Chapter 18

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"You okay kid?" Nikki looked at me, trying not to laugh.

I smiled weakly, and put my thumbs up. Pulling drinks was so easy, and the people were great. Pogue, Caleb, Tyler and Reid turned up about a half an hour before my shift ended. It was getting pretty late, and I was cutting it a little short. I hoped I made it home in time; I didn't want to ascend in the back of a bar. The boys watched over me, and when my shift ended they took me home. My mum was waiting, and she instantly put me in my room. The boys made a circle around me, trying to make me feel more comfortable. I looked at the clock, and my body itched.

"It's getting closer. Not long now." I whispered.

"Don't be scared, we're all here." Caleb said, coming over and putting his arm around me.

"You know you guys can't be here when it happens, right? It's way too dangerous for you."

"We'll be downstairs, just keep relaxed. We're here." Pogue soothed.

My alarm clock struck Eleven, and my mum moved them out of my room. I stared after them, a tear running down my face.

"Don't be scared. It will be okay." My mum said, as she closed the door, and locked it.

I waited in the dark, waited for my time. I wasn't expecting it. It just hit me. The light came from nowhere and the pain was excruciating. I screamed and screamed, begging for it to end. I just wanted to die. My body was on fire, every nerve in my body was alive, like electricity was pulsing through them. I don't know how long it lasted, but it felt like forever. Finally, it ended. All the pain left me, and I was left tired. I was exhausted. My head hit the pillow, and that was it.

I was woken with several violent shakes, I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't, it was like they were glued shut. More violent shakes, and several voices.

"CALEB! She won't wake up!" A rough voice shouted. There was banging on what sounded like stairs, and then the voices were next to me.

"What do you mean she won't wake up?" A calm voice said. Caleb.

"WHAT I SAID! SHE WON'T WAKE UP!" The rough voice screamed.

"Tyler! Calm down, she'll be fine! She's ascended, give her a few minutes!"

Tyler? My eyelids fluttered, and a cough escaped my mouth. I managed to open my eyes, and I saw everyone around me. Coughing, I tried to sit up.

"Here. Let me help you." Tyler went to help me get up.

"I can do it myself!" I snapped, and he instantly withdrew his hand. I struggled, but managed to fix myself into a better position. My head span a bit, and my thoughts were very tangled.

"You survived it." Pogue said, relieved.

"Oh my god, and there was me thinking I was dead." My voice dripped sarcasm.

"Well, it looks like her sarcasm hasn't been damaged." Reid put in.

"I feel like crap." I winced at how rough my voice sounded.

"You look it too." Reid said.

"Shut up Reid." Tyler growled.

"Ty, stop." I said, my voice louder and more harsher now.

"What? I can't even tell him to shut up? Just because you've ascended doesn't mean you control me, love." He spat.

I sighed, tiredness was consuming me again. "Do what you want; I'm too tired to argue with you."

Tyler looked at me, and then to the others.

"We'll be... downstairs." Caleb said, grabbing Reid and Pogue. He shut the door behind him, and Tyler came to curl up on the bed with me. He put his arms around me, and I melted into his embrace.

"I'm sorry for being harsh on you." He whispered.

"I'm sorry for snapping." I said.

"I love you." He said into my ear.

"I love you too." I breathed.

"I'll let you sleep. I think we're coming straight round after school." He said, whilst getting up and moving to the door.

"If they ask you to give me the homework that they've set, tell them I died... choking on my cereal." My lips pulled up at the sides.

"I'm sure Reid can think of a more creative excuse." Tyler joked, opening the door.

"I bet he could. He'd probably say I've grew an extra head, or tentacles have sprouted out my nose."

"Tentacles sprouting out of your nose?" Tyler raised his eyebrows.

"Don't question my sanity, I am completely sane. Just really, really tired." I yawned to make my point.

'I have to go now anyway; we'll be back later on. Sleep." He commanded.

"Yes sir." He closed the door and I let myself drift off to sleep.

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