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Integra lay cold and tiny in specs of dust divided amongst three who loved her most of all out of anyone in the globe. Alucard had placed her divided ashes into the bullet shell casing that had been shot through her uncle the first time they met. Seras had put her share of the ashes into melted glass from Sir Integra's glasses that had been shattered when The Major had shot her in the eye, the glass forming a small jar that Seras wore as a necklace. The young master had put her own share of the ashes, which was the most of the divided, into a heart shaped necklace that Integra had gotten her for her third birthday, a personal note from Integra engraved on it.

The service had been done and over with, the young Hellsing having gave her heartfelt speach, Alucard and Seras choosing not to take part in it, deciding to have their own little ceremony for their late, great master. Everyone had been seated now for a dinner for Integra, the young master staring off into space, eyes focused on the windows. Seras stepped up besides her, leaning down to gently pat her shoulder, "Oí, Master? You alright?" The young woman gave a small nod, chin on the top of her hand while her elbow rested on the arm of her chair. Her eyes fluttered shut, head nodding as she gently waved her off, "Of course, love, just a bit mentally distracted is all." Seras paused, her blonde brows slightly furrowed as she licked her lips before leaning in to whisper to her master, "Uh... Master, is it about Christian--"

"No! No, no! Hell no," her lips quirked into a smile as she snorted, her lovely eyes flickering over towards Seras's ocean blues, "That prick is the last thing on my mind." Seras gave a soft smile in response, nodding back to her, 'Then may I ask what's wrong, Big Cat?" Big Cat was the nickname Seras had given her young master long ago when she was a child, used for calming her down whenever she was upset or sad. The Hellsing gave a curt nod before leaning back in her chair a bit, tipping the finely polished legs back, her white hair giving a single sway with her, "Just mourning is all, my dear. I crave nothing but the soothing warmth of Integra's embrace."

Seras gave a sympathetic nod in response, patting her young master's shoulder gently, "I'm truly sorry, master."

The young girl gave a dismissive wave of her gloved hands, brows knitted to form an invisible crease. Her lips pursed ever so faintly, "Needn't you worry. She's not on this hellhole of a planet anymore. So I guess you could call it a blessing in disguise. Alth-- hey, wait a second. Where's Alucard?" Ibdeed the behemoth of a vampire had seemingly gone missing, not to be found in the dining hall with the rest of the guests. However, the mansion truly wasn't a place he was visiting, it was his home just as much as it was his young master's. Seras perked her blonde head up, her ocean blues seeking the man clad in red.

The young Hellsing stood, excusing herself. She motioned Seras to keep watch of the guests as she had departed, going to look for her newly found servant and companion. The girl peered out the hallways, sighing as she ran her elegant fingers through her glossy hair, mumbling beneath her wine scented breath, "God damn it, Alucard..." A throaty chuckle had reverberated along the walls, a chuckle she had immediately recognized. The white haired girl turned around immediately, unfazed by the apparent, sudden apparition of Alucard directly behind her, "Careful of who's name you speak of, little one..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Why are you out here?"

"Not only, young master, was it far too stuffy, I heard something that may have piqued my interest..."

"How vague of you..."

The vampire smirked in response.

"Was it anything dangerous?"

"Define dangerous, little one."

"Shit that's gonna kill the guests, Alucard."

The demon gave another smirk, shrugging this time, "Oh my darling master, if there was, I would've either told you already or have handled it already."


"And it has been handled."

"Damn it, Alucard! And you didn't think to at least tell that shit to Seras before you bounced do she could tell me?"

"There would've been no need, my dear."

The clearly exasperated girl sighed, rolling her eyes before brushing a stray hair out of her face, "No, I guess not..."



"Is something wrong?"

"You mean aside from Integra being fucking dead? No! I'm fine. Just... just mentally distracted... is all... I'm fine." She gave a dismissive wave to him as well, avoiding eye contact.

His long, red arms wrapped around her figure, pulling in close. It was odd, like being wrapped in a warm darkness. The girl sank into him, her own arms wrapped around him, eyes fluttering shut to resolve her inner turmoil. The Hellsing relaxed, calming herself via Alucard and his soft fabric. She breathed in his odd scent, a scent that smelled like very old fashioned soap and a hint of blood and wine. The mixture of smells alone provided quite the distraction for herself. It was only when she snapped out of it due to Alucard pulling away had she noticed he was rubbing her back in small circles like Integra used to do for her. She wondered if Integra learned it from Alucard or quite possibly the other way around.

Regardless, it was a lovely comfort and distraction.

The young mistress sighed once again, but this time, much lighter. The duo had soon returned, Alucard standing behind his young master as she sat back down. The rest of the night had gone perfectly, Alucard and Seras having their ceremony very late in the night, or very, very early in the day. However one wished to look at it. The young girl layed in bed, staring at the ceiling. Only her eyes tore from the white tops, flickering over to a shadow on the wall that seemed to grow evermore darker as the seconds passed by till the red brim of a hat emerged. The girl smiled, turning on her side as Alucard stepped out to close the curtains of her windows, then her canopy bed. He slid in, staying at the edge of the foot of her massive bed that made her look so small in comparison.

Her eyes locked on him, his gloved fingers delicately slipping off the shield to the windows of his soul, setting his shades down on his master's nightstand, "Feeling better, young master?" His deep voice seemed even deeper somehow, the bells of his voice ringing out like a melody in her ears.

"Yes... yes and no."

"May I be of any service?"


"And why not?"

"It's something I must work on myself. However, distractions work quite nicely. Will you be staying the night again?"

"If that is what you wish."

She gave a small nod in response, Alucard removing much of his clothes till he wore his white button down and just his pants. He slipped in under the covers, going to his master's aid, the girl immediately going to snuggle up into his side like a child would cling to their mother after having a nightmare. However, her nightmare seemed to be entirely internal and very often external. She clung to the shadow king, smiling faintly, "Thanks... again, Alucard. What a good man..."

Her words slurred a bit at the end, drifting off. Her statement had caught Alucard off guard, having never been called that, at least not for a long time. The man reached up, stroking her hair to sooth her, now his turn to stare blankly at the ceiling. It was all too blank, too pure.


I'm so sorry I took forever! And I'm sorry if it may be short, I tried my best! Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed it, I've had writer's block for this chapter for a long time and it all came out a bit jumbled, so I'm sorry for that as well! Excuse any typos too, please!

Peace out,


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