A new family

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I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine. Looking around the room I saw a figure. As they approached I took in the fact that it had been a man with golden gray hair that hard dark brown spots here and there. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Hello (y/n) I'm your care taker. You will address me as billion or boss. I hope you are hungry, I made dinner. Maybe you can meet the others as well." I was confused at first but I got it out of my mind. 

"I am very hungry Boss. It is lovely to meet you." I smiled replying. I was still confused to how I got here in the first place though,
"It is lovely to meet you too, " he chuckled. He started to stand up, but while he was doing so he noticed something. "Kenny the oldest of out the three of you found you in the woods. He brought you back if that is what you were wondering (y/n)."  I nodded in understanding. He offered me a hand up. I took it and he led me to a dining room. An aroma of sweet sugary breakfast food filled my nose. The Boss looked at me and chuckled helping into a chair. My stomach growled as he put me in the middle of the two boys that were in there already.

They introduced themselves as I started to eat. The taller of the two spoke first.

"I am Kenny it is nice to see you awake. I am 7," he spoke holding his hand out to her to shake. I did and went back to eating. Then the smaller of the two spoke.

"I am Jimmy. I am 6." He said loudly.

Time lapse 10 years 

Kenny, Jimmy and I were excited four our name day. Our name day is when we are finally named Masters and we receive what job we are assigned to. We have been waiting for this day for ten years. Looking back at everything we have done. I really loved my family. 

I watched Kenny and Jimmy run around our yard like goof balls. I decided to join them and as soon as I had gotten out there they had tackled me at the same time.  I looked over and saw the great and powerful boss in his awesomeness.

"It is time," he said looking at us. We all went to the special room that was located at the back of the house. So in the naming process, the youngest goes first. Then it works its way up to the oldest. I am the youngest, so I was the first one up. I went up to the podium and waited for my naming. When  I did so the lights had started up and been raising up my body hitting me in the chest. A deep but calming voice says, "Insanity and innocence."
It went quiet for a moment or two and the voice spoke again. "The Queen/King of the Masters." I fell to the ground in shock. When I got up I slowly walked off the podium still in shock. 

Next had been Jimmy. The lights had down the exact say thing and the voice spoke again. "Delusion," it went quiet."The Great Knight of the Queen/King." He fell to the ground like I did and tried to catch his breath before getting off the podium.

Last but not least Kenny he looked back at us before he moved towards the podium. He stood there and the same process had occurred again. The voice spoke, "Insane." Silence... "Great Knight of the Queen/King."

When Kenny had got off the podium and walked over to us we all started to freak out. I had been the queen/king it was shocking and I didn't understand why I was. But I gladly took it. The other two were also in shock about all of our positions. At the end of the night, we celebrated in joy.

Sorry for this chapter this is an old book. I worked on this with some one but I am the original creator and the helper was an editer and they did great work.

I don't say goodbye,I say goodnight (creepypasta story)Where stories live. Discover now