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This is the chapter she finds out who her imprint is. I'm so giddy!

Edit: I edited and added to this chapter.

Tep p.o.v.

I sat a little ways away from Tsu'tey and the chief. Jake and the chiefs daughter show up and just like when I walked in everyone quieted and just stared.

"Good evening." Jake said. Well at least he didn't stare back silently like I did. I wasn't the one to give a speech....or talk in general that was Toma and Sam's area of expertise. "Please don't get up." Wow. Just wow. He walked through following the chiefs daughter accidentally stepping on someone's tail. He was sat next to me. I offered him the insects I was eating he turned them away in disgust then I handed him the meat that was served along with the insects.

After dinner I slowly followed Tsu'tey to the healing area. Where my wound was properly cleaned and bandaged. Since shifting my healing has sped up a bit so now I could walk without much pain. I have to be slow with it but I could still do it. Then I followed him to where i'd be sleeping. I watched as he got into the hammock-thing and then copied him to get into my own. When I fell asleep I woke up in my real body, the one I was born into.

Grace walked over to me having just woke Jake up. He was telling them where our Avatars were. I was grateful that Jake didn't say anything about my wolf. I could imagine the tests they would try to put me through.

I walked around base for a while then went to sleep after dinner. When I woke up I exercised a bit before Jake and I had to go back into the link.  On our way to the link room Grace, Norm and Max taught us the names and their place in the leadership.

When I woke Tsu'tey was right in my face. I looked into his eyes and it was like gravity shifted. Nothing mattered but him. Everything that tied me to where I stood disappeared like strings on balloons being cut. And replacing those strings was a steel cable, a thousand steel cables holding me to him. It was like I'd known him my whole life and could trust him with everything; all my secrets, all my scars, all my insecurities, all my fears, doubts, just Everything. I would be anything he needed me to be. A lover, a friend, or a sister. My whole world had changed forever. I snapped out of my daydream when he spoke, "Get up Dreamwalker." I got up and I just noticed he had been upside-down. Holding onto the branch above my hammock with his feet and hands while doing a Spiderman-like pose. This made me smile as Spider-Man was Seth's favorite superhero. I got out of the hammock and pulled myself onto the branch. He led me to a group of men and horse thingies. I waited until he told me what to do. While waiting I thought about what Grace taught Jake and I. Neytiri and Tsu'tey were to be married, for lack of a better term, which meant I had to keep my imprinting on him a secret. I could deal with just being his friend or sister if that's what he needed me to be.....If that's all I could be.

I watched Tsu'tey lead two direhorse towards me. "Get on." Was all he said. I had never ridden a horse, even if I had over 100 years to do so, so I probably looked like an idiot trying to get up on the thing. I heard him chuckle, even if he tried to hide it, this made me smile, I had made him laugh....even at my own expense I'd do it again just to hear him laugh. When I finally got on the direhorse he explained to me about the bond between my direhorse and myself....or tsaheylu. As he spoke I could feel her heartbeat, her breath, her legs as she moved them....as if they were my own. I could see through her eyes, I was in awe. I mean I could see through my pack brothers eyes when we shifted but this was different. It was like I was the animal but yet still myself.....I could feel myself sitting on her back and the extra weight I created. Once he told me to tell her where to go I imagined myself as the direhorse to better get into her mind. Then as directed she walked how and where I wanted her to walk. "Let's see how you do in a changing enviroment." Tsu'tey said then jumped onto his own direhorse. We rode away.

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