Broken curses

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      Everything was dark and I felt like I was floating. The only thing keeping me anchored was Chase's arms wrapped around me.
      "Just hang in there Darling, we are almost there!" Chase says running as fast as he can while carrying me. The spell Faybelle had put on me was restricting my every movement.
Rosabella was no where to be seen but I could hear her the whole time following behind us. She was never very athletic so all this running must have been difficult.
It took me forever to escape the daze I was in and when I finally did, I realized I was back at Ever After High. Chase lied me down in my bed, taking his time to make sure I was comfortable. I wanted to move so bad but whatever spell or curse Faybelle used was too powerful for me.
"How do we break this curse? Oh gosh I should of been there to save you!" Chase says while pacing back and forth. "I'm not sure, but this isn't your fault! I went out on my own, that was my choice not yours alright?" I reply as he nods nervously. "I think I might know who can break the spell." Rosabella exclaims, "what about Raven? If anyone knows spells and curses it would be her right?"
I take a moment to think about what she said and I start to sigh. Raven was a good friend of mine no doubt about that but wherever Raven was, Apple was. I like Apple too don't get me wrong but she can be so annoying! How would you like it if someone just went on and on about how dreamy and handsome your brother was! I mean GROSS! "Ok let's find Raven." I say desperate to break this curse.
Rosabella decided to go and find Raven and since I couldn't move, Chase wanted to stay with me to take care of me. I was usually the one to take care of myself but I have to admit, the thought of Chase taking care of me filled me with butterflies!

Rosabella's POV
I nodded at Chase and quickly ran out the door. It was still late at night so Raven should be in her dorm sleeping. I hoped she wouldn't be mad at me barging in like this but it was an emergency! I flung their door open and rushed inside. Both Raven and Apple were startled awake.
"Rosabella what's wrong?" Raven asks noticing the concern on my face. Apple looks a lot less amused and just gives me a glare from across the room. I take a moment to catch my breath as I explain everything. "Hurry we don't have much time!" I say helping Raven stand up.
"Lucky for you I have my mother's spell book, there has got to be something in here to break the curse!" Raven said searching around the room. Apple had joined us once she realized Darling was actually in trouble and I wasn't just trying to interrupt her beauty sleep. "Found it! Ok let's go!" Apple said while handing the book to Raven.
All this running was driving me crazy but I would run a million miles for Darling, I mean she is my best friend!

Raven's POV
One look at Darling and panic had set in. She definitely didn't look good. I didn't even notice the new kid Chase in the room for all I could look at was Darling. I frantically flipped through the pages in the book I had to be quick.
I rolled my eyes for Apple was hovering so close over my shoulder breathing on my neck.

I smile as my eyes land on, Frozen in place spell . I read through the page until I found the cure. I quickly start to chant the chant from the book as everyone watches in worry. A moment goes by, then another, until finally Darling begins to sit up from the bed. Instantly everyone begins to celebrate and embrace eachother as the curse had been broken. We would deal with Faybelle later, but right now, I think a nice long nap was deserved.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! I haven't been writing for a while so I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long time! Hope you understand!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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