paybacks a bitch (oliver moy)

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( an: remember to vote and follow me for more imagines! ly guys💞)

an: this is a part. 2 to "was i not good enough?" with sebastian moy.
it's been a couple days since you and Sebastian broke up and you were at the mall today with your friend to get your mind off of all the stuff that has been happening recently.

"get this please! it looks so nice on you" y/f said begging you.

"ughh fine, then that means you have to get something i think that would look nice on you" you said smirking.

"okay deal" y/f said laughing.

you guys walked out of forever 21 and were going to the food court for a snack break.

on the way, you bumped into someone.

"hey! watch where you are going next time" you said yelling at the boy.

he turned around and your heart dropped. he was so hot.

"im sorry.. i didn't mean it, i just wasn't paying attention" he said.

"are you okay?" he said waving in your face getting worried.

"y/n?" y/f said snapping her fingers.

"s-sorry, i blanked out.. its okay really im the one who should have moved out the way" you said blushing.

"hey let me at least buy you something in the food court. it's the least i could do for a adorable girl like you" he said smiling.

"okay.." you said grinning.

"I'll be looking in hollister, I'll come back later" y/f said winking at you.

you smirked and walked with the boy.

he brought you a Cinnabon from the shop and sat at a table with you.

"hey so i didn't really get your name back there..-

"y/n" you said cutting him off.

"that is so perfect and pretty for someone like you" he said smiling.

"my name is oliver, oliver moy" he said and flashed a smile.

you gulped.

"did you just say... moy?" you said looking nervous.

"yes..why?" he said looking curiously.

"umm no reason, it's just your brother-

"oh your talking about sebastian?" he said cutting you off.

"yeah" you said fidgeting.

"why did you have something with him that i should know about?" he said squinting his eyes.

"well, for starts... he broke my heart so.." you said shaking your head.

"oh, im sorry... my brother can be a -

"annoying, rude, obnoxious, arrogant, stupid-

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