Chapter 3

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Seryy pov

I have finally have finished my time in the military I deiced to move to old town, but I'm starting to regret my choice. The streets weren't that bussie seeing as the sun was setting it was the fact that I didn't have a place to stay and if I don't eat anything soon there will be problems. I checked my watch before looking around for a place to eat or at lest something sweet to snack on. "Nothing seems to be open at this time or around this place, the sun isn't even set yet these place's are already closed." I mumble and continue on my way for a little bit longer before my hands started to shake. "Damn it" I sighed before sitting down on a bench by a park on closing my eyes trying to get my thoughts sorted out. "I need to find something soon" I groaned quietly and rubbed my head.

"Are you alright mister?" A soft but outgoing kind voice called out. I looked up to see two kinds standing in front of me one was a girl who towered over the boy slightly. She hair green hair and yellow dull eyes that had a shine to them and was wearing a vary pale green dress that stopped right above her knees. Then she has pale yellow stockings and brown shoes.

Next to her was a boy his skin deathly pale or sickly pale, with purple hair that was messy but looked well keep at the same time

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Next to her was a boy his skin deathly pale or sickly pale, with purple hair that was messy but looked well keep at the same time. He has pule bluish purple eyes that were dull and unlike the girl it didn't have a shine to them. Like he had seen something horrible or traumatizing. He was wearing a pale blue shirt with a long gray coat with smokey gray fur around the hooded top and the end of his sleeves. While his pants were baggy and lastly his shoes or well boots were black.

 While his pants were baggy and lastly his shoes or well boots were black

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"Well Mister are you okay?" she asked me again. I grimaced lightly and looked at her and the boy.

"I'm wondering if there any place opened around here where I can get something to eat.....and a place where I can stay." I answered making the girls eyes widen before looking at the boy and whispering. While they were whispering two tiger creped up behind them. I stood up  and quickly pulled the kids behind me while I stood in front of them.

"Oh don't worry about the tigers mister they belong to Jay here, there his ailtmate" the girl told me. I blinked at looked at her before stepping out of the way, the two tigers nodded slightly at me and moving to the two kids. I began to fell light headed as my hands vizably began to shake. "You must be more hungry then we thought you were, come you can have a sweet bun our grandmother makes. worning there really sweet but so good, so in other words hope you like sweet things." She grabbed my shaking hand in her much smaller one and the boys hand in the other before dragging us both in a dircation of which I guess is there home.

Jay pov ~early this morning~

I groaned and opened my eyes weakly, only for my eyes to meet with the light blue roof of the room Lily and I are in. I yawned silently and sat up and spot Lily  hugging Blaze who looked to be hugging her back. I smiled a little before climing out of the bed and walking out of the room only nodding to Blake who got up to fallow me. I climed down the stairs when the front door slammed shut, I blinked and looked at Tea-san who was angrily staring at the front door with a wooden spoon in her  hand. " I'm guessing that was Aoba-san just now?" I questioned making her sigh and turn to me.

 "Yes that boy....anyways you'll have to meet him latter seeing as he ran off to work. Anyways go get your friend breakfast is done and I don't want it to go to waist, hurry alone now boy." she shooed me back up the stairs to the room me and lily get to call our own. I opened the door to see Lily frantically looking around the room as if she lost something vary important to her. 

'Lily Tea-san wants us down stairs for breakfast" I called making her head snap to my small form by the door. She quickly lunged off the bed and tackled me to the floor in a fit.

"Why didn't you wake me up when you got up!! I woke up to see you missing, you scared me, don't do that again." She shook me before getting up and pulling me up after she got her baring. "Now lets go have breakfast " she cheered dragging me down the stairs and into the dinning room were Tea-san sat waiting for us. " Morning Tea-san hope you didn't wait for us to long" Lily smiled and sitting down making me sit in the seat next to her.

~~time skip to the park~

Lily decided to go to Aoba work cause she couldn't wait for him to get home so she begged Tea-san for the place Aoba works at. A few minutes latter Lily had dragged me out of the house and now were walking to his work.....great. I ran into her back when she suddenly just stopped, I looked up at her face to see she's staring at something. I fallowed her line of sight to see she's looking at a person sitting on a bench. "I wonder if he's okay?....come on Jay lets go see if the mister okay!" Lily said detrmaind. I sweat dropped lightly but stood straight when we were in front of the stranger. Hasn't anyone taught her stranger danger.....oh wait never mind that thought jay sighed but stop his inner thoughts when The stranger looked at them. "Well mister are you okay?" she asked. I looked at the stranger seeing him observering us before answering.

"I was wondering if there any places opened around here where I can get something to eat..... and a place where I can stay." He answer, Lily snapped her head at me before whispering to me.

"He doesn't have a place to stay and he's hungry by the looks of it, maybe Tea-san can help him like she help us." I looked at her like she was crazy before sighing for the tenth time I think. Lily must have took that as an okay but before she could say anything the stranger stood up and grabbed us and place us behind him. Me and Lily looked past him to see Blaze and Blake looking at the stranger before lily spook up. " Oh don't worry about the tigers mister, they belong to jay here, there his alitmates." Lily smiled all he did was nodded before he looked like he was dizzy and his hands were shaking a lot more. I grew slightly worried for this stranger "You must be more hungry then we thought you were, come you can have a sweet bun our grandmother makes, Wondering there really sweet  but so good, so in other works hope you like sweet things." Lily grabbed his hand then grab mine before pulling us in the direction of the house. Well there goes our well her plan to meet Aoba at his job.

(to be continue~ )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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