Ice skate fail. or win?

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I cant belive i let them convience me to come. Ive been afraid of it for so long. I sit on the bench and have been sitting here "tying up my laces" for about an hour. I really dont want to go. I have feared this for so long. I have avoided it as much as possible. "Rae! Come on! Its so much fun! It feels like you are flying! You cant avoid this forever! Everyone does it!" I Hear my best friend in the whole world yell to me. "Yes i can! Its not a nessesity to live!" I yell back to her.

Ice skating. The bane of my existance. Alright maybe im exaggerating a little. I just hate it with a fiery passion!...well a freezy passion. hehe puns. Anyways, it terrifies me! I have always been afraid of it. I mean who wants to get bruised? And if you fall someone could skate over your fingers and chop them off! Scary Right???? I start to play frozen free fall on my phone and i see a shadow above me. I dont have time to react before my best friends fiance also my best friend picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Andrew!" I scream as i pound on his back. "Im just doing what i was told by my beautiful fiance" he says. Louder towards the end. He puts me down right in front of the door to the rink. Abbi pulls me as he pushes me in and being the klutz i am, evenmore so on ice, i start to trip and fall. i try to catch myself but knowing i cant i pull my arms in so my fingers dont get cut off. I close my eyes and wait for impact. But instead of the ice bruises i was expecting, i am caught by two very muscular and wonderful smelling arms. I open my eyes only to see face before he starts to trip, slip, and fall. I close my eyes again waiting for impact when he manages to in the last second go under me and i land on top of him. I open my eyes to see a tall handsome stranger that as i said before, smells divine. I look into his gorgeous blue and green eyes with golden flecks towards the pupil. He looks at me and looks down at my lips. He leans up as i lean down. Right before i kiss his juicy lips i hear my name shouted by my best friend who's always had the worst timing. "Rae! Are you okay?! Andrew you idiot! Come help her off of this guy!" I hear the handsome stranger curse under his breath thinking i can't hear him. His voice is husky and low. Abbi skates over and help me up as Andrew helps up my knight in shining tinfoil. The stranger stands up before I try to. I end up slipping and he catches me again, this time without falling himself. "Can you help Andrew get her off the ice? Im afraid she will need more than just Andrew and I." I hear my best friend say. "No problem. After all ive already caught her twice" He says as he smirks and gives me a wink enough to make my knees weak. Thank goodness i can blame that on my klutziness. "Alright, lets get her off the ice before she falls a fourth time!" Andrew pitches in. "I think I can get her" I hear the handsome stranger say as he picks me up in his arms bridal style. I cant help but feel his muscles ripple on my back as he picks me up. I blush and say "Is this really nessesary?" Abbi replies while winking and laughing, "You being so klutzy? Yes i believe it is." He leans towards me and whispers in my ear "Dont act like you dont like it. I saw that cute little blush of yours." I blush an even deeper shade than I thought possible and he chuckles a deep chuckle from low in his chest and says "Like that" I look over to my best friend and she winks whilst looking pretty shocked. We get to the edge of the rink and he puts me down on my seat next to my stuff and i say "thank you for helping me...three times." He does that sexy chuckle of his and says "No problem. It was a pleasure to help such a beautiful woman as yourself. And I believe it was four. " Abbi is obviously trying to process what is happening. She says "we'll give you two a few minutes alone as Andrew and i go get us all some hot chocolate." Andrew groans and replies " you can't get it yourself?" I giggle as she pulls him off by his ear. The handome stranger chuckles and thanks her. I take off my skates and put on my shoes as he sits there and watches me. I unsucessfully try to pretend not to notice.

I see Abbi and Andrew walk back with hot chocolates for all four of us. We stand up and I turn to him and say "Well thank you for helping me so much." Abbi hands them to us and he says "Again, not a problem in the slightest." He begins to walk back to the rink and abbi says to me "so whats his name?" I look at her shocked realizing that i never got it. I say "Hey handsome stranger! I never got your name!" I blush after I realize that i just called him handsome stranger. He turns, winks and shouts back "Its in your pocket with my phone number beautiful! I gave it to you while you were trying not to notice me look at you" I reach into my pocket and see the name Austin with a phone number scribbled under it."

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