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" are you done packing yet? "

The brunett, also known as Yoongi in the bedroom looks up agitated " i told you a minute ago, I'm nearly finished " he says getting back picking up a couple of item frames and gently placing them in the cardboard box, which he labeled

Which made his father chuckle when he read it,
" You pack longer than your mother "
Yoongi fake coughs making his father's smile drop as fast as it form

" i'll just wait outside " he says before leaving, Yoongi waited a couple seconds when he was sure that his father was gone before he pulled up a photo book from the cardboard box, which was was filled with favorite items. Scanning through each page he gets a good jolt of his past, finally he stops at a page and examines a certain photo that made his heart break inside.

" Mom " he whispers, his eyes stares at the women who's face was as happy as the morning sun. Her eyes look like they were glistening even though it was a photo. Her smile still made him happy. His family was standing in front of the house that they had just brought. His dad, who looked more happy and younger was looking at the camera with a small smile that was long forgotten. He wasn't a person to show his emotions, which is where Yoongi got his face expressions from. Though nowadays the only thing Yoongi could manage is a small smile, if you could call it a smile.

He places the book back in the box as gently as possible, when he looks around his empty room to see if he packed everything he needed, he gets up and applies duct tape around the box, with a snip of the scissors he pats down the tape before carrying it downstairs and outside to their car.

" finally, i thought you went back to sleep in there " his father joked but there was no hint of smile pulling at his lips, Yoongi missed his father's smile. It didn't look at bright and happy as his mother's but it still made him giddy inside when he sees it start to form. He can forget all the anger and pain when he sees it.

" this is my last box " he says giving it to his father who takes carefully holds it and places it down on the passenger seat. " alright then, shall we head on? " His father days opening the door for Yoongi to get in, Yoongi gave him a small smile and nodded.

When his father gets in and turns on the engine they drove on in silent, the only sound that went through Yoongi's ears were the honks of the cars that passes by them and the occasional coughs his father lets out. The radio wasn't even turned on because his father didn't like to be bothered while he was driving.

The communication between the two wasn't great but lately his father has been more chattier with him. He was less quiet, he even made breakfast today which was something he hasn't done for awhile. Even if it was burnt pancakes its the thought that counts.

Soon they started to pass by gas stations and little shopping communities, Yoongi wanted to do something with his time so he started to count things like how many bookstores did they pass, how many couples will he see? He makes eye contact with someone before quickly looking away.

" dad " Yoongi asks turning to the front to look at his father through the rear view mirror, his father hummed as they make a right turn

" You're happy "

" I'm always happy " his dad laughs,

" You were this happy when you were with mom " Yoongi says now fully aware of what his mind was thinking of

" You found someone "

His father makes eye contact with him through the mirror, his expression hardens but soon his eyes turns soft like he just thought of something

" i have " finally Yoongi understood why they were moving, why they left happy memories behind in the little house that they used to live in.

" what about mom? You want to forget her? Do you even care about me? " Questions spilled put of Yoongi's lips without him even having any second thoughts

" God dammit, would you mother want us to be like this? She would want us to move on, live life and not just cry every fucking day. " his frustration was heard in his tone, Yoongi looks at him his eyes was sad but soon a feeling of betrayal was forming in his heart. Anger rushed through his veins and he resisted the urge to yell and jump out of the car like a madman.

Heck he would rather be in a mental asylum than going to the place his father is bringing him too. " please Yoongi, shes lovely shes as bright as the sun " his father's voice was filled with love and admiration and it made Yoongi sick inside

" mom was the sun to us, or are you trying to forget that too? " Yoongi spat out,

His father bit his lip " you will love her i promise you that " and there his father smiled, a smile Yoongi thought disappeared forever when his mother passed away.

All the anger in his body disappeared in an instance, he slumps back down farther into the leather seat, his chest heavy with guilt that he just raised his voice at his father, he felt bad that he was causing his father's sadness when the man was finding his own happiness again.

" we'll see "

His father looks back at him, a hopeful look in his eyes that makes Yoongi smile, his father was returning back to his normal self. Though Yoongi feels lonelier than he already felt.

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