#3 Hiding spot

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"Come, I want to show you something," Jungkook said as he pulled my hand into the hall. "So, what do you want to show me?" I asked. "Boys!" Jungkook shouted. Taehyung and Jimin both appeared from the back of the stage. "Hey, Yoona!" Taehyung said chuckling. I knew who he was as he was my best friend's Boyfriend. "Hey," I said to both of them and waved. "You sure you want to do this bro?" Jimin asked. "Yes, Jimin hyung," Jungkook said nodding his head. He brought me backstage and pulled me into a little room. There were posters, bottles of water, beer, drawings of the little pink bunny that Jungkook was drawing. "You drew those didn't you?" I asked pointing to the drawings. "Yep," He said. "Those are Taehyung and Jimin's," Jungkook said pointing to two boxes containing an alien and a white dog with a hoodie. "Cooky, Tata and Chimmy," he introduced. "You can have this," He said taking out a cooky stuffed toy. I took it and squeezed it. "Thanks," I thanked him. "No problem," he said smiling at how I held it and squeezed it. "What? Don't judge," I said pouting. I placed the stuff toy in my bag. I looked at my watch and found out that we were late for class. "We're late!" I shouted and dragged Jungkook out of the room. We both rushed to the classroom and found Mrs. Seo at the front of the class. "Ms. Kang, Mr. Jeon, you're late," Mrs. Seo informed. "We know," Jungkook said rolling his eyes and pretending to be exhausted. "Detention both of you. 3 hours," she said pointing to the table where we both sat. We walked to our seats and I took out my sketchbook again and gave one to Jungkook. He took out a pen and started drawing something else. It looked like a girl but I wasn't sure. "Class, pass up your homework," Mrs. Seo instructed. I took out mine and found that Jungkook didn't have his. "There you go," I said. "Why do you have it?" He asked. "You were fast asleep without completing your homework, so I took it home to complete it for you," I explained. "Oh," he said nodding his head. He took it and passed it to the front. He ruffled my hair and made me look like a caveman. "Seriously?" I asked and made my hair neater. "Stop with the ruffling," I said annoyed at his movements. "You're gonna have to put up with it until detention ends," he said smiling.
Detention. The room. Jeon Jungkook. The teacher who goes to the 'toilet'. You know what? That detention teacher should be fired for not takin his job seriously. "Yoona. Homework! Half half!" He said and snapped his fingers in front of my face which cut my train of thoughts. "Ok," I said. I quickly scribbled down my answers and handed it to Jungkook once again. I knew this was going to continue until we graduated but I didn't anticipate the moment. I did before but now, I don't. I didn't know why. I felt a hand clasping onto mine and a voice saying, "Mom. Don't leave. Mom. Stay. You've got this house and a car. Why do you want to leave. Is it because of me?"
I looked at Jungkook and realised that he was like this because of his Mother. As usual, I let him finish sleeping until detention ended and we went to get the rice cakes. After that, we would always go back to Jungkook's house where I was crashing at and he would always lend me his monkey printed pyjamas. Before I slept, I thought of cooky and took it out to hug it while I slept. An image of Jungkook smiling appeared in my mind before I dozed off to sleep.

Next morning...
I went to the kitchen and took out the ingredients to make pancakes for breakfast. "Honey," I thought when I looked at the bottle of honey in the fridge. I wonder if Jungkook likes honey... I took it out and placed it onto the dining table along with the pancakes. "Jungkook!" I shouted. "Jungkook!" I shouted again. No response. I walked up to his room and saw him fast asleep with another cooky toy in his arms. "Aigoo, so cute. Oh my god. Yoona! Stop fangirling!" I whispered and slapped my forehead. "About what?" He asked as he opened one of his eyes. He got out of bed and walked towards me. "Were you watching me sleep?" He asked. "N-no, br-breakfast is d-downstairs," I stuttered. Jungkook gave a smirk and went to the dining room. He walked towards his seat and started eating his pancakes after splashing honey over the pancakes. Of course he liked honey. If not why would he even buy so many of them? I saw a message appear on my phone.

Yurae: Hey :)
Me: Hey, what's up?
Yurae: This is a Long story, so I've gotta call you...
Me: Sure ;)

"Hey!" I said when I picked up the phone. Once Jungkook saw me, I knew he was going to make his move. "Babe! Are you cheating on me right now?" He shouted. "Shhhh!" I shushed him before he made another sound but obviously it didn't work. "Is that Jungkook?" She asked when she heard his voice. "Yep. Jungkook! Quieter down would you?" I asked. "Oh. Then never mind," she said and chuckled before she hung up the phone. I stomped on Jungkook's leg before I continued to eat my breakfast. Babe. What a cheesy word. Cringe...
"Let's go to the park after this," he said. "Ok. I'll go get my clothes," I said shrugging and putting my plate in the dishwasher. I walked to my house and went to get an outfit from my closet. I found a bluish green tank top and placed it with a pair of white denim shorts. I looked into the mirror and decided to change my hairstyle and curled it with my curling iron. I went to the living room and found Seoji. He was holding a pen knife. I knew I was in trouble. "Jungkook!" I shouted out. Seoji walked towards me slowly. "Looks like your hero hasn't come huh?" He asked as he raised the pen knife. Jungkook ran towards him and sent him to the ground once again. Seoji cut him with a pen knife. Just then, I used my bag to hit Seoji's head. Seoji groaned in pain and Jungkook took the pen knife away from him. "Jungkook! You have a cut!" I shouted and brought him to the table while Seoji ran out of the house. "I told you he would come and find you again," Jungkook said chuckling. "Sorry. You're hurt all because of me," I apologised. "Nah. This happens to me all the time," he said. I cleaned up his wound and placed a plaster onto the cut. "I don't think we should go to the park today. Movie?" Jungkook suggested. I shrugged. "Movie it is!" Jungkook said smiling. "You're so childish sometimes," I commented. "That's the reason why the girls fall in love with me. And I'll make sure you do too," he said. I blushed when he said that and used my hair to cover my face before he could see the effect that he had on me. "Aww. Blushing!" He said. "Shut up," I said nudging him. "Well, I'll go decide what movie to watch and you go make some food," he said while we walked to his house. "Sure," I said without an objection to it. He smiled at me and I smiled back. We both looked into each other's eyes and this continued forever.

People who are reading this, I know that this chapter is a little short but nonetheless, I still hope that you can share this with those friends that you have who are on Wattpad! Thank you!

People who are reading this, I know that this chapter is a little short but nonetheless, I still hope that you can share this with those friends that you have who are on Wattpad! Thank you!

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