Some Friends

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The two leaders eyed each other down, while the members stood behind them awkwardly.

"As if I'd be going on a mission with you lot" Hanbin crossed his arms over his chest. "Joshua I could deal with, as for the rest of're too much"

"I'm afraid you've lost Joshua to them too" Seongcheol smirked. "And you're coming with us cause that's what you've been assigned to do"

Hanbin rolled his eyes, "just don't slow me down"

Vernon froze still as he watched the leader started to make his way to the door. His members looking very uncomfortable. Seongcheol sighed and followed behind him.

Once Hanbin and Seongcheol had walked out the door, two of his members walked up to Jeonghan and Seokmin.

"I wouldn't worry about him, let's have fun during this mission" one of them have a thumbs up.
Vernon was confused all over again.

"What did you have in mind Junhoe?" Jeonghan smirked. The rest of Seventeen knew this meant trouble. Big trouble.

Dino turned to Vernon, "I wouldn't get involved with this one, pissing off B.I is a no-no"

Vernon nodded nervously, then turned to Joshua for his thoughts.

Joshua agreed with Dino, "yeah, don't get involved if they ask you to"
Ju-ne and Song had Jeonghan and DK with them the entire mission. And since this mission had to be planned out carefully, having four pranksters doing their actions carelessly was dangerous.

Vernon and Joshua didn't want to take anymore bullets.

Jinhwan was having none of the nonsense.

"Junhoe, don't mess around! If you make one mistake we're all fucked, do you understand?" the older glared. Jeonghan and Ju-ne snorted.

Song was the one who was supposed to throw grenades, so timing had to be perfect. That was the part that got everyone worried about, especially B.I.

Jinhwan stayed besides Bobby the whole mission, since he was the 'best on the team' according to the leader. And the older trusted that. Bobby was usually quiet and gets embarrassed very easily, so he tends not to make mistakes...unless he's very nervous. But if Hanbin trusts Bobby, then everyone trusts Bobby.

DK and Seokmin were having a hard time with their leaders since both of their names were "DK". Whenever a voice spoke through the ear piece they had to ask "which DK?" or "which leader is this?"

It drove B.I insane.

Song came up with an idea that was completely different to the plan, but it was something he hoped to work. Ju-ne was all ears.

"You know how Bobby gets hella nervous?" Song said, muting the mic on his ear piece so the leader couldn't hear.

Ju-ne nodded. "Well, if we make him nervous, then he'll make a few faulty shots. And he can shoot at the main power system, so the files the enemy are sending won't go through!"

"And how do we get the power back on?"

"I have some capsules that I'll insert into the system, it'll automatically switch the power back on"

Jeonghan liked the sound of this plan.

"So, we basically kill the dark?"

"Yep!" Song smiled. "We all have night vision goggles anyways, all of us do"

Jeonghan nodded, "let's hope this actually works"

"Hanbin's not gonna like it though, if it's a plan besides his own he's not gonna like it" Ju-me gulped.
"Hey, Jiwon" Song whispered through the ear piece.

"Yes, Song?" Bobby sighed as he loaded his gun with some bullets.

"We're currently being watched, you do realise that. And they have their eye on you from above"

Bobby suddenly had his eyes glued to the ceiling, he was looking in every direction to see if there was a camera somewhere up there. But he couldn't see it. Must be very well how does he know it's there?

"W-what do I do?"

"You shoot it, buddy. That's what you do"


"And put on your night vision glasses, alert everyone else to do the same thing. Everyone will believe what you say, of course" Song sighed.

Bobby followed Song's orders without any thought and put the glasses over his head. Bobby spoke to everyone through the ear piece.

"Everyone, we need to put night vision on, do you understand?"

Hanbin sounded immediately worried.

"Why? Whats the problem, Bobby?"

"We're being watched, so I have to put all the lights out. We'll be working in the dark"

Hanbin gulped, "I-if you're sure"

Song and Ju-ne started laughing, not at how gullible Bobby was, but as how soft B.I became once Bobby gave new orders. He didn't even get angry at the new plan! He literally believed the older's words.

"Leader must love him or some shit"

"Junhoe, what was that?" Hanbin said sternly through the ear piece.

Shit, I forgot to mute.

"Nothing sir, just a conversation with Song that should've been muted"

"I see..."

"But sir, you can't see us?" Song giggled. Jeonghan hit him in the arm while chuckled softly.

"Shut up and do as you're told, do you have night vision on?"

"Yes sir"

"Perfect, everything's going to plan"

Bobby aimed his gun at the power supply and without another thought, he pulled the trigger.

All lights were out.

And a scream followed behind it.


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