and body bags of his mother and father. I froze before snapping out of it when two police officers started walking over to me. I panicked and fled from the area ignoring the calls from the police and others around the area. I only stopped running once I reached the alleyway I called my home. I fell to my knees and cried I might be losing my only friend and little brother. I laid down on a peace of carboard and cried myself to sleep hoping he would be okay in the end.

~~~~~couple weeks later~~~ 

I sat on the swing in the park, It was raining heavily now but I didn't really care all that much. I only stopped and looked up from the ground when I heard a old lady and Jay alitames talking? I narrowed my eyes to see the faint outline of to tigers with jay and a older lady on there back. I gasped and jump off the swing before running in there direction. "J-jay!!" I called only to have my voice drowned out by the rain, but I didn't give up yet. I fallowed until they stopped at a two story house. I panted getting the attention of all of them even jay who just seemed to be waking up. "Jay!" I cried and ran towards him as he hop off the tigers back. I pulled him into a hug as I cried on his shoulder."I thought I lost you!!" I felt him hug me back weakly as his shoulder shook along with mine.

"I'm sorry Lily I really am" Jay soft whisper like voice said. I dig my head into his neck more when the old lady spook up.

"Come in children before you both ketch a cold from standing in the rain for so long" She sighed softly. I looked at her before looking at Jay and picking him up, We might be the same age but I'm older by a few months. Plus I'm stronger cause I needed to lift and run and sadly steal from others to survive. I walked over to the older lady ignoring the weak complaints Jay was giving me to put him down. Once we were inside she shut and locked the door before leading us to a room with a couch and tv. "You two wait in here I will get you a towel and some hot tea." The kind old lady said. I sat Jay down on the floor as his two tigers came and laid down next to us one on each side. I looked at jay worriedly before the kind old lady came back with some towels and three cups of tea. "Here you two go, now I have some questions if you don't mind answering them." I sat down next to jay and he nodded so I did as well. "Okay first thing first is your names, I am Tea now you."

"I'm Jay pleasure to meet you and thank you as well I needed that" Jay bowed his head lightly. I sighed softly straighten my back.

"Hello I'm Lily pleasure to meet you and thank you for helping  My little brother." She looked surprised slightly before clearing her throat.

"Now may I know why you two were out side in the rain by your selves when its raining so hard? Also were are you parents wont they be worried about you?" She asked I flinched and look at jay who had a blank expression. I looked at blaze and Blake who shared a worried look with each other before I spook up.

"Tea-san I was abandoned by my parents since I was five and Jay here.....lost his in the fire a couple of weeks ago." I answer slowly my voice shaking slightly. Her eyes narrowed as she sipped her tea.

"Well do you have anywhere to stay at?" I shook my head while Jay remained silent worrying me even more. "Well how about you stay with me and my grandson then" I looked at her shocked before looking at Jay who looked just as shocked as I was.

"I....I gladly appreciate your offer Tea-san but I don't want to bother you and your grandson" Jay Answered solemnly. I sighed for the kami knows how much before I grabbed a towel and started to dry myself along with jay who just sat there and let me.

"Child if you were to be a problem I wouldn't have asked if you wanted to stay with me. There is more then enough room for you two to stay plus I don't have the right mind to let to children live out on the streets." Tea-san scolded me and Jay, I looked at jay and gave him a soft smile.

"Maybe we should take her offer brother its not the safest to live on the streets." Jay looked at me before sighing softly and nodding making me and Blake and Blaze relaxed.

"Good now lets get you some dry clothing for you two and fine a room for each of you." Tea-san said standing up, I followed her lead and stood up and help jay stand up next to me.

"T-tea-san!" Jay called out slightly louder then his usually volume. "C-can me a-and Lily s-share  a room please. I know it may s-sound bad s-seeing as lily a girl and I-I'm a b-boy but I 'll sleep better knowing that I-im not  alone." I looked at jay shocked but happy before looking at Tea-san.

"Alright then come along you two, Change of clothes then straight off to bed for the both of you. In the morning you'll meet my grandson Aoba and his alitame Rin." We followed her upstairs from there she gave me and jay a change of clothes and showed us to the room we will be sharing from now on. 

(In the next chapter you'll be meeting one more new character named Seryy bye Eros_Veresta)

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