c h a p t e r | 13

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- thirteen -

'If you don't deal with your demons, they will deal with you, and it's gonna hurt,'
- Nikki Sixx.

'If you don't deal with your demons, they will deal with you, and it's gonna hurt,' -  Nikki Sixx

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IT IS SAID that life is made up of moments. Moments that defines you. You are made of moments. Even down to the smallest glimmer, smile or caress, they are all a part of you. Yet, we tend to lose sight of the little things when we know the point of no return is right around the corner, but funny enough they are those we remember when the life changing moments finally do arrive.

I've lost count of those frozen moments. The times in which crossing the rubicon has forced me to adapt, and yet I will always remember what I did in that exact moment. Just like I'll remember the fraction of a second it took for Xavier to leave my side.

A quarter of a second and his hand on my heart was no more.

"Davina." My name comes as a tremor, and I flinch involuntarily by my name on his lips.

"Stop!" Xavier's voice reverberates through the wilderness in perfect canon with the cocking of the gun which is firmly clutched in his hands.

I can still detect the faint smoke emitting from the barrel, the acid smell filling the air in conclusion of its previous activity.

One moment and the one I love took the life of one I used to love.

"Ajal?! Ajal!" My hands clench into white knuckled fists, desperate to latch onto something, anything that won't take me back to the place where I remember that name with happiness, just as I don't want to look into the eyes of the person I once looked up to.

I desperately want to look away, but I can't. His washed out features mixes together with the carefree one I remember in stunning detail.

Paralyzed in my own mind, I watch my former confidant crumble by the sight of losing his best friend as death has arrived.

Death has come to rest in Ajal eyes, whisking away every feature there once was of the charismatic character he once was - the friend he used to be.

Then culmination hits and his gaze shifts from his dead friend's to mine, "D-Davina?" My old friend repeats in disbelief. His eyes wide, tormenting and vivid refuse to steer away from mine. Even as he finally buckles under the weight, they don't look away.

He doesn't look away.

Xavier takes a protective step in my line of sight and raises the gun again to make yet another deadly shot, however it doesn't stop the lacerations and shock masking his face from burning onto my retina and seep into the cracks of my heart. I sense his pain from across the field, and it tears at me harder than any lycan's claws: The exhaustion and fear creeping over him as it dawns on him the archangel has his eyes set on him too.

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