Chapter 4

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Nick's P.O.V.

I had been woken up in the middle of the night by a few banging noises outside. Probably someone shooting at one of those monsters. But once the shooting died down, I couldn't fall back asleep. So I just looked around the shop, trying to find anything that would be useful or that could possibly be used as a weapon. A Consignment shop is basically a higher priced thrift shop. So their wasn't much just a few clothes racks, a few aisle with stuff randomly placed on the shelves, a shelf running along the wall from one end to the other that was sectioned off with toys, kitchen appliances, dishes, and shoes. Then at the back of the shop there was a glass casing that displayed my moms handmade jewelry, and behind it mounted on the walls were shelves that held old music players, 3 acoustic guitars, a collection of baseball bats and a door that lead to the back room or Dad's "office". So I headed off to grab a few of the bats to sit around the shop just incase I ever needed them. I put one in front of the shop, one in the back, and just placed the last two randomly.

I had to remember where Dad had placed the spare key to his office so I could get inside but it just hadn't crossed my mind yet. So instead of making a crap tone of noise trying to get the door open & probably attracting a bunch of those things, I'll just wait until I remember where it's hid or I run across it. I also need to check around for any food and I need to got to the bathroom! Heading for the bathroom at the the front of the shop I pass by the two windows and door, stopping to glance at the now disastrous event that's took over our world. There really wasn't to much to look at besides the many wrecked vehicles all over the roads, those monsters sniffing around for its next meal, blood all over the ground and smeared on buildings. But my gazing was soon interrupted by something banging on the glass directly in front of me and to my delight it was the beautiful sight of a heavily bruised 50 year old lady with blood oozing out of the wounds on her face and most of her clothing shredded by her previous attacker. I decided not to stare anymore and took off to the bathroom on my left.

After releasing myself, I washed my hands, finally taking a long hard look at myself. Let me tell you, it wasn't anything to gawk at. My eyes were still puffy from the amount of crying I had done and they had just the right amount of purple under them to really make my eyes pop (note the sarcasm), my hair was so greasy it looked glued to my head, I had a decent amount of blood splats scattered on my shirt, and to top it all off my breathe smelled HORR-I-BLE! I didn't care one bit though, I had bigger problems to deal with. Like getting the door and windows covered to make sure I didn't attract anymore of the monsters. I'd just look for something to eat later since it's probably about 7 am it's starting to brighten up in here and maybe I can find some stuff to cover the windows and then create a barrier in front of them too for extra security. It probably sounds a little excessive but I don't wanna see OR know how many it takes of them to break the glass. So I started scavenging the few aisles dad had put up, looking for anything to cover the windows. I found a black tarp on one shelve and a blue one on another, but I still needed at least 2 more. So I went over to where the clothes were put and looked through the shelves on the walls for a few blankets/sheets.

Man, I didn't know this would be such a hassle! Now after finding 2 sheets & 3 blankets I have to find something to actually hold it all up. I know Mom usually was the one to tape up signs and she usually worked the register so maybe she'd put it somewhere around there?..... I don't know, but it wouldn't hurt to look. I looked in the cabinet under the the register, nothing but some papers and two full water bottles, I'll take those. I looked at the small shelves under the the register counter on my right, again nothing. So I looked to my right and ah-ha! There was a roll of duct tape and scotch tape but when I went to grab the duct tape off the top shelf, the top of my hand was scratched by something sticking off the bottom of the counter. I pulled my hand back to look at what was there and I seen a piece of crusty, peeling tape sticking off some more tape. It was barely noticeable but there was something there, under the layers, so I yanked off a few pieces of the tape but someone obviously didn't want this thing to be found! I kept pulled at the edges and lifting up more tape, once I thought I had gotten it loose enough I yanked hard and fast, luckily it came with it! I examined what was stuck to the tape, it was a key? It was the spare key to dads office! Yes! I knew I'd come across it! I really wanted to go unlock dads office but I need to get this done first, so that'll just have to wait till later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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