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*dingy dong*

Adële: *reads dare, gives the rest to Bruno, and goes and sits in a corner*

Bruno: *reads dare* HA Sa Adële cannot speak visout turning people into cats! *laughs*

Adële: *glares at him*

Bruno: *stops* Oh Adële~ You have Anoser Dare!

Adële: *walks over to him* Va- *covers mouth*

Bruno: *turns into a cat with a spacesuit on* NOOOOOOOOOOOO ((The cats can still talk))

Adële: DAWWWWWW *picks up Bruno and cuddles with him* Your so cute!

Bruno: Stop it! You still have to do your dare! You have to slap Everyvone! Even sa Suberino!

Adële: *lightly slaps Bruno: Vone down...Call Everyvone over here please

Bruno: EVERYVONE COME OVER HERE PLEASE! *jumps out of Adëles hands*

Adële: *pouts*

Everyone else: *comes over*

Adële: *runs and slaps everyone and then hides*

Everyone but Bruno: VAT VAS SAT FOR?!?!

Bruno: It vas a dare for sa Adële

Everyone but Adële: *looks at Bruno who is a talking cat*

Bruno: Adële can't talk to anyvone visout turning sem into a cat...

Suberino: *goes and finds Adële*

Adële: *sees Sub* H-shoot...

Suberino: *turns into a neon green cat*

Adële: Awwwwww! *cuddles Suberino*

Suberino: *purrs*

Adële: Remember to leave your trus or dares down below!

Bye bye my darlings!


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