The Wedding

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The wedding was very small and crowded, since spies from all around the city was invited.

VIXX, BAP, Stray Kids, iKON...

And a little bit of NCT.

To Jun, it was an amazing feeling seeing everyone all together on his wedding...except that Joshua wasn't there.

And neither was Vernon.

Minghao felt the disappointment surrounding his husband, and he pulled him into his side.
"Why isn't he here, Eight?"

"I don't know..." Minghao whispered back. He felt his husband sigh, so he sighed with him.

"And he okay?"

"Again, I don't know. I've heard nothing from either of them"
"So, who's ready to prank the leaders?!" Hyuk said excitedly so his little group of friends.

Which by the way, were all troublemakers.

Jeonghan, Dino, Song, Ju-ne and Hongbin all gathered in a circle in front of VIXX's maknae. Who had a big plan up his sleeve.

"We should get Seokmin too, he'd love this-"

"Count me in too" spoke a familiar voice.

The group turned around and Jeonghan gasped, followed by the rest of the group.
"Joshua?! You came!"

Joshua hushed the group as he didn't want to be found out so soon, "if you want to prank the leaders, you gotta do it quietly"

Jeonghan and Dino rushed over to their friend and hugged him tightly, it felt so good to be back.
"Welcome home"

"Thanks guys". Joshua clapped his hands, "so...who are we getting first?"



Screams filled the wedding hall almost immediately and it was hysterical to the group. Hakyeon was chasing Hyuk around like predator and pray while Hanbin already had his two members caught in his grasp. As for Jeonghan and Dino...well...

They were hiding while giggling like children.

And nobody knew still that Joshua was amongst them.

Jun and Minghao sat together at a table, casually chatting about what they were going to do for a honeymoon and the future they planned ahead.
It was until a hand was placed on each shoulder of the married couple, was when they both stopped in their tracks.

"Congratulations you two" a voice whispered.

And Jun screamed.

All eyes from every spy in the room was placed on Joshua and now a crying Jun. Minghao's eyes popped out his sockets while Jun had Joshua in a tight embrace, crying his eyes out.

"You came! You really came!"

"Told you I would, didn't I?"

"But you said no promises-"

"Hey, Jun. I'm here now, so let's continue to enjoy your wedding" Joshua chuckled, Jun nodded while cupping a hand over his mouth.
Then it was Minghao's turn to give his friend a hug.

The crowd erupted with cheers as more Seventeen members joined the three. They were all together again...

Except for one.

"Where's Vernon?" Joshua asked sadly, the rest of the members' expressions faltered.

"He's in his room back home-"

And with that, Joshua was running as fast as his legs could carry him, he needed to see him.
The man he's been missing these past two months.

The man who saved his life.

The man who always made him smile just from one glance.

The man he fell in love with.

He needed to see him, and there was no time to waste.
Vernon lay there in his bed, completely drowning in his thoughts. He was ready to fall asleep until he heard the front door open, very loudly...

They're back so soon? I thought the wedding would as least go on for a few more hours...

Vernon became more confused when he only heard one set of footsteps instead of eleven. He was about to get up from his spot when the foot suddenly opened wide.

And there stood the one person he's been missing all this time.


Vernon sat there on his bed and could not believe his eyes. Before either of them knew it, they were both in the tightest embrace they ever felt from one another. Tears of joy began pouring out of both of their eyes as they continued to hold each other.

They missed this feeling the most.

"You came back..." Vernon's voice was muffled in Joshua's shoulder. Neither of them dared to let go.

"Of course I did...and you waited for me?"

"Of course I did, even though I was losing hopes of you coming back"

"Well, I said I'd come back...didn't I?"

They finally pulled away just so they could look at one another. Tears stained both of their cheeks and smiles were widely spread across their faces. Their foreheads touched as they just sat there, enjoying the moment as it lasted.
Vernon broke the silence.

"Joshua, I am so sorry"

Joshua pulled away just to look at Vernon while he spoke.

"I made a massive mistake...and I want to try again. If you're still mad at me or don't want to that f-"

Joshua interrupted Vernon's words with a kiss. The feeling of pure bliss surrounded them, and the younger knew then that Joshua's answer was yes.

And even though Kun is still out there, they both knew they were going to stand together.

They'll never be apart again.

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