Part 17

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"Hmm, maybe... spectrometer analysis of burning ion solutions?"

Sebastian felt a wave of nerves. Immediately when he had seen James, he categorized him in the "popular kid" category, something he never liked to deal with. He thought that this project was going, as usual, having him doing all the work. But no, Sebastian sat in awe, He was completely wrong about him. James was much more than a "popular kid".

Sebastian smiled, "Fireworks...that's a genius idea."

James lit up with joy. He tapped his fingers to the beat of the song he listened to last night. A dark song yes, but also a beautiful and motivating one.

"Ok, so where do we begin?"

For the next hour, both James and Sebastian discussed their plans for the project. At the end of the period, they both were satisfied with the outcome.

Sebastian went to his next class with a smile, but that smile soon disappeared. Ms. Winestatt was in an obviously bad mood.

"Hurry up and take your seats, we are beginning class in a minute."

Sebastian took his seat in the front next to Michelle. She turned to him and whispered something.

"I have a really bad feeli-" She was cut off by the teacher's voice.

"Quiet! Class is starting now, there is no need to talk." Ms. Winestatt glared over at them from her desk. Staring at Sebastian in particular.

'Great...', Sebastian thought.

'Just another reason to get on her bad side...'

Sebastian cracked his knuckles and grabbed his notebook and pen, eager to prove that he had potential.

The test was another day closer, and their teacher made sure that this fact was made clear.


Badminton was the sport of the day.

Sebastian began to change into his PE clothes but halted when another guy yelled.

"Dude! What the heck! Is that blood?"

Sebastian's eyes widened and he quickly turned his head trying to see his back. He saw a hint of red, and he ran to the restroom mirrors. He waited until everyone left, the time he waited, however, felt like an eternity.

He locked the door behind him and ripped off his shirt. He turned to the mirror and saw dried blood painted all over him.

Most of the blood was surrounding lined sections adjacent to his shoulder blades. He closed his eyes and breathed. What he had feared... came true.

He turned and ran out of the bathroom. He ran straight for the showers, not caring if he got his shorts or hair wet, he turned on the showers.

The water splashed ice cold over his head and he shivered. Diluted blood ran down his back, his legs, and into the drain. He wrapped his hands around his shoulders and flinched when the water hit the deepest cut in his back.

When he was done, he slowly walked out; everyone was absent, already in the gym.

Water dripped everywhere and he headed towards his locker for a towel. When he opened his locker, however, he froze. It had been forgotten.

Dripping with water, his eyes widened and he started to think.

'Shit!... What do I do? I can't use another person's towel... What the hell... Why do these things happen to me?... why me...'

Sebastian panicked when he heard the doors slam open. He turned, fearing it to be a teacher, and dashed to the restrooms. When he reached the end of the lockers, a figure flashed in front of him and he slammed to the ground.

The other figure fell too. Sebastian laid on the dirty, wet ground in pain; his wounds stinging.

"Ah... what the... Sebastian?"

He turned to see a familiar face. The boy's notebooks were sprawled on the wet floor and his backpack was open. It was James and Sebastian lost it. He said nothing and scrambled to the stalls. His attempt ended in failure though, as he slipped on the water and fell hard on his shoulder. He yelped and immediately felt hands support him.

"Woah...Woah! Calm down!" James wrapped his arm around his shoulder and grabbed his side, supporting his weight. James had seen the open wounds on his back, but said nothing. He walked him to the bench in the locker columns. When he dropped him, he saw that Sebastian was hyperventilating.

"Oh, Sebastian, Sebastian! Calm down, it'll be ok. Here, I'm here. I'll be right back ok?"

James dashed to his locker around the corner and after thirty seconds, returned with a clean towel, gym clothes, and an unopened water bottle.


James wrapped Sebastian with the towel, slightly helping dry off his hair. Sebastian slowly dried himself off, breathing slowing, he stared into space. Water dripped off the tip of his nose and he shivered.

When he dried off as best as possible he turned to James.

"...Thank you," James handed him his PE clothes, staring at him intensely with confusion.

"No problem..." Sebastian took the clothes carefully but hesitated.

"...are you sure?" James quickly nodded.

"Take them. I don't need them right now."

Sebastian exhaled, "...okay."

He unfolded the clothes and got dressed.

When he finished, he sat with the towel in his lap, body slouched, he stared off into space again. Some strands of his damp black hair swept in front of his eye. James offered his water bottle.

Sebastian shakily took the bottle and downed it in a matter of seconds. He let out a gasp after he cleared the bottle dry. He placed it lightly down next to him.

"Are you okay?" James asked, genuinely concerned.

There was a long pause. A blind Sebastian turned and looked the blurry faced James in the eyes.


James took a large breathe in.

"What's wrong?"

Sebastian clutched the wet towel, his feet barefoot on the cold wet ground. He turned his head away in embarrassment.

"I'm a mess... I've been depressed for the longest time... I just feel so terrible...I try to distract m-myself... I can't talk to people... I-I-I just... I can't..." James scrunched his face in pain. Seeing Sebastian like this made his throat burn. He swallowed down tears and placed a firm hand on his shoulder.

"I'm here Ok. You can tell me anything..."

Sebastian turned back to James. He began to tell him what was causing his depression, deliberately leaving out anything relating to the amulet, and reasons to why there were large gashes in his back.

As time passed, and both spoke, water slowly seeped into the pages of James' notebooks.

Forgotten and alone on the locker room floor.

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