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Lee: ready 3 2 1
**puts the needle in**
Jake: fuckkk
Erika: jake!
Jake: sorry but holy freaking fuck how much longer is this supposed to stay in my leg your taking forever!
Lee: when the fluids gets in
Erika: jake calm down he's doing his job he can only do it so fast
Jake: butttt Erikaaaa it hurts!
Erika: I know Jake but you'll feel better I promise
Jake: but... it hurts 😢
Erika: baby I know
Lee: **pulls the needle out* two more jake then you'll be done
Jake: TWO?!?!
Lee: yes
Jake: do them FAST!
Lee: I can only only do them so fast
Jake: well try harder
Erika: jakey calm down baby
Jake: 😢
Lee: ready 3 2 1
Jake: WTF!
Erika: baby your almost down
Jake: why does it hurt so much😭
Erika: it doesn't
Jake: yess it does😭😭😭
Erika: baby your just a dramatic 16 year old
Lee: 16?!?!?
Erika: yeah??
Lee: dang look about 20 😂  how old are you Erika
Erika: 14 😂
Lee: holy crap!
Jake: I'm a 5 year old
Erika:why do you say that? 😂😂
Jake: I'm the biggest freaking cry in the world litterally 
Erika: your are a very emotional guy😂😂
Buttttt it's cute when you cry
Jake: no😂😂😂
Lee: hey Jake you only got one more then you guys can go
Jake: alright I guess
Lee: ready 3.2.1
Jake: fuckkk😭😭
Lee: this one is the worst one your almost done
Jake: **puts his face back in Erikas necks*
Lee: hey your done
Erika: baby your done
***jake is still crying**
Erika: baby come on we will go home
Jake: 😭 it hurts
Lee: I'll leave you guys alone bye
Erika: thx bye
**lee leaves**
Erika: baby come on we'll go home and you can rest
Jake: it still hurts😭
Erika: I know baby that's why you need to rest, put your pants on so we can go
**Jake puts his pants on**
Jake: oww fuck it's hurting more now😭 
Erika: you can take them off in the car
**skip to when they get home**
*They walk in the door*
***tydus runs up to jake and hugs him and Jake squats down to him***
Tydus: daddy!!!
Jake: **smiles** hey buddy 🙂
Erika: I told you jake 🙂
**jake picks tydus up and they both hug erika*
Jake: I love you guys so much
Erika: I love you more baby
Jake: impossible
Erika: hey tydus mommy andddd daddy *smiles* are tired are you ready to lay down? And tomorrow we will have fun with  you
Tydus: okay🙂

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