Chapter 1

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She was running.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Her feet pounded the ground as she ran, leaving a path of crushed vegetation and twigs behind her.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Her breathing was labored, and the wound in her side throbbed but she couldn't stop. She had to get to town. Town. Police. Safe. She had to make it. A sudden crash behind her caused her to falter for a second, but a second was too much. The man lunged at her, grabbing her around her waist. She fell, him on her back. His large body pinned her to the ground. She fought back, but to no avail. He flipped her over and her eyes met cold blue eyes behind the black ski mask. He straddled her hips, and let go. His large, calloused hand grasped the top of the black wool mask and pulled it off.

"Y-you!! Why?? Why!! Please!! No!! No!"

Tears ran down her freckled cheeks as the realization that someone she knew, a man she had thought a friend, was about to kill her.



The jet took off as Spencer opened his bag. He was just pulling out the case file JJ had given him when Morgan sat down beside him. The black man settled into the seat and looked over Spencer's shoulder at the crisp manila folder in his hands. "Hotch say anything to you about where we're going?"

"No. He didn't tell you?" Morgan shook his head.

"Nope." Spencer laid the folder in his lap and looked at his friend. "Is he even on th-". He was cut off as Hotch came out of the cockpit and began walking towards the team who were seated at the back of the jet. Spencer studied Hotch. His face was hard and concerned. What was going on?

Hotch stood up straight between the rows of seats, facing his team. He cleared his throat.

"I know I called you here on short notice. I'm sorry to take you away from your families and activities again. But, this is a special case." He cleared his throat again. "We're heading to Indiana. There have been 2 deaths in the past 2 days."

Spencer opened his case file again, as did Morgan and JJ. Before him lay the pictures of the bodies of two females, who had their throats slashed, and eyes cut out. Their bodies were untouched other than that, except for their palms. In each of their palms was carved the letter 'A'.

"Where they raped?" Morgan's voice pulled Spencer from his thoughts.

"No. There was no sexual trauma at all. In fact, it didn't look like their clothes had even been removed at all." Hotch answered. "Their names are Susan King and Pamela Lock. Both are 22 years old, and they look similar. They are both beautiful, slender, brunettes."

"So we have a type." JJ nodded, studying the pictures as well. Hotch nodded, then continued.

"The local authorizes called us in to help. They're very understaffed, and frankly, they are not equipped to deal with anything of this caliber. The most they have ever had to deal with was drunken fights and car wrecks." Spencer nodded. This was definitely interesting.

An hour later their jet landed and they were driving to the local hotel. Spencer had been reading the case file since the jet ride, and had been thinking. Something bothered him about the case. What was 'A'? Was it supposed to stand for someone else? The female that the rage the unsub had was actually directed at? Maybe.

The black SUV pulled into the hotel, a small but nice looking place. It's name, Hollow Hills Inn, shined in the bright sunlight, momentarily blinding Reid. He had another headache coming on, and that wasn't helping. He pulled his dark sunglasses down over his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to stop the oncoming surge of pain. He followed Hotch, Morgan, Rossi, and JJ up the stone steps and through the heavy oak doors inside. Once inside, Reid looked around. The interior of the inn was actually quite nice. The floor was stone tile, with glass windows lining the back wall. Through them was a beautiful view of hills and green trees.

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