♦ S E V E N T E E N ♦

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Before we start I just want to note that this chapter will be veeeeeery long and will jump back and forth with the Point Of Views so bare with me on this journey and I hope you'll enjoy


It's been three days since Hailey went missing and it is driving everyone off.
I've been holding back most of mine when around them but I don't know until when....

A high pitched scream rang out in the halls. I groan annoyed making my way to the living room down the long marble stairs.

I slam open the doors,my presence was emediately acknowledged and there laid the madness, My sister held Matteo in a choke hold while she was on the counter roaring into his face while the other girls were trying to pull her off, Axel and Jacob stayed away knowing if they intervened they'd be in the next choke hold.

"Sister,Let go of Matteo"My voice stern and cold, I didn't have time to argue since Matteo is almost going to die in any second. I parted my sister from Matteo harshly shooting her a glare.

"YOU DONT EVEN FUCKING CARE THAT SHE'S MISSING! SHE'S BEEN GONE FOR THREE DAYS AND YOU'RE DOING NOTHING!!"She roared at me pushing me but I didn't budge, she was almost my height which made it easy for her to stare into my eyes with blood in her vision. My blood boiled and I grit my teeth. Just to imagine me not caring for that beautiful sexy woman makes me want to gag."Don't even start-"

"YOU PROBABLY GOT OVER HAILEY AFTER THE DAY SHE GOT LOST!WAS EVERYTHING FAKE TO YOU?!"She continued to screech. I growled and backhanded her making the girls gasp but i didn't care

"DONT.YOU.DARE SPEAK ABOUT HOW I FEEL CAUSE YOU NEVER KNEW HOW THIS IS AFFECTING ME! NOW SHUT YOUR ASS UP OR I SWEAR YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET IT..." I boomed at her holding her neck up for her face to be inches from mine. My eyes were basically flames by now

I let go of her eyeing everyone in the room with a glare which sent the message 'dont even try me.' I walk out of the room back to my office to see if I needed to do anything, But my thoughts were covered by the sweet smell of Hailey. Her smile....Her curves.... I couldn't think of anything else and it was driving me insane

"STOP IT..."I growled as if the thoughts would stop by an order, But it continued on making me slam my desk. Where the fuck could they keep her!?

"DOMINIC!" A boy called out looking into the office and I glare at them "WHAT DO YOU WANT, SEAN?!"I blurted out at the boy making him flinch. "I think I found something helpful." He informed calmly and my eyes grew calm. "Okay then get in the damn room and tell me" I growled the anticipation was at it's tip already. I can't wait to wrap my arms around her perfect body...."The Spanish mafia owns a night club nearby and I heard some of their men go there every night" he said looking around the room but stayed in one spot, I nodded standing up.

"Go get everyone in the conference room, I have a plan" I ordered and he nodded walking out.

I will have you once again,Hailey...
And I do, I will never let you go...

I walked around the mall wearing shades on and a hoodie, I needed to keep low if I wanted to survive. I look out of the window as I stayed in line at a small cafe.

I spotted one of the men working for the man that kidnapped me and I tense walking away. I needed to get back to the Motel and get my stuff...
I was able to get out without being seen and now I was fast walking back to the motel hoping to be a cat cause I needed nine lives to survive now.

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