Even more. . .

52 6 3


ok.....ill stop now..


1. Why is it, when a parent or adult comes into the room while you're on the PC, I just make a new tab and stare at the google logo until the person leaves? Am I the only one that does this?

2. Why am I more tired in the morning when I went to bed earlier the previous night, than I am when i go to bed later??

3. Why is Jason Durulo's 'wiggle' so catchy?? ....oh god...ive only just realised how weird that sounded....MOVING ON....

4. Why do all the cute and positively most attractive guys, have to be older?? Its infuriating!!!!

5. Why is it when I go round a friends house, they have posters of 1D and cute animals and s**t and then they come round mine and stare worriedly at the fandom covered encyclopedia that is my room?

6. Where do the hairbands go? I swear there is some kind of hairband pixie that works for the sock goblin.

7. Why am I sooo bad at drawing??? Everyone else is just sitting there drawing these awesome Anime/Cartoon people that could pass as proper animations and my version is....well...a stickman?

8. Why do I do the weirdest stuff at the most important moments?? For example......

I was at some crappy family gathering, when my great aunt came over and started to talk to me. Now bearing in mind that I havent seen this woman in ages, I wanted to make a good impression. She said to me " Are you ok dear. I havent seen you since you were tiny!"

and I replyed saying" years since i seen you, i have."

She just stared at me.. I dont blame her.


.....i am so....so....so..socially awkward....god help me..

And yes, i am aware that I just expressed an embarrassing story to you guys.....oh god

I think we'll stop there..

Well I hope you enjoyed that story...I mean list...chapter. Third time lucky.

Please leave a suggestion for next time down in the comments and dont forget to vote!

Next week I wont have access to any electronics or internet so I cant update for you guys, but if you beg Caity and Harri, they might write a chapter for you guys!

Well anyways, luv you all, have a great summer and I'll see you on the other side!!




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