Chapter 19

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Dave is making me go to a lunch with him to 'talk. I am so not ready for this. I just quickly walk to the small restaurant and sit down across from him.

"I saw the way Chuck was looking at you" He starts.

"So?" I ask.

"And i saw the way you were looking at him. You don't look at me like that" He says.

"So we are breaking up?" I question.

"Yes. I know you are still in love with him. We can stay friends but i can't be used." He says.

"But i don't love him" I say.

"Say that and look into my eyes" He says.

I couldn't, i couldn't get it out. I tried my hardest but it just didn't. He stands up and so do I. I give him a hug and then he kisses me on the forehead. He leaves and i just kinda sit there. I sit and think about the world. I think about what i should do next.

I stand up and run out the door. I hold out my hand and wait for a taxi. One pulls over and I hop in. I sit down on the seat and the girl driving looks back at me.

"Where to?" She asks.

"Empire Hotel" I smile.

I run out of the elevator to see Chuck standing there. Of course getting his morning glass of liquor. I run to him and he sets down his glass. I smash my lips to his. He is taken by suprise at first but then he kisses back. After a few minutes I pull back and look up at him.

"What was that for?" He asks.

"I missed you" I smile.

"What happened to Dave?" He smirks.

"He broke up with me cause he knew i liked you" I smile.

"Smart man" He smiles.

Chuck takes my face into his hands and lifts my chin to his. I kiss him gently but then it gets heated. He picks me up and carries me to his bedroom I knew where this was going and I couldn't wait. I missed him so much in every way.

We both finish and we hear Nate walking around outside. We look at eachother and smile. I knew i had to sneak out somehow but how? Chuck and I come up with a plan. I change quickly but then nate knocks on Chuck's door. Nate comes in and gasps. Chuck and I are both dressed but it is clear that we were doing something.

"Wow I figured this would happen but this quickly?" Nate smiles.

"Get out" Chuck laughs.

Nate leaves shaking his head and i turn towards Chuck.

"So much for me sneaking out. I kinda wanted to" I frown.

"Why?" He laughs.

"I have never done it before" I smile.

Instead of me sneaking out i just leave. We have a party to go to tonight and I have to get ready for it. Blair and Serena comes home in two weeks and I was getting bored without them. I get home and change into sweats and a plain shirt.

I start my makeup and hir. My hair is in loose curls and my makeup is beautiful. A black and gry smokey eye to set off my dress. Of course I add winged eyeliner and red lipstick. I go back downstairs and watch some tv.

It is only 6 and the party starts at 7. I dont want to be early, I hate being the first one there. I sit and watch a moive. Clueless. I love that movie. I sit there and ship a thing of water. I just stare at the Tv and not pay any attention to the rest of the world.

I go upstairs and get dressed.I slip on the long black dress and smile at myself in the mirror. I put on a pair of ear rings and im done. I call my driver and he comes quickly. Liam and I get into the back. My brother cleans up nicely.

"Ready?" I smile.

"I can't believe you are famous" He smiles.

I step out of the car smiling and the photos start flashing. I walk down the red carpet into the party. I stop ever so often so people take photos. After 5 minutes I walk inside. I look for someone or anyone I know but no one is here.

"Laura?" Someone says.

I turn around to see Lily and Rufus. His hand wrapped around her skinny waist. My eyes widden. Rufuss and Lily got back together.

"Lily, Rufus, Thank god someone i know is here" I smile.

"HOw is Serena?" She asks.

"I talked to her yesterday and she seem happy and fine. I already miss her and Blair" I smile.

"Same. I just wish they get home sooner and safe" She smiles.

Dan comes besid me and places his hand on my waist. Friendy way.

"Laura I need you" He whispers in my ear.

"Excuse me Lily. Nice talking to you." I smile.

I follow Dan to the back of the party.

"What is it?"I ask.

"It's Jenny. She is missing." Dan says.

"Calm down Dan she will be ok." I say.

"I don tknow where she is" He freaks out.

"I will go find her" I smile.

I leave and go tot he one place I know she will be. I was at this bar once and I saw her come in. She was with Damien Dalgaard. No good. He helps me get stuff but i know she was selling. I call my driver around back and he comes. I hop in the back and tell him. He drives off.

I get there and walk in. I start looking for Damien but of course I don't see him. I think and then i remember. The roof. I head up the stairs. I push open the door to see Damon and Jenny talking.

"Hey party i over" I say to Jenny.

"How did you find me?" She asks.

"It wasn't very hard." I smirk.

"I'm not leaving" she says.

"Want me to tell your family what exactly you have been doing? I don't deal drugs, i just take them. I actually have brains. I sudgust you leave now before i go ahead and tell gossip girl" i smile.

She storms off and i smile at Damien.

"We were having fun" He pouts.

"Then find someoe else to toy with." I say walking towards him.

I yank a small little baggie from his pocket. No clue what it is but i has to be good. I start to walk away but Damien reahes out and grabs my waist. He pulls me back.

"What about you?" He asks.

"Sorry but I will pass, you aren't my type." I smirk.

I leave and go back to the party.

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