[1] They Came for Children and Death

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In the year X776 they came for the children of Rosemary Village and an unexpected stop. The Heartfilia Residence. The burned the mansion to ash, just as they had done to the village and took the child of Jude and Layla Heartfilia. They burned down the servents's courters and killed all who weren't children. The only child they took from the estate was Lucy, who wouldn't even remember her name along with a fellow prisoner she would soon meet.

The Day of The Attack

Houses burned as parents and adults, alike, were being carelessly murdered by Zeref's followers and worshippers. Children were the only ones being kept from this treatment, although, one can think of it as worse. They were being captured to be enslaved and build a tower to resurrect Zeref, otherwise known as The Black Wizard. His worshippers slew any adult standing in the way of the children, their goal.

They had noticed many children trying to escape their grasps, and one in particular sparked their interest. This child was seen running into an alley. They saw her scarlet red hair blow as she rounded a corner. The little girl was heard to be talking to herself and was in front of a basket, that was big enough for two people to fit in, before her capture. She willingly gave herself up, as if protecting another. Her pursuers, however, payed no mind to this detail, they only wanted her for work, nothing more.

This attitude cost them a prisoner, and, later on, control over a certain prisoner and their cellmates. The cult who had raided and destroyed Rosemary village were heading to the site of construction for their tower, when they were given reason to get more prisoners. They saw many roofs jutting from hills and decided to attack that other village. Little did they know, it wasn't a village. It was the estate of a very well known, and rich family. The creators of the Heartfilia Konzern.

Not knowing, or caring, about this fact, one group of the cult members lead the attack while the second went ahead and took the prisoners they already had. The first group was full of disappointment when they found out only one child was at the assumed village. They had already burned everything and taken care of the adults. Only one had put up a fight. This person was a woman who was in possession of celestial spirit keys, but was, ultimately, defeated and tortured in front of her beloved daughter as punishment.

The blond woman who had died at there hands had boldly accepted her death, and smiled to her daughter while put through tremendous pain. Her daughter had tried to run to her, but was held back by a hooded figure, most likely the leader of the attack that was forced upon her home. The entire time it took for the group to catch up with their fellow followers, they kept a wary eye on the little blonde girl they had captured. Why? Because of the look she had in her eyes; not just pain and suffering, but vengeful and determined looks, as well.

Upon hearing the disappointing news, the other half of the cult put the little blonde girl with he rest of prisoners they had captured rather roughly. They threw her into the back of a covered wagon with her hands bound by rope she could not damage with her frail strength. She landed on other captured children and quickly maneuvered her way off of them. She hadn't noticed but her fancy, nice nightgown was now covered in soot and drenched in blood. She smelt like a fire that had been fuel by blood. The blonde looked the children she had landed on and was ready to apologize to them, as she was taught since she was capable of speaking.

The scarlet an blue haired children quickly shook their head, telling her not to talk. She realized her mistake and immediately bowed to the in thanks while she was sitting on her knees. The little girl had a feeling she was going to have a hard time fitting in with her fellow prisoners, especially with the glares and cold stares she was getting. Only a few other children had spared he of that treatment: it was the two she had landed on and four others that had been near them.

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