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Amy's P.O.V.

I was walking down the street with Niall. We were talking, just having a good time, when all of a sudden, Niall leans down and kisses me.

I woke up from my dream to Lacy shaking my shoulder.

"Don't you want to see Niall today?" She asked me. I smiled. Yes, I want to see Niall. I nodded and got out of bed and went downstairs to eat some cereal. After I ate, I took a shower. When I got out of the shower I noticed I had a new text, and a notification from twitter.

From: Niall The Sexy Beast Who Is My Best Friend:D

Hi, my hotel room number is 407 at Holiday Inn. See you soon :)

I laughed when I saw his contact name. THAT'S what he was doing on my phone last night.

To: Niall The Sexy Beast Who Is My Best Friend:D

Kay, I'll be over in about an hour. :)

I checked twitter. 500 new followers?! I took a double take. I don't even know these people! Well, except for five of them. Wait a second.. 5? Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Harry Styles, and Zayn Malik. Of course.

Amy_is_Awesome: Hello new followers! Just an F.Y.I., Niall is my best friend, not my boyfriend.. Please stop the rumors!

I tapped tweet, and went into my closet. I picked out a regular old tee shirt, and somejean shorts, with flip flops. I told my mom where I was going, and she just nodded. I wonder why she is giving me the silent treatment. Is it because I mentioned Dad at my graduation ceromony? I thought about it while I drove to the hotel.

I got out of my car, and walked into the hotel to find Niall sitting in the lobby. I smiled and ran over to him and gave him a hug.

"HI AMY!!!" yelled Harry right into my ear.

I smacked him.

"Owww! Why would you do that?" He said to me.

"Because you screeched in my ear!" I told him.

"I did not! I simply said hi very loudly, next to your face." He explained rubbing his face where i hit him.

I rolled my eyes and said hi to the other boys, and we went up to Niall's room.

"Dude! This room is huge!" I said to Niall as I walked in.

"Well, being international superstars has it's perks." He simply said back to me, shrugging his shoulders. I instantly walked into the kitchen, and grabbed a cheese stick from the fridge.

I walked into what you could call a living room, and I sat on the floor. The boys were just lookig at me, except Niall who was acting perfectly normal.

"What?" I asked, after a minute of creepy staring.

"Well, we didn't think you would act so normal around international super stars." Said Louis, a little shyly. I wonder whats up with him...

"Well, I'm not a derectionator, like my sister. You guys are normal people, I just thought you wanted to be treated like normal people." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

Liam and Zayn nodded, then they all just left me alone. We were watching TV, I wasn't even paying attention to anything though.

"AMY!" yelled Niall. I jumped.

"What? What? Is there a fire?!" I panicked.

Niall started laughing at me. I love his laugh. What am I saying?! Niall will never like me like that...

"Stop laughing at me!" I said.

"Sorry, your reaction was just so-"

"FREAKING HILARIOUS!!!!" Screeched Harry, laughing his balls off.

I looked at him. "You're a freak you know that right?" I said to him.

"Did you just figure this out?" Asked Zayn, totally serious.

"Hey! I am not a freak!!" pouted Harry.

"Yes you are Harry." Zayn told him.

"Anyways, we were just discussing what to do later, in the evening." Explained Niall. "We were thinking about going clubbing."

"Cool, I'm gonna have to go home and change though." I told them. "I went clubbing once. But I was alone..."

"Why were you alone?" asked Louis.

"Long story short, these bitches that I used to call 'friends' ditched me." I explained rolling my eyes.


"Anyways, I'll pick you up later, so you can get ready. Let's say about 8:30?" suggested Niall.

"Okay, sounds good, what time is it now?" I asked.


"Well, I better get going then, seeing as I need to eat dinner." I said. I heard Louis quietly sigh. Whatever though.

"See you guys later!" I yelled to them as I walked out of the hotel.

I drove home, and ate a microwaved hot dog, and a cheese stick. I swear those thinks are permantly in my life! Not the hotdog, the cheese stick.

I took a shower, and let my hair air dry, while I did my makeup. Since I was clubbing, I just wore some eye liner, and a bit of sparkly, black eyeshadow. I straighted my hair, and walked over to my closet. I decided on a tye dye tee, that I cut up and fringed at the bottom, with white shorts and a brown belt.

I checked the time. 8:15. Niall was gonna be here in 15 minutes.

To: Sammayyy;)

How do you get a guy to like you.?

From: Sammayyy;)

Be yourself. Who's the guy?;)

To: Sammayyy;)

Someone you don't know personally but you know who they are. Gotta go. Bye.

I heard a beep, and it was Niall, here to pick me up. I didn't bother telling my mom where I was going, but I did tell Lacy. She was more interested.

I got into Niall's car and it was just us two. I buckled myself, and looked over at Niall. Except it wasn't Niall. It was Louis.


"Louis? I thought Niall was picking me up?" I asked, very confused.

"I persuaded him into letting me pick you up, in his car. And I just want to do this before we go." Louis said shyly. He leaned over, and kissed me.

Okay. Sorry. I haven't uploaded in like, two weeks. I suck. I know. Hopefully that makes up for it. Oh and I know there is only a few people reading this, but please go check out my Bestfriend in real life, 723Maddiee . She is a great writer, and if you like this so far, you will like Maddie's books. She has two completed, and she just started one about Zayn. Please check her out! Thanks! Kaybye.


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