The Creep

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For the rest of homeroom I just sat there, doodling stuff on my new note books that I just received.

It only lasted ten minutes anyway.

"Hey. Sooo, I'm Ellie."
Ellie said as we were pushing our chairs in and making our way out of the classroom.

"Right. Yes!"
I hesitated on what to say as I haven't really talked to any students in a long time. Not even in Willows High. All because of... well, the incident.

I got myself together and formed a sentence.
"Um. Thank you for that... um, you know. In class."

We walked up to the lockers next to our homeroom.

There were about 25-30 of them. All in the three basic colors; pink, blue and yellow.

"Soo do you have a lock yet?" Ellie turned my way and asked as she was opening hers.

"Um, actually no. I haven't asked anyone about it yet or anything. I don't have a locker either..."

Ellie looked at me surprised. I guess every other normal persons first thing to do when they get to a new school is to get a locker.

What I mean by that is people could actually go to the point where they could wrestle each other to death just to get a good locker.

Okay, maybe I over exaggerated there just a little bit, but seriously, it can get bad.

When people get lockers they try getting them in the perfect area.

On the top row,
Somewhere near the side,
Not near the class rooms,
Beside your friends.

Yeah that's it.
That's what all the chaos is about.

And of course knowing my luck, there weren't any top lockers left.

"Well we can still find something for you!"

I tried to put my thoughts together, as I kind of stoped paying attention to what is happening around me.

Right. My locker. Or actually a locker that I still don't have, because that's how un-organized I am.

"This one's free!" Ellie gasped happily pointing at a bottom locker near the end.

It was about 4 lockers away from hers which wasn't that bad.

I looked at it for a while. Okay, that's the place I'm going to have to go for my entire school year from now on. It's.... going to be fine.

I saw Ellie looking at me from the side of my eye.

As she was about to say something, I heard footsteps coming closer and closer near us.

"You know, we can still look for anothe-"

She didn't get to finish that sentence.

"Hey... Alex right?"
A guy said walking up to me. I thought saw him somewhere before... In my class! He's in my class! Wow, how stupid am I.

"No! It's ALEXANDRA. NOT Alex!"
I shouted quite loudly, without thinking.

He shoved his dark, curly ended, hair across from his forehead, making it uncover his deep light blue eyes.

He stood there looking at me. Kind of shocked I guess.

What did I just do????

Ugh, of course I always I have to mess things up. Like, this guy was actually going to talk to me!

And he's kinda cute too...
AHH what am I saying?!?!

"Oh my god. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-. I just have this thing... with my name."

Then there was this silence.

And it was different from what happened d previously in class.

It wasn't a awkward weird silence.

It was an un-explainable silence.
Something I've never experienced before.

I looked him in the eyes.
The more I looked, the more blue they got.

He started to form a smile.

More like a smirk though.

Like a smile, but hinged to the side.

I broke the 2 second silence and said with a much calmer voice

"I'm Alexandra."
That's when I put my smirkle on.

(That's a word I just made up; smile + smirk = smirkle)

"So I came here to ask if you would wan-."
And then he was interrupted. Of course!

"Come On Levi! What are you doing with that creep?!" I heard a high pitched voice, screeching from the other side of the corridor.

Sounds of high heels hitting the school floor got louder.

One of those popular girls came up to us, and took Levi by the arm.

She gave me a side eye with a disgusted look, looking at me straight into my eyes.

I blinked once and as soon as I realized, she turned around, flicking her long blond hair, and taking Levi along with her.

They walked away to join the others from their group.

I should have known.

This was all probably a set up all along.

I mean, no one would want to talk to me.

Ellie placed her hand on my shoulder and said quietly.

"You okay?"

I nodded and looked back at Levi.

I really though that there was something special that just happened.

I just didn't know what.

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