Alone Without Light

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authors note:

This story is about a world without women. Yup, cray-cray idea!! Sometimes my story can be a bit confusing, or if there is a mistake, tell me in the comments! There get's to be a lot of romance in this (YES a girl MAYBEE will come in later) And if you leave a comment that's helpful and/or awesome, I SHALL DEDICATE THE NEXT CHAPTER TO YOU! Not much but it's the least I can do for reading my retarded stories!!! <3

Alone Without Light

The sky was glowing, almost like a whole different world. Grass covered the plain, and levitating in the center of the sky was a person. Damian stared up at the stranger, mystified. The person looked down at Damian, eyes glowing. Something was different about this being, he thought. It's shape, like an hourglass. Skin soft as snow. Wrists thin and delicate, and eye lashes longer than anyone he had ever met. This person was beautiful, not like any man Damian had ever seen.

Damian awoke with a start. That strange dream, once again. Who was that strange looking person? That person of pure beauty? He looked up at the stone ceiling above him, confused. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and put on his best robes. Today was going to be a full moon, which meant that he had to show up to the temple by noon today to go over the rules of his county, Gregaria.

He certainly wasn't in any mood for that. All he wanted to focus on was the strange person in his dream. But being who he was, it was Damian's duty to get to temple every full moon. He was one of the strongest in the county, the top of his age group. And if ever was going to become the Legendary One, he must show up.

Becoming the Legendary One was never something that Damian had wanted to do. It was pushed on him by the elders since he was a young boy. They told him he was the one who would "save the land" someday. He still remembered meeting with them. They said he was the chosen one, the one to keep Gregaria from falling. 

Although Damian never felt he was anyone special, he could not disobey the Elders. So, becoming the Legendary One was his duty. 

He glanced at the grandfather clock in front of him. His blue eyes got wide. Eleven thirty! What kind of idiot would sleep in that late?! Damian thought. He sprinted out of tiny title cottage. He lived alone, like every other man in the county. 

As he ran, Damian's long blonde hair blew in the wind. He reminded himself that he would be needing a haircut soon. His blonde waves were just brushing his shoulders.

As he ran, all of the men in the county waved to him. Half of them, Damian had never even met before, but being who he was, he was expected to wave back; For anyone he met ever met could be and important part of his role as Legendary One, as the elders told him. "be-friend anyone who can be of help to you." Damian remembered them saying to him.

It's not like he didn't have actual friends. He did. But they were always leaving him in one way or another.

There was Robert, who was his first good friend. Up until Damian was about 11 years old, he had never really met anyone close to his own age, being so busy with training. So when he was introduced to Robert, who was the son of a rival family, they became instant friends. But because of their two families major conflict,and the fact that Damian was chosen to become the Legendary One and not Robert, the two young boys were forbidden from seeing one another again.

And then there was Angelo. He was shy little boy with huge glasses and tangled brown curls. He was poor. Very poor. Damian, who had inherited a fortune from his father, always brought him food and set it in front of Angelo's front door. It took a few tries, but Damian figured out how to become friends with the boy. Until one day, on Damian's 14th birthday, Angelo disappeared. And never came back.

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