Chapter 2- Dani

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Letting the hot water pelt down on my back and run down my skin, relaxing my muscles, I start to wash my hair. Removing any of the oils that had time to coat my hair while sleeping, washing out all the bubbles, I grab the conditioner and pour a quarter sized amount in my hand, distributing it through my hair and letting it do it's thing while I start washing my body. I've always been a very clean person. I have to take at least 2 showers a day (sometimes 3), I brush my teeth 3 times a day, I hate germs and always have little bottle of sanitizer in my pocket, I guess you could say I'm a bit of germaphobe.

"Dani! Get out now! Dad and Mom need you in the living room ASAP! My sister Delilah hollers, banging on the door.

"Okay! Almost finished, be down in a sec!" I yell back.

I hurriedly wash the conditioner out of my hair and let the suds of the body wash run down the drain with the conditioner. I step out of the shower wiping down my body with a towel and drying my hair quickly. I pull on my cut-off shirt, throw on some boxer briefs, then pull some basketball shorts that are a little to big for my petite frame. I take after my mom in being short and small, while my sister takes after my dad being tall and thick(not fat, she's just curvy). I step out of the bathroom and walk through the house to the living room. Finding Dad pacing back and forth, Mom biting her nails on the couch, and Delilah looking terrified.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I plop down in the chair my Dad "claimed" as his own.

"We need to grab a few bags and take off to grams & gramps house." Dad blurts out as he switches on the t.v.

"What! why?" Delilah and I say almost in unison.

"Just watch." Dad turns the t.v. to the news and I'm takin back by the scene. There's a people running down the road a few with a child attached to their backs others practically dragging their children away from other humans that are covered with blood, maybe their own or others. The only thing that's scary is their eyes are a blank grey color, no pupils or anything. The other disturbing thing is one of the humans, a man, grabs a small child that's standing there balling his eyes out and sinks his teeth into his shoulder, blood gushing out and the man ripping into the child's flesh, as a woman joins into the torture,

Staring at the t.v. wide eyed I don't know what to say or think. All I know is those aren't humans, they're monsters! I want to cry at the sight I just saw. The poor boy wasn't no older than 7/8 years old, he must of got lost through the crowd and separated from his parents when the "stampede" started. His face was burned into my mind as the man sunk his teeth into the poor little boy.

"Oh.My.God." Was all Delilah let out, a little over a whisper.

"You see, that's a few towns over. Those things will be here in just a matter of time. If we get our stuff and head out now we might make it to grams & gramps before they arrive. We could get into the storm shelter and might be able to survive this." Dad was so uneasy as he said that and that was not like him. He was our protector, he never let anything get to him and he always new the best thing to do in a serious situation. But in this situation he wasn't sure and you could tell it in his voice.

"Now go get a bag and pack it only with essentials." Dad spits out and takes off to his room with Mom right on his heels.

I jump up right after Delilah is walking out of the living room. I rush to my room and grab my small neon green and black duffle bag. Immediately stuffing it with clothes, phone & charger, and- just as I reach for a family photo book my Mom made and gave to me one time for Christmas, the power goes out. I shove a few more things into my bag and head back to my closet. I grab my black skinny jeans, a pair of knee-high studded combat boots Dad got me(yes, Dad. He let's me dress & act anyway I wanna. Even though being gay isn't a act),grab a grey short sleeve shirt, and my leather jacket. I strip out of the shorts and cut-off shirt, pulling on my jeans and shirt, I sit down on my bed to pull on my boots and thank the lord these have a zipper on the inner leg so I don't have to lace these things up every time I put these things on. After zipping the boots up, I grab my jacket and bag.

"Mom, Dad, Delilah! I'm ready!" I yell through the house, dropping my bag off by the door and jog to the kitchen where I hear mom mumbling.

"Grab that box and put it by the door sweetie." Mom points to a small box sitting on the table probably filled with food. I nod and grab the box and do just as I was asked.

"Ready! Ready!" Dad hollers, Delilah hollers also as she walks out of her room. Dads wearing a long sleeve blue shirt with jeans and his work boots, while Delilah is wearing boots similar to mine (just no studs), a white tank tucked into black high-waist shorts.

"We're possibly in the zombie apocalypse and that's what your wearing?" I ask as Delilah walks past me.

"If I have to fight off, one of those things I don't want to feel confined." She replies with not a care in the world.

"Hopefully you don't get bitten with being THAT exposed." I point out, she just shrugs it off and ignores me as she stands at the door, waiting to leave.

"Tara! Let's go! we don't have a lot of time!" Dad hollers towards the kitchen as the comes back out of the living room with a long but small steel box with a lock on it.

"Okay. Okay. I'm ready. I was just grabbing a few things, while you grabbed our stuff Matt." Mom shuffles to the door with another small box in hand.

"Okay listen, in this box are a few things we might need if we have to protect ourselves." Dad opens the box and exposes several types of weapons. He hands me a small pistol with two small knifes, I put the pistol in the back of my pants and poke the knifes into my boots. He hands Delilah two machetes and pushes one into each of her boots where they're hidden perfectly (copycat). He pulls out two bigger pistols, puts one in his pants and hands one to Mom.

"Okay let's get to the car and take off." Dad picks up his and Moms bag then walks to the door, waiting for us to grab our stuff and get ready to dart to the car. We all pick up our stuff and stay right behind Dad running to the car as he flung open the door. Once we jump in the car I push the box mom had me carry, into the back of our Tahoe. Delilah's and my bag stacked on top of one another and putting their bag in the floorboard below Moms feet, mom still holding the box she ran out the house with.

Dad starts up the car and off we go, Dad driving fast as hell, it was actually kind of scary. Just as I was wondering why there wasn't a whole lot of traffic, my thought was answered. The freeway was jam packed both ways and didn't look like it would be moving anytime soon. Dad started cursing under his breathe, while mom started digging through the box in her lap.

"Here put these in your bags." Mom hands Delilah and I a few granola bars and 2water bottles. putting some in her an Dads bag too.

"If we for some reason get separated, make sure you keep your bags with you and the weapons we gave you." Dad says as Delilah pulls one of the machetes out of her boots, examining it thoroughly. Just as dad turns on the radio a woman hits the side of the vehicle, her eyes the same blank grey color as the crazed peoples on the t.v. earlier, with blood gushing from her ribs. People were already jumping out of they're cars running the opposite way they monsters were coming from. They just creeped up on us, one minute it was silent and the next it turned chaotic. They're creeps, yeah, that's what they should be called Creepers but creeps for short.

"It's too late they've arrived!" Dad yells as he pulls the Tahoe to the right, jerking out of the lane into the grass and taking off.

Just as dad speeds up something bust out the back window, looking back I see a creep left laying on the ground, I guess they weren't able to hold on. It was like slow motion as I turned around, Dad was going at a insane speed just as a red car pulled out in front of us. Dad tried dodging the car but failed miserably, ending up hitting the car and making us flip over and over, by the 2nd flip I was knocked out.

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