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Always remember: Someone's effort is a reflection of their interest in you.

Instead of feeling my bones breaking and a scream escaping my lips, I felt falling softly on the soft and cold cushion on the ground. Snow chilled my bones and my hair was in a tangled mess as I quickly sat up on the huge soft cushion. I checked Joe who was dusting his hair from the snow that cluttered his brown hair. I reached forward and ruffled his hair with a smirk on my lips. "Let's go, Ambrose is waiting for us," I said grabbing his hand and running along the dark boundary wall.

I kept my grip firm on Joe's hand as we walked quietly along the cemented boundary wall. I side glance the curtained glass windows, expecting Vienna to crash out of the window and bite my throat. The walk along the boundary wall seems never-ending as I cannot see Ambrose waiting for me at the end of the boundary wall.

Suddenly a crash resounds to my left and I jump. Joe grips my hand firmly and he comes closer to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Where did that sound come from?" He whispers slowly.

I gulp and face him. "I don't know. But whatever it was, it isn't good." I say keeping my voice low.

"How can you speak?" I grip him by his arms.

"Ow! That hurts." He winced.

"I need an explanation. How did you speak?"

"I—I -- don't," he stammered.

"I'll deal with you later," I said and pulled him along with me.

Half an hour later, I found the door of the boundary wall which was twice my height. Opening the latch, I found the carriage waiting for me on the other side of the road. I quickly crossed the road and found a blonde with a black woolen coat and black hat waiting for me at the side of the carriage. I frown while approaching the blonde, taking in her appearance.

"I see that you aren't punctual in doing what I told you." She said her back facing me.

My heartbeat quickened and I glanced at Joe who was looking as confused as me. "Who are you?"

She turned towards me and removed her black shades, revealing her face.

I gasped. "You're here?" I said a little loudly.

"Shush!" she said placing her finger on her red matte lipstick. "You're too loud."

"You said that you were not able to meet me yourself outside my room at the back of your note," I asked her.

"I did say that." She said glancing around. "But you know there was a change in plan. Maxmillan and Vienna went for some meeting somewhere, leaving the entire palace to myself." She said with a wink.

"You Vampires are so unpredictable," I muttered with a grimace.

"Well, try me. You don't know how tired Axis was because of my antics." She said without thinking. She shook her head immediately and brushed off the topic. "You need to leave now." She said with a small smile.

"Make sure you reach home before midnight." She said glancing at the sand clock in her hand. Her black-gloved hand lightly touched the beveled glass on the sand clock.

"Well, goodbye Ambrose," I said giving her a hug. She patted my head rubbed my back soothingly.

She turned towards Joe who was watching us with a sad smile. "I guess it was a pleasure meeting you, human." She said cocking her head to her side.

"It's Joe Griffins," I whispered in her ear.

She bit her lip and apologized. "I meant, Joe Griffins."

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