Chapter 14

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Bakugou's POV:

I stood there confused of what I should be doing. The sensible thing to do was to wait for the pro-heroes to arrive and not engage in any kind of trouble but I couldn't just watch my teacher die before my eyes, it would be the most shameful thing for an aspiring hero. I couldn't handle being unable to do anything and no matter what the consequences were, I made a decision that even if I cant beat them, I'll be the bait and buy time for the back-up to arrive. Just as I was about to move, I heard y/n speak out.

"Papa!" She shouted. She was now out of her shock, anger evident in her face and making her way towards the villains. "Let go of my father right now and leave this instant before I kill every single one you present here."

Papa? Father? What is this?? Y/n was Aizawa-sensei's daughter? No this can't be! As far as I know, Aizawa-sensei never got married. Whats up with this father-daughter relationship and most importantly what the hell is y/n even talking about.

"Eh....Father?? This just got way more interesting, right Noumu?? It will be so much fun to kill Eraser-Head right infront of his daughter and see her break down!" The man with the hands said so with a creepy laugh, almost sadistic. Just then the warp gate guy appeared at the place telling Shigaraki Tomura, the hand guy that he was "done" with thirteen but a student had escaped to get reinforcements. Now the villains were at a pinch and Shigaraki was telling Kurogiri, the warp guy that it was game over for them. But just as we thought we were going to be saved at last, Shigaraki was making his way towards us.

"Its game over for us isn't it? So why not take down All Might's pride with us!" was clearly what he said. As of what Deku told us, the villain's main motive was to take down the symbol of peace, but now that they couldn't accomplish in that, they were coming to kill us students to bring shame to All Might.

The man began making his way towards us and all we could do was to wait and prepare for the impact. It was either kill or be killed. Well atleast that was what i thought but things turned out differently. In a blink of an eye, one of Shigaraki's hands were lying on the floor with y/n swords drawn. Noumu seemed lost and now Aizawa's defeated body was lying next to ours. Everything happened so fast, I was in complete awe and shock.

"After beating up my father near death, now you're trying to kill my friends too? And completely ignoring me in the middle of a fight! You guys sure do have some attitude! Fuck the pro-heroes, Im going to send you all into the friggin pits of hell right here right now! Bakugou.."

"Yes" was all i could say at the moment. Things were just getting more and more complicated. Y/n wasn't behaving like her usual self. "Leave these guys to me and make sure my father is safe. Gather up all the students and get out of here. Make sure no one is left behind. I trust you in this and i'll be counting on you!"
What the hell? She's going to take on all of them alone? Is she asking for a death sentence? C'mon they nearly killed a pro hero. I cant leave her here!

"Oi oi oi Girly... You sure you want that? Cause I dont think you'll last long enough for them to make their way out of here. But don't you worry, I'll go easy on you. I won't kill you. You're feisty and being able to cut my hand off before I could react, you're pretty stong too. I like girls like you, I won't mind keeping you!" Shigaraki said in the most evil way there was.

"The fuck- what the hell are-" I was cut off by Aizawa-sensei speaking and coughing out blood. "Let her be, she can handle it. But right now our priority is to make sure everything is safe and to get reinforcement. Hurry up and get out of here."

I couldn't believe what he just said. He was just going to leave her daughter all alone to be killed by those filthy creatures? What the hell was up with y/n that her own father was willing to leave her alone.
"Fuck this shit" i cursed out. I had no other option but to drag everyone out of the place.

*Away from the fighting zone*

"I know you're worried about y/n Bakugou, but don't worry she'll be fine. We just need to get back up as fast as possible. We can't let this fight go on for long." Aizawa-sensei told me as we  looked out for the others.

"What the fuck is happening and what the hell are you talking about? You say y/n can handle it but say the fight shouldn't last long. You say y/n will be fine but we need back up as soon as possible? Just what the fuck is going on?" Fear, worry, anxiety and everything was going on within me. I was having mixed emotions and everything was breaking down.

"Kacchan you need to calm down. If  its Aizawa-sensei, im sure he knows what he's doing. But honestly even im worried about y/n, because some days ago there were words that she was quirkless" (I dont know what has happened in the years she spent in our absence but im sure she was quirkless back then. Will she really be ok? - Midoriya thinks to himself)

"I dont care if he's right or wrong. I just want to know why the fuck y/n is fighting them alone. What's up with this father-daughter relationship anyway? Weren't you supposed to be unmarried? And is Y/n really quirkless? You know about it dont you? So answer me!" I burst out forgetting i was talking to a teacher. Everyone was looking at me in shock but i couldnt care less. I just needed answers to my goddamn questions.

"I'll tell you all about it but firstly y/n has a quirk so she'll be fine.  Yes! She is my daughter but not biologically. Some years back, a taboo took place when a hero fell in love with a villain. They ran off to get married and lived as outcasts. News was heard that they had a child too but that happiness didn't last long. The heroes accepted their union but the villains only bore hatred for them. One day, All Might and I were assigned to a mission. A mission to bring the outcasts back for good but little did we know that they were already assasinated. We only found a crying child in the forest and that was y/n."
"What about her quirk? Wasn't she supposed to be quirkless?? What quirk does she have that you're willing to leave her alone?" Asui asked.
"Y/n's quirk is different from all of us. She has a quirk but its really different to the point that we can say she's quirless in a way..."
Aizawa continues to explain as they head out.


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