Downpour // Kylo smut

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The First Order ship housing Kylo Ren and his wife had docked on Jabiim. A planet out of the eye of the rebellion for the time being. The events on Starkiller left y/n distraught, her nightly routine now including terrible nightmares that Kylo had in fact died and she was left alone. She would bolt upright in bed, panting with tears streaming down her face, only to face Kylo, awake and watching her. What she didn't know was that Kylo had seen her nightmares through the force. Rarely did he get sleep anymore not only knowing what she was goiong through, but also from nightmares of him killing his father. Each night he monitered her dreams with his gift, wanting to be there for her when she woke up from them. He didn't pleasure in the fact the y/n would wake up slutching her head at the pain he had inflicted. He didn't want to hurt her and seeing those dreams that she had, he felt like he was the problem, that he should leave her so she didn't feel this way. It was so selfish of him to feel that way, he truly didn't deserve her, but for whatever unknown reason she held him on this high pedestal. Tonight was no exception to her nightmares.

Kylo could see in his mind the image of him laying in the snow, blood soaked snow. In the distance he heard Hux's voice, commanding that y/n stop, don't go near him, but she was persistent. She soon stopped in front of his limp body, her hands covering her mouth and silent sobs breaking through her own. She dropped to her knees, the thin gown she wore barely a barrier between her soft skin and the icy snow. Her small hands grasped either side of Kylo's slashed and bloodstained face, a quiet voice reaching the cold air,
"What has she done to you?"
Behind her, two stormtroopers were advancing towards their commander, but Hux stopped them in their tracks. A rare and kind gesture on his part.
They watched as the woman before them brought their leader into her lap, crying into his chest and running her now blue shaking hands through his hair.

When Kylo finally opened his eyes, clearing the vision of y/n's nightmare out of his mind, he was greeted with his wife wrapping her small arms around him. He felt her hot tears against his bare chest, her frame shaking.
"You-you were de-dead," she cried, Kylo smoothing her hair, "it felt so real-real." she stuttered out.
"I know, I'm sorry." he whispered against the crown of her head.
"Please don't let me go."
"I won't, I promise."
"How long have you been up?" y/n looked up at her husband with bleary red eyes.
"Not long."
"You're a terrible liar Ben Solo." Kylo Ren didnt allow anyone to call him that besides his wife, admittedly he sort of liked it.
"I've been keeping an eye on you every night, I know how bad your nightmares are, I've seen them. I can't sleep knowing that I'm the one causing you this pain. Y/n why do you love me so much? I'm a monster, I don't deserve you and you deserve better." her hand came up and cupped Kylo's cheeks like in her dream.
"Kylo, I don't think I could live without you. You have done so much for me, and shown me what love is. I cant thank you enough. You're the best thing to happen to me." her left thumb stroking over the scar on his right cheek.
"You shoudn't feel that way. You really shouldn't. I love you, but what if I hurt you? What if Snoke wants me to kill you too? I can't have you living this way, I love you too much to let you live like this. You have no idea how much I love you" it was Kylo's turn to choke now, tears streaming down his cheeks.
Y/n leaned up on her knees, her lips brushing Kylo's ear, "Show me then, show me how much you love me."
Kylo shivered, an odd thing for shuch a large young man.
"Lie down for me love." Kylo bent over the girl, holding himself up by one forearm, while his other hand ran up from her soft thigh, to the curve of her breast. A quiet mon elicited out of her mouth.
"Baby I love you so much, you can't even imagine." Kylo spoke between barely-there kisses he left from her belly button up to her jaw. The soft noises escaping her lips, edged Kylo on, two fingers trailing down the center of her torso meeting the band of her panties. Dipping his hand inside, he dragged his fingers through her folds, already slick with arousal.
"Love you're so wet." his lips moved agaisnt hers gently, as she mumbled something sounding a bit like, "mmhmm".
Kylo's thumb began to slowly circle her clit, two fingers dipping inside her warmth, her lips parting in response against his. He pumped his fingers in and out, slowly and gently, "Kylo...go-go faster." her eyes squeezed shut and she licked her lips.
"I wanna take it slow, show you how much I love you." he whispered against the column of her throat.
"I want you. I-I want you inside me." her eyes opened to look into his, his finger hooking though her panties and slowly pulling them off. She sat up, allowing him to slip her silk nightgown over her head. Kylo stood up slipping his pants and boxers off, y/n watching closely in love and lust. He leaned on his elbows over her again, connecting their lips, his left hand reaching up, holding her cheek. The dim room was quiet besides the occasional whimpers and moans. Kylo finally broke the silence looking her in the eyes again, "You sure about this?" Consent was always his priority with the one he loved.
"Mhmm." she mumbled caught up in the heated moment.
He reached down positioning himself with her entrance before moving in slowly.
A soft grunt fell from Kylo's full lips before y/n said softly, "Ok, you can move."
He set the pace slow and passionate, y/n's legs instinctively wrapping around Kylo's waist.
His lips sucked on her neck slightly, not enough to leave marks, humming against her skin and his hips rocked into her. Her body felt right in her hands, his fingers mapping out pathways against her heaving skin. He was mesmerized be her, her breast swelling with every labored breath she took, her swollen lips parting to elicit soft moans and incoherant sentences, the way she held him, so gently and like he was her life source.
" Im close baby." he moaned
"Me too."
With a few more thrusts, the two came together. Kylo stayed within her, and kissed her. His fingers brushing hair off her forehead. He lay down beside her after cleaning her up and she rested her head on his chest, her arm wrapped around him.
"I love you so much Kylo, please don't forget that." She spoke before placing a kiss to his chest.
"I wont." Wrapping his arms around her frame and kissing the crown of her head.
Soon she had fallen asleep in the afterglow, Kylo's fingers ghosting over her back.
"I love you so much." he whispered into the room before finally getting some nightmare-free sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2018 ⏰

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