Old "Friends"

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I like the title to this one. I just thought it fit this chappie so much.

Niall's P.O.V.


I looked over to the door to see the person that almost killed me a year ago.

"Amy." Louis smiled.

I walked over to the door, and gave Louis a look of disgust. "What do you want?" I hissed, and Amy wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I came to tell you that I am over myself and Amy. I don't know what came over me that day. I'm sorry. Eleanor and I went to a mental hospital for about 6 months. I wanted Eleanor to come with me to say good bye, but she went to visit her parents." Louis stared at his feet while he said this. I felt Amy poke my arm. I looked down at her and she motioned for me to come inside the flat.

"Please excuse us for a minute." I told Louis, trying to be as polite as I could, as I backed away from the doorway, and shut the door.

"How did he get our address?!" I whisper-shouted to Amy.

"How am I supposed to know?!" Amy whispered back. "But I think that he needs to come inside and explain."

"You want to invite the man who almost killed me into our home?!" I questioned. "Are you crazy?!"

"I said he needs to explain himself!" She whisper-shouted to me. "Let's just invite him inside, and let him explain."

I shook my head, rolled my eyes, and reluctantly opened the door to the flat.

"Louis. You are to come in, explain yourself, and then leave. Got it?" Amy told him. She is so controlling... I love it.

Louis nodded, and I moved out of the way for him to get in, and shut the door.

"Nice place." Louis said, looking around.

"Not the point," I hissed. "How did you get our address?"

"A phonebook of Mullingar." He said simply.

"Start from the beginning Louis." Amy told him.

"Well, after I attacked Niall, I went into my hotel room, and paced. I wanted you, Amy. I wanted you, but I wanted Eleanor too. The day after, Liam came and I told him what I thought happened, which was totally different to what had actually happened. Then a few days later, I had my court date. The judge had sentenced me to the mental hospital for six months, and Eleanor for 3. During my time in the hospital, I thought about Amy, and Eleanor. Eleanor I had, why would I need another girl? So I let go of my feelings for you, becuase Niall had you, and I had Eleanor. I had just worked up the courage to come here, and tell you both this. I still need to talk to Harry and Zayn. Well," Louis stood up. "I guess I need to leave now. It was nice talking to you guys after so long." Louis started towards the door.

"Wait," I said. I'm crazy. Niall James Horan, you are crazy. I reached out my hand. "Mates?"

Louis reached out, and shook my hand. "Mates."

Amy's P.O.V.

Wow. That really just happened. Louis left our flat, and Niall came next to me on the couch.

"I told you this was a good idea." I smirked. "Now your mates with Louis again." I stood up, and grabbed my purse. "Anything else you need from the grocery?"


Louis's P.O.V.

As  I walked out of Amy's apartment building, I dialed Eleanor's phone number.

"Hey Baby." She said to me.

"Hey. It worked." I told her.


"Yeah. Those idiots think that we went to a mental hospital, and that we don't want to kill them anymore. Niall even thinks I'm his mate!"

"Oh my gosh, I didn't think it would work! You must've really had them going!"

"I did," I laughed. "I'll be home soon baby. Bye babe."

"Bye baby. Love you." I hung up the phone. I love Amy, I thought.

I bet you still hate me. It is currently 12:14 am where I am right now. I couldn't sleep, so I wrote. Yippee. Louis is a liar. Just when you think it's all over, it's not. MWA HAHAHA!!!!!!!! I'M CRAZAYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWA HAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!1!1111!11!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!

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