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Wanda's POV
"So how many days will you be here?" I asked. He looked at the desk thinking. "I dunno. How many should I?" He asked. "as long as possible. I know you can't be here for too many days but as long as you can" I said. "How many days should I? I can stay as long if it's less than a week" he said. I thought about it for a second. "I'll talk to Nat about it" I said. I finished my orange juice and ate my pancakes. "Would you like me to bring you more juice?" Vision asked. Sometimes he acts like my butler. "Umm no, that's fine" I said. He smiled and sat in his bed. "Stark doesn't notice you're gone?" I asked. He looked down, like he was deciding something. "He's not usually in the tower" he said. "We're is he then?" I asked, putting my empty plate and glass in a tray. "With Ms.Potts" he said. "I thought they broke up" I said sitting next to him. "They did but they got back together. He's actually thinking of proposing" he said. I smiled. "That's good" I said. I usually love hearing about happy couples but not right now. I like Vis and sometimes I feel like it's the perfect moment but, we're friends and I don't wanna mess that up. Plus, maybe the rest of the team wouldn't react well. It's too much and I think it's worth it. I'm sure it is but I don't want to ruin anything. "You seem stressed" he said. I am, because of this but I can't tell him that. "I just seriously wanna get out of this hotel. I haven't been out that much. I'm usually here or in the jet and Steve doesn't want us to go out" I lied. He though about it for a second. "At night, there are usually less people and the darkness would make you less recognizable. You should go when everyone is asleep" he said. I smiled. "That'd be nice, would you like to join me?" I asked smiling. "I would love to" he said. I love his British accent.

It was midnight. Most stores were closed but that didn't really matter. I just wanted to be there, with him by my side. I looked up at him as we passed through the streets. He looked down at me and we just looked into each other's eyes and kept walking. He eventually looked straight again. I looked at him for a few seconds and then turned away too. "This is a beautiful place" I said. "It's quite lovely" he responded.

After like an hour we went back to the hotel. No one even noticed we were gone. "Thanks. I had a wonderful time" I said. 'Wonderful' it sounds like something he'd say. "As did I" he said. "Ohh, I talked to Nat about how much time you could stay. She said 2 more days, that's when we all leave" I said. "Alright then" he said. "We better make them count" I said smiling and he smiled at me too. "We will" he said. I hope so. "I'm gonna change" I said. "Right, I'll wait in the bathroom" he said. After a few minutes I screamed, "done" and he came out. "Goodnight" Vision said. "Goodnight" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I messed up but thankfully, he knows that friends do that too, even though that's not what I want.

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