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It takes me a few hours to wake up. And when I do, I’m laying on a couch that must have belonged to a family in this neighborhood once. Kea, Percy, and Theo are gathered around a fire. They’re whispering, and seeing as how I really don’t want to move, I listen.

            “… infected. You’ll turn any second.”

            “I know..! But I don’t- I cant…!” I hear Theodore crying.

            “She’ll wake up at any time. We have to go. Just make a bunch of noise and lets leave them both here!” Percy says aggressively. I stay still, making sure my breathing stays normal. So Theo was bitten! I knew it, I shouldn’t have brushed it off. I grab the gun next to me and point it at Theo’s head, gritting my teeth and swinging my legs over the side of the couch. The group looks horrified.

            “He got bitten.” I say through my teeth. I notice Theo looks pale already. Percy and Kea nod. I clench my gun tighter.

            “… I’m leaving.” I say, and grab my backpack. I sling my machete over my shoulder, and turn from the three.

            “Wait!” Kea cries out. I turn and glare at him. “We need your help.” He pleads, his eyes filled with tears. I shake my head.

            “No. You lied to my dad. I can’t trust you- I should have never trusted any of you.” I seethe, and turn again, leaving.

            I walk for hours, until I reach the house where Jack was. Unfortunately, the place is totally empty, except for the corpses of the people I knew. Even Amy… Her teddy bear is pressed against her chest, and has a bullet hole straight through it. I sigh, and loot the house. I have to kill Mr. B. I can’t get distracted by death and sadness.

            When I leave, I notice fog rolling in. Wonderful… I climb up onto the roof, and look around. It’s coming in from all sides. With a grunt, I hop down to the ground. It hurts my ankles, but I’m getting impatient. I have to get to that horrible pig.

            I run to the forest, until I reach a bridge. Its rickety, and there are corpses all over it. I grit my teeth. “No going back. Do it for dad.” I run my thumb over the necklace, and go slowly across the bridge. Every step I take, there’s a creak. I accidentally step on one loose board, and it cracks under me. I scream, and cling to the side as my body starts to fall. I can’t even pick myself up when a foot lands on my hand.

            “Well, well~…” A familiar voice sneers. I freeze. The doctor… I look up and see Mr. B himself, grinning grossly. “I thought I had killed you, pesky girl. You're like a rat that keeps coming back for more.”

            “Y-you…!” I gasp, my eyes wide. I try to pull myself up, but Mr. B twists his foot. I scream in pain, and glare up at the man.

            “Yes- I suppose that since I’m going to kill you I might as well say it. I am not Mr. Boss, but your beloved guardian. Doctor Evera is my name. And let me just say, it was a pain to keep you alive for so long. I’ll finally have you off my back.”

         He grins, and kicks my hand, causing me to release. I fall, and my last thought before I hit my head is ‘Well, this is an embarrassing way to die...’

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