Colin is boring confirmed

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She fell asleep.

Paige couldn't help herself, nothing Colin said was interesting to her taste. Most of the things he said were questions, he was like those annoying people who kept asking personal questions on Tumblr (not sponsored).

Tony seemed most awake, but he didn't seem to be listening either, half the time he was playing with his white gloves by pull the tip then the bottom. He looked so neat, too bad the sword on his belt probably meant he could be dirty too (please don't let your mind wander off in my family friendly server).

Paige's eyelids fluttered shut the moment Colin started babbling about things that seemed to intrigue Tony. The two started talking and Paige just fell asleep.

When she woke up, Colin seemed a little annoyed, Lavender was containing her laughter and Gilbert seemed half worried half shocked. At first, Paige was utterly confused, until she looked down and saw Tony under her. He was pushing against Paige's sharp pencil with the flat side of his clock hand shaped sword.

Apparently Paige was sleep fighting. That's a first.

Unfortunately, when Paige woke up, her guard was down and Tony easily managed to push her back. She fell to the ground and it somehow enraged her a little. Now that Tony was standing, she could see the wounds she had given him when she was asleep.

There was a hand size gash on the side of stomach and he looked like he was limping, on one hand held his sword and the other was over his stomach. But what disturbed her the most was his smile, he was smiling sinisterly, there was red glint in his eyes despite them being golden, maybe a trick of the light, he held his sword tightly and muttered the words, "My turn." before he swiftly moved forward and stabbed Paige through the chest.

There was laughter, screaming and Harry walking in with his hand pinching the bridge of his nose frustratingly.

"Guys, you're not suppose to do this while Manny's home. Didn't you know?" Harry sighed as he watched Paige bled out, Tony had already returned his sword onto his belt. You could tell Harry was a little shaken by the scene but he kept a straight face.

"Apologies, but Paige started it." Tony pointed at the girl bleeding on the floor.

"That's just childish, she was sleep walking slash fighting," Lavender shot Tony a look, "nobody told you to kill her."

"She killed me first, it's only fair I killed her too." Tony sat down and winced in pain from the wounds, they were starting to heal, they healed faster for him since he wasn't human.

"Guys! What's most important here is my carpet!" Colin complained. "It's ruined and stained with her blood!"

"Oh shut up-" Lavender rolled her eyes but was interrupted by Harry who shouted, "SHUT UP!"

"Nostalgia much?~" Colin chimed, Harry gave Colin a glare which made him quieten down.

By then, Paige had resurrected from the dead and groggily woke up. She rubbed her head and got up onto her feet all brand new except for her blood stained clothes.

"Well darn, my dress is ruined! I'll have to find a new one I guess." Paige hummed, she didn't sound so frustrated by this, just a little amused. Tony had also healed finished already and also got up, "Me too."

"Alright, you'll find some in the laundry room. In the meantime," Gilbert huffed, "let's clean this mess up." He looked down at the carpet and around the room, it wasn't just the carpet that was ruined. The table was turned over and had marks all over it, the bookshelves were on the floor and the books were scattered everywhere, the printer was shattered across the floor and Gilbert's favorite table was split in half.

"Okay." Paige started for the door as Harry entered the room to help, she eyed Tony suspiciously as he followed her. Nothing could go wrong right?

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