[5] Their Magic

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Makarov had brought them to Fairy Hills, Fairy Tail's female dormitory; he would provide the first month's rent, but not anymore after that. "I-I want to thank you so much, Master. It means so much to us, actually." Lucy said with a weak smile as teary eyes. Erza was distracted by the room and such at the time.

"Anything for my family." He said with a wrinkle-inducing smile. Lucy's eyes widened at the word 'family', but understood right away that he was really Rob's friend. "You must be tired. You should rest, both of you." He said before he turned around to walk out the door.

As he started walking away Lucy began to bow and make Erza do the same. The old man seemed to not pay attention as he continued to walk out the door. When he was gone, Lucy straightened her back and walked over to the bed. "Are you tired?" Erza asked. "Not really, but Master is worried so we should sleep." Lucy answered as she crawled under the bed's provided blanked.

"You're right." Erza said as she climbed in the bed, as well. She and Lucy fell asleep almost instantly, together.


Ezra awoke to the sound of a snore. She looked to her right to see a drooling, snoring blonde friend of hers. She tried to contain her laughter, but ultimately failed. Erza gave up and laughed; she laughed until her friend woke up. "What's so funny?" Lucy asked groggily. "Y-You." Erza stated as she laughed more.

Lucy frowned as she noticed the drool on her face. "It means I'm oozing with awesomeness." She said with her arms crossed. "Or spit." Erza giggled. "Why you-!" Lucy said as she grabbed a pillow from the bed and hit Erza with it. "Hey!" Erza yelled defensively as she grabbed the other pillow and hit Lucy back.

"This means..."

"WAR!" Erza finished.

She and Lucy began hitting each other with pillow upon pillow. "I... will... not... give up!" Lucy stated as she tiredly hit Erza with her last pillow. They had been going at it for hours, and were starting to get tired.

"Neither... will... I!" Erza yelled and threw her last pillow, as well. They both collapsed onto the floor at the same time. They panted and looked up to smile at each other. "We should head the guild." Lucy said once she caught her breathe. Erza nodded and got up off the ground, helping her friend afterwords.


When the two girls had changed into the clothes Makarov had given them, they raced to the guild. To their dislike it ended in a tie. "Erza, do you know what magic we have?" Lucy asked. "Y-You're the magic expert." Erza stuttered. "So, you don't know?" Lucy said, confused. Erza sighed and shook her head.

"Oh, look! The mutes are talking!" A familiar voice yelled. "You shouldn't say that about your guildmates." Macao scolded Gray.

Lucy looked sad at his comment, which made Erza fuming with rage. Erza turned and sent a shirtless boy a death glare of her making. Gray got scared and backed away a little. "C'mon, Lucy." Erza said in an authoritative tone. Lucy obeyed and followed her friend out of the guild hall's doors. They walked for a little bit and found a river that was gorgeous in the sunset. When they happened upon it, Lucy's eyes sparkled as much as the water did.

She ran down the steep hill, and dipped her feet in as she sat down. "You shouldn't do that. You don't know who's been in there." Erza warned. "It reminds me of them." Lucy said while tears rolled down her cheeks. She instinctively touched her heart as Erza cried with her. They sat side by side, holding hands as they cried until they couldn't anymore.


Erza and Lucy had returned to the guild hall, retrieved by Makarov, and were learning about magic. One of the older mages, Laxus, was being forced into this position. Being a guild master's grandson, he had a vast knowledge of magic, hence his current state. "What's a 'Unison Raid'?" Lucy asked the fellow blonde, looking up from the book she was reading with Erza.

The three of them were in Fairy Tail's library and were going to stay in there until they found their magic type, at least, that's what Makarov had told them. "A Unison Raid is an extremely powerful spell that allows two mages to unite magics similar in nature together, creating a stronger attack. It is an extremely hard spell to master, so a lot of idiots waste their time trying to master it." He explained in a bored tone.

"Didn't we already do that?" Lucy asked Erza. "I guess so, if we were going by definition..." Erza agreed. "Pfft. As if two little girls who don't even know their magic can accomplish that." Laxus scoffed. "You don't know what we've been through, you idiotic electrician." Lucy mumbled. "What did you say, brat?" Lucy remembered that word. It was spoken several times to her and her friends by the guards. She clenched her fists and let her body fill with rage. She noticied as every sharp object in the room floating to her side. "I am not a brat." She spoke through her teeth.

She was about to let the objects fly forward, but she felt a hand on her shoulder. Lucy turned to see a wide eyed Erza staring at her. A tear ran down Lucy's cheeks when she realized what she was doing. Erza had know the word as well as her, but she let it get to her. She turned her back on her family. She had hurt Erza.

Instantly, everything that had been floating, had dropped. "I-I'm sorry." Lucy said before she ran out of the library. "What's her problem?" Laxus mumbled in aggravation. "Shut up!" Erza yelled as she ran out of the room, chasing after Lucy.

Lucy had run to the river she was at before, with Erza. She remembered that they didn't cry for that long until Makarov had come. He had asked the question they wanted the answer to; "What's your magic?" Of course, they had answered with a simple shrug, which led to their earlier situation.

The blonde sighed as she wiped her damp cheeks. "I'm such an idiot." She said to herself as she sat at the river's edge. She knew Erza would be at her side within a few minutes, and was mostly looking forward to it. The only thing she wasn't looking forward tow was lying to herself about her past and her family. "If only I could-"

"Could what?" A voice asked from behind Lucy, interrupting her. She turned to see a messy haired Erza. "Control whatever magic I have." Lucy lied instantly.

"I can't either, so I guess we're fine for now." Erza said with a smile and sat beside Lucy. "Today's been a long day. I just want to get out of these clothes." Erza groaned. Lucy looked over at her friend; they were both wearing simple, poofy skirts and plain shirts. It hadn't really bothered Lucy, but she had worn more extravagant things for parties and marriage meetings.

Lucy was saddened by the thought of her parents, but pushed it put of her mind. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-" Lucy began to say. "I would've done the same if I knew how." Erza interrupted her.

Lucy nodded and looked at the water that reflected herself. Her eyes were red and puffy, her hair was everywhere; she was a mess. "We should head back to the library and finish our task." She said and stood up. The blonde waited for her friend and they raced back to the guild, again.

They got to the library to see it empty. The girls shrugged it off and began reading books. After quite a few hours a sleepy redhead yelled for her friend, who was buried in books. "This one!" She yelled as she pointed at a word in her book. "Requip?" Lucy asked when she read the word. Erza nodded and waited for Lucy to agree.

"But, we don't have a 'storage' or whatever they call it." Lucy sad aftr she had scanned the page. "You can develop one." Makarov explained. The two girls jumped in surprise, but relaxed when they realized it was Makarov.

"We can?" They asked in unison. "Yes, but to do that you need sleep. Now, go to your home so you can start training tomorrow with a full night's rest." The man answered. "Yes, master!" They said and out of the library's doors to their home.

They quickly arrive at their dorm room and get ready for bed. They fall asleep next to each other, not knowing the true extent of the power within themselves.

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